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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2793096 No.2793096 [Reply] [Original]

Hey biz, I recently started an e-commerce store but have ran into some issues. I have consistently been getting less than 10 visitors per day. Unfortunately, my marketing budget is nearly non-existent. I've allotted about $100 towards marketing and so I'm curious, what does /biz/ recommend for cheap marketing to drive traffic and sales?

>> No.2793108

1. Create a shit coin called Marketing Coin
2. Start spreading fake news that the coin is going to moon
3. Create a service which let people do marketing for the coin

>> No.2793110

facebook ads. however, depending on what youre selling, it may be difficult to find the right target market. this $100 should be seen more as a testing budget to allow you to test different ad photos, targets, ad text, etc.

t. someone who's been where you are and quickly realized how expensive advertising is

>> No.2793116

There's no such thing as cheap marketing. Marketing pays, it doesn't cost.
The best way to get visitors with little to no budget is by gaining trust through publishing content and shilling on social media platforms.

>> No.2793146

Get a bot and create an account for your company on every social platform. It won't be millions of views, but you will get a steady trickle of 100 visits a day if your profiles and site aren't garbage. It also builds a "social media presence" and makes you look legitimate.

>> No.2793228

I've already set up a Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, but I'm just barely staying over 100 followers and only getting 4-5 visits per day off of social media

>> No.2793282
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download 1 000 000 000 emails from leaked dumps

hire botmaster to deliver your message to downloaded emails

even with 0.01% ctr you will make a bank

>> No.2793394

Hired, do you accept MRKCoin wage payment?

>> No.2793454

What I used to do is run bots all night, and manually reply to people and post during the day. Good accounts would get about 25 new followers per day, boring accounts got maybe 5-10. If your account is good/funny, people won't care that it's an obvious bot. Try to get it the culture a little bit. My site was geared toward the cosplay community, so I would post cosplay memes along with product shots and general cosplay culture stuff. When your account gets over about 2k followers, you can start reaching out to people for trading shoutouts.

Great way to get fined or jailed. My business partner and I briefly considered that, but found that it would be a $16k fine per unsolicited message. We had scraped about 2mil Facebook users and were going to have a bot DM them.