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File: 54 KB, 1080x723, theRubicChadFad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27881016 No.27881016 [Reply] [Original]

Rubic is literally the chad fad posting chart.

>> No.27881061
File: 37 KB, 916x429, rubicChadFad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27881201

>go to their site for "instant" trade
>transaction stuck in pending
>fails again
>fails again
>lose all my money on repeated failed transactions and no coins to show for it
Wow this is great man cool

>> No.27881260

fud i got my rubics easily

>> No.27881296
File: 36 KB, 277x690, 1612581697641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27881314

Scam shit

>> No.27881326

never had a problem for me, but i have lost money on uniswap though. Sounds like fud and salt on missing out, btw you STILL haven't missed out. Not listed on binance yet and L2 integration coming soon

>> No.27881343

Increase slippage you retard
That happens to people all the time on Uni as well

>> No.27881483

I told you you were a pajeet scammer but I bought Rubic

>> No.27881542
File: 34 KB, 1817x349, durrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no slippage setting on here but I'm going to lose more money on these transactions not going through. Fuck this retarded ass bullshit.

>> No.27881563

Glad to have another anon to smug post my portfolio with in a few months.

>> No.27881646

on metamask

>> No.27881772
File: 13 KB, 1090x99, shitFud1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't lose money when that button is loading, you didn't even clock the trade button right? i've had that where the trade button just stays loading due to high traffic. Just refresh the page, once i put an order in i've never lost gas though. You can adjust slippage once your metamask window pops up to finalize the swap.

This is some shit attempt at fud.

>> No.27881874

wat? there's no slippage setting on metamask

>> No.27881921

I don't have enough for gas to show you the next window, but anyone who tries it will see what i'm talking about. Is that you MassEffect? Or just a salty faggot that you missed the chad fad? I'm telling you, you haven't missed it mate
once you click the trade button on rubic.exchange your metamask will pop up and you can change gas settings there.

>> No.27881976

The trade is pending. I can see it pending in my wallet. The problem is my trade has failed multiple times already. I did clock the trade that's what the button does when you do.

>> No.27882002

Bullish as fuck, I need to accumulate

>> No.27882054

did you use enough gas? fees are retarded right now so if you picked slow thats why it failed.

>> No.27882056

>once you click the trade button on rubic.exchange your metamask will pop up and you can change gas settings there
I lost all my eth on failed transactions already. This shit is gay.

>> No.27882074

Yeah man that's because you don't understand how to use a DEX, you need to increase your slippage and increase your gas.

>> No.27882152

I've already bought crypto multiple times. The problem is the system fucking sucks if everything isn't under ideal circumstances.

>> No.27882168

Can I get redpilled on crypto? I've only been into trading for about a week. Made $100 in some stocks I researched, but own no crypto. Rubic/Ethereum have caught my eye but I'm not sold on if a newfag should crypto trade or not.

>> No.27882343

That is just a symptom if the ethereum network being clogged, it has nothing to do with rubic

>> No.27882388

Just lurk for a bit and get a feel for the organic meme energy, and you'll figure out what you should roll with.
biz has an excellent track record of picking winners. (most of the time)

>> No.27882456

>trade crypto

You shouldn't trade crypto, you should hold crypto. Especially being new, you have to prepare yourself for massive price fluctuations. Your best move is to fire and forget. Choose a good coin that you like and had good fundamentals and check it again in a year.

>> No.27882732
File: 802 KB, 828x1103, rubicEasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With ethereum fees the way they are buying with less than $1000 isn't worth it when you pay $70-100 in fees. if you do decide to go in on rubic though here's how.

>> No.27882859
File: 69 KB, 967x1145, photo_2021-01-24_14-52-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, but rubic plans to fix ETH gas fees through L2 integration, making fees like $2-3 thats why it's been shooting up so hard the past 2 weeks. It's not even close to being done. Once we blow uniswap out of the water and reach it's marketcap rubic will be at $50+

>> No.27882893

How do you guys determine a crypto is worth buying into? I was hanging around when a lot of guys were going off on how Rubic was going to go big, I decided not to buy into it because I didn't know how to determine if there was anything to what those anons were saying. I've read up a little on crypto, but not much. It doesn't make much sense to me. How the fuck did some anons determine Rubic was going to be a winner?

>> No.27883096
File: 176 KB, 1622x1216, heilrubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired, not even close to being done pumping, L2 devs have confirmed within a couple months.
Read the white papers on coins
>what problems does the project fix in the crypto market
>how does it plan to do that
read the roadmap
>how quickly it'll be done, in what order?
research competition for what it's trying to do
>who is doing it faster? Who is doing it better?
Research the devs
>are they anonymous?
>are they white? (not joking white devs only for me)
>previous projects?
Check the roadmap
>how long will the important things take to be done?
Find a low marketcap coin that's doing all the above well. Buy into it, make bank.
Rubic, you can still get in before we moon to $10 then $50

>> No.27883298

lmao why did you cover the amount?

>> No.27883420

Yeah I agree with >>27883096
Mostly it really just takes tike to fully understand the crypto ecosystem. You need to get a good concrete understanding of fundamentals, it what is blockchain, what are smart contracts, staking, DEX, defi. You need to know alot, it's not something you can really just jump in to. The term DYOR (do your own reseaech) is a meme for a reason. You need to know.
Spend the next few hours just reading Wikipedia and watching YouTube videos explaining the ecosystem.

>> No.27883581

>Spend the next few hours
bruh it takes weeks minimum, it's at least an entire semester's work/study load >>27882893

>> No.27883715

i guess it depends on your IQ. I started trading last week with $3k and i'm up to $12k now thanks to Rubic. I quickly absorbed this process and key things to look out for.

>> No.27884772


>> No.27885041

I'll go ahead and hop in on this train. Only going to throw $1,000 in though since I am a poorfag and also am not educated at all on crypto. Will read up on it in the time being. Can't trade into Rubic though until the 11th, hopefully it isn't skyrocketing by then.

>> No.27885167

LMAO! I remember my first week. I made 3x my money in 2 days and go fucked dumped on. You don't understand shit. With that being said, I wish you the best

>> No.27885370

What are your predictions for rbc this week?

>> No.27885465

$1.2 EOW

>> No.27885531

why is rubic so cult like?

>> No.27885840

82 cents on probit

>> No.27885851

Making shit tons of money tends to make people happy

>> No.27885865

that takes me back

>> No.27885951

my rubic stays cubic

>> No.27885997

free money

>> No.27886015

Scam avoid

>> No.27886035


>> No.27886053

My Rubic Stays Cubic
My Rubic Stays Cubic
My Rubic Stays Cubic

>> No.27886087


>> No.27886141

SEETHING cubelet

>> No.27886149


>> No.27886181


>> No.27886221

how the actual fuck is it still going up

>> No.27886236

lo0l mass effect always fuds coins he gets priced out of LMAO

>> No.27886253

Meaningless projection
this coin is a scam

>> No.27886295

Are you the one who sold at .68?

>> No.27886326

>are you the one who _____
This coin is a scam

>> No.27886393
File: 2.46 MB, 2048x1070, 629D4D18-2731-424B-8654-51A0546CC45A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in faggot, we’re going to the moon

>> No.27886435

It literally prints free money

>> No.27886484

scam rugpull curry dump

>> No.27886572

Rubics on my pubic all year

>> No.27886638

avoid this curry nigger scam

>> No.27886712


Go here.