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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2788449 No.2788449 [Reply] [Original]

Ooh boy, lost £30 on this ponzy scheme. Ah well, nothing too bad. How about the rest of you guys?

>> No.2788457

Down about $400 this month trading coins. made three major mistakes in a row. Feels bad man.

>> No.2788463

I spent every last dime I made in the last 2 years on bitcoin, I'm currently browsing helium bags on amazon, mom's gonna freak when she realizes where the money she saved for my college tuition went

>> No.2788470
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, [ANK-Raws] ガーリッシュ ナンバー 04 1497878148539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I only spent what I could afford to lose

>> No.2788471

Still up 100% but it was 200% last month...

>> No.2788475

Down around 40% this month, up around 30% in total.

>> No.2788476
File: 507 KB, 583x891, Screen Shot 2017-07-15 at 2.30.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every last dime I made
>she saved
Somethings not adding up.
Pic is my captcha.

>> No.2788481
File: 58 KB, 776x1175, muh gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /biz/ right now that didn't get in years ago
Must feel bad to actually be down on your initial.

>> No.2788482


>> No.2789221

Just $50. I am glad I tested the waters with just that before putting any real money in

>> No.2790014

Just $50. Put half into BTC and half into DGB. Still holding since there's no reason to sell for such little money.

>> No.2790200

I'm up 5000$ because I know that selling exists and markets go two ways.

my god people are dumb.

>> No.2790213

still up 250%, but i was up 300% a few days ago

atleast i haven't lost any money yet

im probably going to sell at 150%, i do want atleast something out of this

>> No.2790219

you only lose money if you sell for less than you bought

>> No.2790301

Anybody who actually cares about how much they lost deserves their despair for not learning the first rule of this shit

Don't put in what you aren't prepared to lose

>> No.2790329

I keep winning.

Stop touching things that are doing good. You win when you ignore the risk areas of regular stock investing. Play coins like penny stock.

You are all about to have a chance for the first time since last year when we all bought because of the halving.

>> No.2790346


>> No.2790405
File: 142 KB, 439x585, 1447006082835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went up, then back to even because I sold like a little bitch when I could have just waited a day and got gainz.

"Down" $40 now but it seems to already be on an upward trend back to where that will break even if not gain.
Learned not to sell quick and be willing wait out "losses", have more patience on the dip instead of rushing in, and to not go all in at once and keep a bit of liquidity around so that you can jump in on unexpected changes.
Got into it knowing I was trying to earn on small changes at the top of a bubble so it was "I would only be somewhat bothered by flushing all this money down a toilet" amounts.

>> No.2790459

man it turns out that hoddle meme wasn't a meme after all

>> No.2790506

Lost nothing, mined and made 600 instead, payd of my computer just sold my 290 for twice what I bought it for (300$)
Can't loose money that you don't invest lol