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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27898469 No.27898469 [Reply] [Original]

If don't own rubic you don't belong in /biz/
Also you are not white

>> No.27898595

What if I'm half white and half chink desu?

>> No.27898685

I literally can't afford it because of the high gas fee.
I added 50 bucks to a metamask thinking I could buy some rubic but the entire gas fee eats it up

>> No.27898709

They said - “All alts are fucking DUMPING”

>> No.27898730

This coin is really starting to get to me ngl.

Never have I ever seen such utter shite pump in to oblivion while a bunch of witless indians and white thrash zoomers parrot about its success.

>> No.27898766

I made that image. I am not white :) Maybe my soul is.

>> No.27898768

This is true, but the real coin is BOND, not rubic desu

>> No.27898798

Gas fee has me priced out. Holding my DOGE now since PornHub, Chaturbate and other websites are now accepting dogecoin payments. Though if I had the money to snatch up some Rubic right now, I definitely would. Things will start flying with RBC once they reveal their L2 changes.

DOGE & RBC looking towards massive gains for entirely different reasons.

>> No.27898807

Smaller dick higher IQ

>> No.27898831

The dump is going to be biblical.

>> No.27898865

Lmao cumskins

>> No.27898894

I ignored the threads from. 004 but if I bought I would be selling right now. I am retarded though since I didn't buy

>> No.27899028
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>mfw only own 7500 rbc

>> No.27899482
File: 71 KB, 675x380, rubic goku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Aryan "RUBICON" form powering up

goal power level: $1 EOW

>> No.27899578

Send me some then

>> No.27899645
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Begging for crypto is against /biz/ rules, Pajeet. You gotta put skin in the game if you want to go cubic.

>> No.27899688

should i get 1k USD worth of it rn? I just want to make it and buy my parents a house

>> No.27899739

I only have 145 stacklet

>> No.27899777

Imagine buying a russian coin from St. Petersburg. Not like one could learn after all those ICOs and scams that fucking every fucking coin from St. Petersburg (where the russian mafia is located mainly) was a scam. It was.

>> No.27899784


>> No.27899830
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Based and cubepilled

>> No.27899850

>der deustchen
we can tell

>> No.27899881

you would have to invest 50k$ to make it with Rubic right now

>> No.27899905

I feel happy for the russians though.

Tpaхни их в их жaдныe зaдницы. Глyпыe aмepикaнцы дeйcтвитeльнo кyпят любoe дepьмo, ecли вы пoкaжeтe им нecкoлькo мeмoв.

>> No.27899925

well shit...

>> No.27899931


>> No.27899947

early niggers are almost 100x. be careful with that milestone. most people also took their initials out already. as more and more people realize gains, more bagholders will be left behind. not saying this isn't a good project, but it's literally a /biz/ pyramid right now. like how late reddit niggers got dumped on with GME.

>> No.27899955


>> No.27900011

The Q&A seemed almost too organic

>> No.27900016

whats the token do?

>> No.27900035
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x1271, 1593847933636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a scam how come I'm up 8000%?
Seems like you're just butthurt you didn't make it

>> No.27900039

pajeet shitcoin
only the most retarded of /pol/acks could fall for this

>> No.27900046


>> No.27900084

psst, use probit, it have USDT/RBC trading

>> No.27900169

Пepeвoдчик пaлитcя, murican spy

>> No.27900180

If this thing ever hits coinbase or any large exchange, I think this will explode

>> No.27900209

>no easy to find website
>not tradable on binance
i am not buying your bags

>> No.27900255

still worth it. make money off this then use those funds to launch with the next 100x

>> No.27900300

You're just not used to people that don't have autism

>> No.27900302

So many butthurt anons itt. Biz never changes. After all the bull runs, after all eth threads, all link threads, here we are on the same cycle with rubic. It’s all so tiresome, I’m gonna log off and enjoy gains and hold rubic off this board.

>> No.27900337
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don't worry, you'll be buying my bags when it's on binance EOM

>> No.27900358

just tried to buy off wyre and 404'd feelsbadman, ill take it as a sign from the universe i shouldn't buy pubic

>> No.27900359

>no easy to find website
>literally the cryptos own website, rubic.exchange
>Cheaper than Uniswap
You dumb fuck

>> No.27900367

Im interested. What's the use case?

>> No.27900391


Based / Бacэд

>> No.27900395
File: 492 KB, 600x598, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hour pending transaction

>> No.27900446

only a retard would buy now. it's up fucking 100x in 2 weeks. any of the early buyers could dump and wipe out 100 anons buying at this price lmfao

>> No.27900454

Chinks are pretty dumb though. Don't believe fake shit from the CCP.

>> No.27900489

someone didn't watch the ama.

>> No.27900554

that's not how it works. on exchanges people can and will short it. it will go down. buy the rumour sell the news. we're likely already at the peak

>> No.27900567

Went in deep with 80 RBC. Ready to go to the fucking moon. I am just worried after we make it how am I going to fight off the bitches

>> No.27900632

>80 RBC
hahahaha wtf happened to this board? so you're buying a shitcoin at the all time high after a 10,000% pump with a measly $50 lmfaooooo

>> No.27900684

>pajeet shitcoin
It's literally an all-white team