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2787918 No.2787918 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2787924

Could it go 1000 dollar?

>> No.2787929


weekend dip, I just snapped up a bargain and bought in at $2060

>> No.2787938
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>> No.2787944


>> No.2787966

What happens to ETH, LTC & other shitcoins when BTC goes sub 2000?

They've been extremely resilient until now (value against BTC), but I don't think they will be able to bear BTC being below 2000

>> No.2787968


nice fudding buddy

i'll shoot up $200 tomoz and i'll clean up, you can't affect the price by fudding bitcoin here, noones got enough cash on /biz/

>> No.2787969

Once it hits 2000 im fucking out and will be selling all my bitcoins. Only have 5 but still this is worrying me. I bought in at 2300 and 2750. Think im gonna stick to altcoins after this.

>> No.2787970

A rising tide lifts all ships. The opposite is also true.

>> No.2787977

>Using round psychological numbers just like other sellers will be.
Good luck.

>> No.2787988

Waiting for it to go below $2k so I can load up. I bought a little at $2.1k

>> No.2787989
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>buying or holding Bitcoin ever

Learn your lesson, its always gonna crash:

>> No.2788003

>Holding through 70% crashes when you don't have to
>Not capitalizing on the natural rhythms of the markets
Wew lad, genius.

>> No.2788007

>from $0.06 to $260 in 5 years
>this is somehow bad roi

This guy btfo's himself so goddamn hard

>> No.2788008


why don't you just hold you weak handed cuckold

>> No.2788017

The 2000 support will hold
The 2000 WILL HOLD

>> No.2788024

he was being le sarkastik

>> No.2788027

just sold 100K

>> No.2788028

>The Wall will protect us from the White Walkers.
>Winter isn't coming.

>> No.2788029

See you next year fking day trader
Hodlers always win in the long term

>> No.2788033

Weekly support broken

Get out now!

>> No.2788035

omg i hope ur wrong so damn much

>> No.2788042

Why would you get out? You're always going to have x amount of BTC. Just buy and hoddle.

>> No.2788046
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>> No.2788057

currently at 2023

>> No.2788060

If you want yo buy back in lower

>> No.2788064


>> No.2788066

Ah well yes.

>> No.2788068

These newfags from reddit haven't traded for more than 2 months. They don't understand the concept.

>> No.2788071
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Come on Coinbase pls drop to below $2k i wanna buy so much.

Any better places to buy?

>> No.2788073

plebbit > biz any day

>> No.2788076

Why wait for a $50 move so it reaches some pleasing, arbitrary round number? Just buy now if you are so convinced it will go up.

>> No.2788078

I don't have a lot of $$. Every cent counts.

>> No.2788094

then why not wait till it hits and actual low?

>> No.2788098

Is this going to be the last big sell off or are we going to keep going through this shit every other day or two

>> No.2788099

We will unequivocally, without an ounce of doubt, with a 1000% chance of certainty, definitely continue to dip 11 days after aug 1st.

>> No.2788104


probably at least until August 1

why 11

>> No.2788110
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memetic reasons

>> No.2788114
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Does Kek will it?

>> No.2788142
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>> No.2788143

If singles, BTC does NOT go below 2k

>> No.2788153

kek has spoken

>> No.2788157

Kek doesn't speak through singles.

>> No.2788160


>> No.2788161

Kek speaks through declaration and invocation you fucking nigger.

BTC will NEVER EVER NEVER go below 2k

>> No.2788164

I bet there are more niggers getting liquidated than bagholders biding their time

>> No.2788171
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>> No.2788181

if dubs all you nyuggas get BTFO by sub-$1.7k BTC by the end of july

>> No.2788182

Get fucked

>> No.2788187


Coinone and Gemini are only 22 USD apart. less than 1%

During the peak they were about 20%

Another signal in all the noise... (The Korean Arbitrage is not there any more)

>> No.2788200
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> 11 days

Yeah, no, kek has failed you bigly.

>> No.2788203

It will hold. The 2000 barrier will. Fucking. HOLD

>> No.2788206

Is 2000 strong support level?

>> No.2788214

I think the biggest surprise is LTC holding ground with everything else dropping, if that's not a strong fucking BUY signal then idk what is

>> No.2788217


>> No.2788222

If doubles btc will reach 3k before august

>> No.2788229

You went over BTC sub 1000 by August

>> No.2788235


FUCK YEAH, KEK HAS SPOKEN. Not only will it go to 3k, it will soar past that.

>> No.2788260

I remember it dipping hard this time last year it went down to $500 or something kek

>> No.2788285

ETC is holding up pretty well too after a big spike a couple of days ago.

>> No.2788293
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1000BTC wall just showed at $2020

>> No.2788294

>Before the money laundering Chinks and the rest of the yellows threw their lot in.

You aren't getting $500 btc, champ.

>> No.2788297

Chinks were in the BTC business long before that.

>> No.2788303

Not officially, no. Don't imply that the spike to 3k wasn't on the back of china lifting restrictions on btc

>> No.2788345


which exchange?

>> No.2788374

okay. then answer me what would happen in August 1?
will it be like eth so there will be BTC classic and BTC modern and the price will crash till August 1or what?

>> No.2788409

we should start disseminating false information via social media that bitcoin is definitely going to split in august and half all bit coins will be worthless to scare normies into selling.

>> No.2788417

>implying normies hold BTC
>scaring normies so that they don't come in later to buy BTC and make it mainstream

>> No.2788440


longterm it would be very good if we could kill blockstream and core, those kikes are really what is killing the growth in bitcoin. I would double down on BTU should it become a hardfork, it will eventually overcome BTC because the kikes at blockstream are strangling BTC by attempting to control it.

Choking the bitcoin network to drive up fucking transfer prices? What the fuck. I want to move my BTC into a cold wallet and I can't because it fucking costs over $1 just to move the bitcoin.

>> No.2788456


>> No.2788466

Going back down

>> No.2788480

I was going to buy more at 2100 immediately started going down at 99.

>> No.2788561

BFX $2000 buy wall had 888 coins 2 hours ago

Now it has 664

>> No.2788571

Go make a BFX thread then

>> No.2788577
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>is even considering btu
>doesn't like core, with over 100 of the most competent devs in the space
>doesn't know how to set his own transaction fee

>> No.2788603

going to at least 1800 if not lower. Sold everything at 2300. Get out while you can and buy cheaper in August.

>> No.2788604

90 of whom fix spelling errors

The other 10 kick out any who don't follow their vision

BTU may be shit but there is classic, XT, bcoin, chinkcoin...

Once the cancer that is core is cut out bitcoin will be free to moon like never seen before.

>> No.2788634


fuck off shill, if you want to wait 24 hours for a fucking transfer then go post your mail in a mailbox, else you pay your $1+ fee.

Competency != sincerity, i'm certain almost all those devs are on blockstreams payroll.

Why the utter refusal to increase the block size even by 1 mb? There is obviously kikery afoot on the bitcoin network, it is intentionally being strangled to force us to use the lightning network which will be centrally controlled.

>> No.2788801

The jews never lose

>> No.2788834
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>> No.2789671
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>that feel when you will buy a $1500 BTC soon

>> No.2789700

this, i've been patentiently waiting for it and resisted to buy every time the price fell to 2000.
I'm sure it will go lower than 1500 after august 1

>> No.2789717

Remember this guy from a few hours ago?

>> No.2790557

Fucking shut up

>> No.2790569

We've passed the $2000 floor.

Next support is probably 1800, I wouldn't doubt that we're going lower.

>> No.2790572

too many zeroes

btc needs a nice 80% correction to get all the greedy traders out

>> No.2790664

Normies set buy and sell orders at round numbers.

It will either crash hard or bounce back at the big 000 trips.

>> No.2791501
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Not doubles, but triples. BTC WILL CRASH HARD!

>> No.2791509

Yeah. Into the moon.

>> No.2791759

I am also thinking it will end up around $700-800. First it will rally around $1700, and get all the people who were anxious to buy. Then it will crash again and eliminate all the buyers for a while.

>> No.2792525

this is about segwit, not block size. the fact that you can't understand this tells me you are 100% newfriend.

>> No.2793580

$1200 here we come.


>> No.2793590

that was the point of the video my guy

>> No.2793592

Sure, based on the previous boom and slow bleed to 40%.

>> No.2793593

The dirty chinks are fucking us over

Time to officially panic

>> No.2793624

what did kek mean by this??

>> No.2793700

Such stupid low attemp fud
Much newfriends

Its really sad that whatever newfags here, actually stupid enough to try to get solid info from these shills, are actually eating this nonsense up..

Welp, keep buying low i guess..

Heres the deal newfags,
>Core has huge stick up their ass, yes.
>btu has better size and shit going for it, but ya know what- so does fucking bitbean..
>bitcoin is all about brand name kids
>split that brand name and youre gonna split the price too
>core is bottlenecked to at least halfway pull that stick out their ass if they want to keep funding their puppeteers slush funds

Its the usual bitcoin is dead bullshit, but it is a lil scary this time, but as always- king btc will prevail and those that been through this game multiple times over the years will have the front seats

>> No.2794051
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>> No.2794073

mm-m-m-mmm--aybe th-this is thee bottom

>> No.2794196
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BTC near support window, $1889 was May 11 high which is the bottom of the window top is ~$1912 which was tested three times and held on each test, it will likely hold on first visit and go for a swing high off of it. I'm expecting that bounce to get faded though due to the possible hard fork.

>inb4 TA doesn't apply to cryptos :^)

>> No.2794218

take this vodoo somewhere else

>> No.2794606

If you traded you would know it is real

>> No.2794632


>> No.2794705



>> No.2794729

>buy high sell low
You'll fit right in here, famalam.

>> No.2795048
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>> No.2795169
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>> No.2795482

Guys should I be worried?

Because I'm not. But, should I be?

>> No.2795490

you don't have to because this is going down to 0

>> No.2795496

>claiming to predict natural rhythms of market better than chance

lel you must be new

>> No.2795509

Hahahaha it's all good goys

>> No.2795525
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mfw baghodling over 500 coins
Plz make it stop, goyim )'''':

>> No.2795529

For BTC it's not that hard. The fluctuations are never more than 20%, often less than 10%. Because Tether overreacts whenever there's trouble, what you do is go into Tether whenever BTC has been up 10-15%, then set a sell order slightly lower than the previous dip's bottom. You obviously won't time it perfectly every time, and there will be times where you're stuck in Tether when alts are mooning, but if you play it smart and safe, it's not that difficult to increase your BTC supply by 5-10% every week.

>> No.2795546

Lol. Post all your calls to buy or sell in public in advance and it'll become obvious in time you have no idea what you're doing.