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2789365 No.2789365 [Reply] [Original]

>mom is going to start forcing me to pay $500/month to keep living with her soon

It includes food and other shit too but what the fuck how is that fair I'm only 21 and in Ontario Canada

>> No.2789371


tell that fat bitch that you're never going to talk to her again and threaten to fuck up her social relations

>> No.2789372

Good luck on finding rent that cheap living on your own in Ontario.

>> No.2789386

Steal her car and wreck it into a tree and total it

Then come home and say bitch, ask me for money again and ill turn this whole house to ash you feel me?

>> No.2789389

Anon you can make more then that working 20 hours a week for a month.

>> No.2789392

Stop making this thread, you fucking autist.

>> No.2789401

Hey me. I pay 700 down from 1k last year. It's like my mom wants me to be poor. Constantly asking how much I have saved up.. and telling me to get tied down with a wymin a d get a condo asap while the market is about to tumble. 25 soon in Markham. Job pays well. 23 an hour

>> No.2789404


>> No.2789425

this seems like a reasonable solution to your problem OP

>> No.2789439

Yeah but then u save fuckall

Why would you live with your parents if you cant save shit

>> No.2789452

>I'm only 21
Move out, you bum. Get a job.

>> No.2789475

This isn't reddit you fucking normie faggot, seriously kys

>> No.2789517

you've been posting this for weeks m8, she's not gonna make you pay shit. Or you're some sad cunt that keeps reposting.

>> No.2789683

I'm sorry for reposting guys but it's really happening now and im scared. $500! Just to live with my faggot family!

>> No.2789827

Offer her you Will get a job And save money, paying 500 is ridiculous
Or Else try to rape her. She Will be too scared to do anything because it is going to ruin your while family's public image. Too afraid to tell it to anyone, you keep raping her. Eventually she will become your sex slave And start covering stuff for you.
Trust me, I'm 30 and still live with my parents because of this trick sadly it is becoming gross because she is 51 now but she isnt as active sexually anymore so it's fine

>> No.2789845

just fuck off then if she wants money
go join the canadian army or something

>> No.2789859

Ask her if she'll accept payment in cryptocoins?

>> No.2789870

Shut the fuck up op im 22 and i pay 500 to them too. I have 60k in my bank regardless of the stupid 500. Get fucked

>> No.2789880

i you can pay her 500 per month you can afford to move to some mono ambient by yourself, your relation will improve, I guarantee it

>> No.2789903

Suck my cock normie the only job I can get is minwagie.

>> No.2789926

What is a mono ambient

>> No.2789955
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Is this a meme cause I see it everyday now. Need some new ones boys

>> No.2789959

It's not a meme it's my fucking life!!!

>> No.2789972

If you have 60k in the bank and still live with your parents then you're an even bigger faggot than OP

>> No.2789992

Why do people have children and then get rid of them when they grow up like they're cats?

I don't understand it.

>> No.2789996

At 21 you're usually not supposed to be a complete waste of resources.

>> No.2790004

Fuck you normalshit my parents never did anything good for me

>> No.2790006

Go out and get a job&house.

>> No.2790051

I can see why. You whine waaaay to much. Your parents don't owe you a god damn thing.

>> No.2790065

I hate you evil normies so much I didn't ask to me born also it's a parents responsibility to help their children. FUCK YOU!!! NORMIE

>> No.2790085

They do. 18 years they helped you. How can they help someone who cant even help themselves?

>> No.2790089

Fuck you normie they only hurt me

I hate you normies you don't believe how much

>> No.2790100

>investing in crypto because a bunch of kids that can't afford $500 per month to live tell you it's a smart investment

Anyone buying crypto is a retard

>> No.2790115

You sound poor

>> No.2790128

If they hate their children so much then they shouldn't have fucked up in the first place.

>> No.2790135

think like this, if you pay rent you have rights.

That means you are paying for your room, which means you can take a girl up to your room, and fuck her silly. If she doesn't like it, well..you're paying for your room, and can do what you like.

If she doesn't like it, she can't throw you out without legal procedures, and if she does throw you out, you can sue her.

Ask for a contract, and have it checked by a lawyer.

>> No.2790136

You'll be better for it in the long run. Get used to the cold harsh realities of the world now.

>> No.2790146

I feel like this wouldn't go over well tbqh. She'd probably be outraged at the idea of a contract also im a virgin

>> No.2790156

situation sounds untenable. Better just go kill yourself

>> No.2790185

Shes trying to take money off you. How do you know she won't rip you off?

If you are paying rent, (which is what you are doing) you need protection.

If you moved out you would sign a contract so why not have the same legal protection now. Doesn't matter who it is, mother or not, you are paying rent.

If its too much for you start looking for cheap housing, and stop playing on the computer, given time you will get your end away, you are probably only a virgin because you are still living with your mum.

>> No.2790190

What do you mean? Having your 21 year old son pay 500$ a month for room and board is hate?

>> No.2790192

Live in toronto Canada.

Pay 925 a month not including utilities or food. Have a 1bedroom that's smaller than the one at my parents house.

This is one of the cheapest rents you can find for a 1bdrm in toronto.

500 is an amazing rent for this housing market.

>> No.2790195

I feel like they'll get angry if I bring it up. It includes food so im not sure how that would even theoretically make it into s contract.

>> No.2790215

Get a safe deposit box to keep your valuables in then move out and get a bunch of roommates.

Or join the military.

>> No.2790216

You allot a specific amount of money for food. The rest alloted for rent.

For example:
$300 per month rent
$200 per month food

She is technically your landlord if you are paying her money. She has no right to get angry if she is asking you to pay her money to live there, you should be angry that this is being thrown at you, if she thinks it is fair you pay to live there, then it is also fair you have legal protection.

>> No.2790223


The only thing she can do is throw you out, thats her only trump card. If she does, you will just pay someone else money and have legal protection. You are just asking the same from her.

>> No.2790250
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I was in the same position when I was 22 op

No job, no college

Mom said time to pay some rent

I told her I was going to kill myself instead
She starting crying, but it worked

Now I'm 35 never had a job and still live with her

Play vidya, shitpost and jack off, lots of jackin off

I've got the gallon jugs of semen to prove it

>> No.2790260

Okay I guess ill do that. If push comes to shove I will steal their things and steal as much food as I can in the period while they try to evict me then

>> No.2790305
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>> No.2790318

Get used to it. My mom makes me pay $450 per month, buy my own food, and she is allowed to borrow up to another $550 every month.

I'd move, but the cheapest place that'd be my own would be like $900 per month just for rent. Fuck off.

>> No.2790325

grow the fuck up you punk ass bitch

>> No.2790348

clap that bitch

>> No.2790365

What the fuck am I reading

>> No.2790499

She's "subtly" telling you to get a job and move out.

No more tendies for you, it seems.

>> No.2790507

please be real

>> No.2790520
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>> No.2790535

I'm from Ontario, moved to Alberta when I was 20. Been here 4 years now. Stop being a pussy.

>> No.2790536

>only 21
get a job, move out, and read books. you'll get over yourself in 3 months.

>> No.2790545

Normies holy moly

>> No.2790892

OP is a massive fag

>> No.2790897


Motherfucker, that's a steal. Be grateful they don't force your ass out. If you get a job and work even just a few 8 hour shifts a week than you can easily cover that every month. Be aware that rent for other places will be significantly higher than this, and will also not include shit like internet or whatever other small shit that your parents pay for for themselves. It's time for you to man up and realize shit isn't free.

Stop your whining.

>> No.2790907

Hey dad, didn't know you used 4chan

Seriously what is wrong with you normie.

>> No.2790927

>how is that fair

Does she pay more than $500 a month to live where she lives?
Do you benefit from her paying this money?
Are you using goods and services that equal out to $500 a month or less?

These are all factors that make it fair, but more importantly it doesn't matter whether it's fair or not. She is providing you terms of an agreement. If you can find a better situation elsewhere, do it. If not, accept this agreement.

>> No.2790933

Stop making this thread and get a fucking job and pay her already you fucking NEET

>> No.2790956

>it's another "my anglo mom hates me"

>> No.2790971
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>> No.2790973

Do you not have a job
Do you not have some way of obtaining a regular income?

If not why the fuck are you here go complain about it to /r9k/ or some shit. Unless your mom is offering to pay us in bitcoins to fuck her so she can afford your autistic ass why should we give a shit?

>> No.2790992

>"only" 21
>has to pay a measly 500$/mo

Jesus fucking christ.

grow. the. fuck. up.

>> No.2790996

>le normies xD


>> No.2791008

No seriously. Why so you honestly believe it's normal to charge your children $500 per month

>> No.2791023

If you cant figure that out yourself, then you are bound to be a fucking loser for the rest of your life, i guarantee it.

>> No.2791037

Sorry not everybody is as smart as you. Are you going to give actionable advice or just harass me?

>> No.2791048

you're lucky she didn't kick your useless NEET ass out at 18

>> No.2791090

Parents aren't charging their kids for THEIR monetary gains, their doing it for their kids.

It forces the shut-in spoiled neet to actually partake in the world, get a job, get to know people and experience shit they cant teach you by just telling you how it is.

Instead of being a shitty curling parent they are hoping that you wont waste you life sitting in front of your computer all day, being antisocial, depressed and finally killing yourself at 28.

Who fucking knows, they might give everything back once you can stand on your own feet instead of being carried through life like a useless bag of meat.

>> No.2791128

Children are a good long term investment. Have like 10 kids, fuck them just enough so that they can't manage and support a family of their own and have to stay home, charge them $500 a month each to live in your $900/month home, profit like crazy.

>> No.2791142

MFW my mortgage and related expenses are $3k/month in a mediocre city and some fucking NEET is crying about $500/monin Ontario.

Your priorities are retarded. Try to find your own spot without mommy subsidizing your lazy ass and see how that turns out.

>> No.2791156

I bet your mom is one of those "my work life sucks so I have to spread that misery to everyone" people.

Just refuse to pay, learn whether you have rights or not, I bet at 21 years old in Canada she can't just kick you out of the house if you don't pay.

You could also file abuse charges against her, probably all sort of shit you can file against her in canada for pain and suffering. And finally, just get on some welfare program. You're in Canada, if you can't afford 500 a month you're definitely welfare material. You could find some first nations woman to marry and collect all their welfare. Or all else fails join the Canadian military, that's like welfare I guess.

Just work out, learn dumb military rules, follow orders and stand around I guess. .

>> No.2791185

You might actually be retarded, either way you reek of teenage angst and naivety. Please stop posting.

>children are a good financial investment

Fucking kill yourself already. I'm pretty sure your parents are down hundreds of thousands in the long run, and it was all for you - to give YOU a happy life and a better future, you ungrateful little shit.

>> No.2791225

This. No parent enjoys watching their children stagnate

>> No.2791235
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Send this to her facebook.

>> No.2791249


>> No.2791276

If you can't secure shelter at your age just quit life now

>> No.2791280

Is this a new meme or is this the same man child OP?
>I'm only 21
Unless you are retarded or crippled you should have had a job for years, yes even if you go to college/school, you are a grown man and 500 is cheap, far cheaper than living alone, probably not even enough to actually break even on the cost of your monthly Tendie Budget. Also inb4 muh no jobs, do manual labor, babysit, walk dogs, mow yards, get a job at a gas station or Walmart, Tim Horton's is probably hiring.

>> No.2791289

same manchild

we have a few loonies from r9k trying to be funny here.

>> No.2791291
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>He lives in Ontario Canada.

>> No.2791356

no wonder this board is full of crypto losers when idiots like OP and those that defend his leech lifestyle make the majority of posters. lol

>> No.2791372

I'm 21 and live at home and don't have to pay for rent, lol. Perhaps your parents hate you. I'm lucky mine actually like me.

>> No.2791391
File: 109 KB, 480x259, 1499660215997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neet , I need a room for that much.
do you have a basement ?

>> No.2791442

what a bunch of fucking losers.

$500 is cheap as fuck.