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2789975 No.2789975 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hey Emma did you hear about all the money Anon lost trading cyrptocurrency?" LOL get out Jessica...Anon wouldn't do that! No way. Really?" "YES" "Wow what a LOSER! No wonder he's still a virgin! tehehehhehehe!!"

>> No.2789983

Interesting, Im going to post this on reddit!

>> No.2789990

You only lose money if you sell.

>> No.2789997

I'm still up x1.5, bitches. Now get me a Starbucks coffee.

>> No.2790013
File: 42 KB, 780x636, 887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about 3D girls' opinions

>> No.2790019

No anon, you only lose money if you buy.

>> No.2790028

so I finally made the cut to be the topic of the conversation


>> No.2790030

women get turned on by men who don't give a fuck about them.

Try it and you might stop being a wizard.

>> No.2790035

Exactly. Once this all smooths out, one Triple Blowjob comin' right up.

>> No.2790037

Hey everyone, look at this dumb shit who didn't hedge their Ark investment.

Get the fuck off the internet anon.

>> No.2790041

That makes 0 sense.

>> No.2790043

Women don't laugh at virgin men, they are not that cruel. It's other men that do this.

>> No.2790046


>> No.2790056

Girls like guys who take risks. So, bacically, you are the virgin here OP.

>> No.2790073
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It's still an unrealized loss. You boys are so stupid!

>> No.2790092
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep using that word....I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.2790109

>"How do you lose money with it? Chad just bought and sold and then shorted the obvious dip. You would have to be a low IQ retard not to see the obvious dip!"

>> No.2790112

>Women don't laugh at virgin men, they are not that cruel.

Actually they're much crueler because they wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole knowing you're old and still a virgin.

>> No.2790178
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ALL WOMEN ARE WHORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2790186

>"I hear anon is one of those idiots who is holding internet magic currency "long term" and doesn't quickly get out with profits like our boy Chad. Wow, anon is truly lost, what a cowardly loser, can't even time a dip, lmao!"

>> No.2790217
File: 18 KB, 191x221, pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he actually thinks women talk like that about these things

>> No.2790236

>Hey emma you vapid little cunt, did you hear about Jessica?
>she had a back alley abortion at 14.
>What no way. really?
>FUCK YEAH. because she was spit roasted by Chad and Achmed she is now completely barren..
>bitcoin was at $250 at the time too!
>tehehehhehehe!! what a fucking loser