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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 33 KB, 1024x1024, bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27893004 No.27893004 [Reply] [Original]

For almost 4 years I've been invested in Bitcoin and solid altcoins like Eth but have avoided completely the altcoin craze. I laughed and cringed at people buying into short term rug pools, thinking of them as low IQ niggers and being supremely happy with my BTC HODL strategy which has reaped me hundreds of thousands in rewards.

Finally last week I saw this beautiful coin with the most cute and beautiful name I have ever seen. I couldn't fucking help it, I finally wanted some of those crazy memeshitcoin returns and I sold 6 figures of BTC and bought in big into Bao. I was initially so happy with my decision, I couldn't stop smiling, looking at Bao memes and saying the word out loud.


Well today I've lost fifty thousand fucking dollars because of this worthless dogshit of a coin and I just wanted to say fuck all of you braindead memecoin niggers and your worthless shitcoins.

Never again.

>> No.27893092

the trick is getting in early. how do you not this after years?

>> No.27893146

Did you read the documentation? You're not supposed to buy it. You're supposed to farm it.

>> No.27893145

anon you bought after a 30x

>> No.27893166

Read the FAQ, start farming.

>> No.27893199

Dont buy. FARM.

Anyway, this little alt coin is well run and organized. Just take a look at their discord, the announcements and the recent developments. They are even moving to Xdai to make transactions cheaper.

It will go up again.

>> No.27893207

got in early last month. im still 100x.

not shilling. but this coin has not been around long at all, you think you could day trade this? are you retarded? dyor

>> No.27893239
File: 638 KB, 1024x1024, 9370FED7-EFC9-4278-9A36-A7E6B5CFB7C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for playing.

>> No.27893276

will you kill yourself when this goes up after march? do you even know why we bought this in january?

>> No.27893409


For all you know the entire bull market could be over by then, if BTC ever goes down and the bull market ends then this fucking weeb meme coin is going to zero.

>> No.27893527
File: 40 KB, 740x639, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Larp
Nice Lie

if you bought last week you are still up my man.

>> No.27893611

>BAO is born
u r here
>BAO expands the team
>BAO listed on major exchanges
>BAO mc 1/4 SNX
>BAO mc 1/2 SNX

i mean did you intend to buy in long term in month 1.5 or not?

>> No.27893723
File: 57 KB, 720x482, 48558512-15167626365862508_origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For all you know the entire bull market could be over by then, if BTC ever goes down and the bull market ends
This, the real test is if BTC can break above 40,000 again

We're about to find out if we're in the "bear trap" phase or the "return to normal" phase

>> No.27893806

you are a stupid subhuman who bought at ATH, im still up 10x on bao. kill yourself

>> No.27893847
File: 713 KB, 1024x416, lambao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 0.00009 was the highest I bought at

>> No.27893906

I warned you so many fucking times not to trust a Chinese dumpling.
Enjoy your $50,000 idiot tax

>> No.27893925

see you in march

>> No.27893964

Shill me on the next moon mission, great senpai.

>> No.27894033

>FOMOed in like a retard
>gets mad


>> No.27894123

buy PRQ under 1.10 & RBC under 0.63 my son

>> No.27894330

How do you farm it without buying in?
Anyway, I bet that without BUYING it, that the numbers farmed will be miniscule.

>> No.27894393

That's a long pasta just to say "I bought a scammy food coin and it went up hurr hurr i got lucky"

Want risk free? Go AAVE.

>> No.27894476


>i'm up hundreds of thousands on BTC
>I want to get into a meme, to make me happy, not for any fundamental reason
>I'm going to put SIX FIGURES ON IT
Since you said BTC has made you "hundreds of thousands", that puts you at max 900k otherwise you'd have said millionair. 6 figures of BTC into baocoin means you put at minimum 11% of your NET WORK
in a meme. Have some self awareness you cretin

>> No.27894517

you FOMO'd into an extremely overvalued price after a giant pump retard.

>> No.27894662

Nigga you were late $600 in bao turned to 30k in 2weeks

>> No.27894769

You're suppose to farm it, retard

>> No.27895239

Do I fucking sell this shit or wait a month. I was going to buy STAX 009 headphones and now I don't want to spend the money because I've been fucked so hard here

>> No.27895290

In at 0.00008. Happy that paperhand fags like you are getting shook. Will happily take your tokens, idiot.

>> No.27895659


>> No.27895706
File: 636 KB, 600x600, jeri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got in at 0.0004
Not selling until this shit hits 0.1

>> No.27896063


>> No.27896095

Buy high sell low

>> No.27896172

FUD more please, I don't want this shit to moon again yet, that shit destroys my goddamn farm.

>> No.27896197

you bought after a 200x, it's your fault, when one guy threw in 3 million right at the top, it was your sign to get out, if you bought after him you were rightfully exit liquified

>> No.27896236


Ok just for you I'm not fucking selling and I'm going to shill this bullshit until its 0.005. Fuck your retarded farmville bullshit.

>> No.27896251

You cunt!

>> No.27896713

Imagine being such a fucking retard that you buy your first ever altcoin after it has gone parabolic for weeks and then complain when it goes down a little bit.
I got in at 0.00009 faggot.
Please panic sell those 'heavy bags' the moment we start pumping again. If you made a thread like this for 50k I want to see what thread you make when you could have been up 100k in 3 months but pussied out.

>> No.27896732

The APY changes rapidly on these pools. I was going to unstake BAO-ETH and move to one with a much higher rate but today its almost the same as BAO-ETH.

>> No.27896782

Why are you guys responding to an obvious larger. Nobody is this retarded

>> No.27896858


Fuck yourself

>> No.27896883

The fluctuations depend on the pool weights. You should be able to read up which pools are more prone to the fluctuations.

>> No.27896906

lmao this boi still eats this rubbish
so mad to check this trashtalk about bots and algo’s that you made here
smart sharks wait for bot ocean presale finish and trade with bots on dex and cex release
>as u got I am smart and not a sucker like this niggers

>> No.27897107

Why would you put 6 figs into a chink ponzi scheme developed by one guy, which promises to lock in your gainsfor 3 years?

>> No.27897219

>Anyway, I bet that without BUYING it, that the numbers farmed will be miniscule
That's not the worst part. 95% of the amount of chinktokens you farm are locked away from you. You may only collect ("harvest") 5% which, if you do not invest your life savings into this scam, will be so miniscule that it won't pay for the gas fees it takes to collect.

>> No.27897222
File: 14 KB, 689x424, Screenshot_2021-02-06_00-37-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the lowest will be the most volatile?

>> No.27897238

I cant stop refreshing the page and every time it gets worse holy shit

>> No.27897287

hilariously untrue fud
The more larping and lies I see around this shit the more bullish I become.

>> No.27897443

piece of shit coin by one man tard who seethes at everyone in his shithole discord full of coping bagholders and retarded indian pnd chasers.