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27869279 No.27869279 [Reply] [Original]

fuck you nigger

>> No.27869328

Ay jit

>> No.27869387


>> No.27869456
File: 12 KB, 344x339, 35346123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh. I'm just about done with this shit.

>> No.27869555

there's no way thats real?
what are you using to send?

>> No.27869663

converting uni to rubic on uniswap

>> No.27869691

>send assets to aave, earned interests
>not even enough to cover the cost to transfer out
Is this aave way of scamming us?

>> No.27869713

>its real

Life lost the meaing a long time ago, i just want to make it so i can kms in peace

>> No.27869777

ERC20 is a ponzi chain
Any tokens on it are doomed to fail

>> No.27869851

Thats the nigger tier way. Use probit.

>> No.27869932

its trading for like 10 cents more on probit im putting 2k in

>> No.27869978

why would Vitalik allow this

>> No.27870007
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checked and agreed

>> No.27870012

fuck russia

>> No.27870085

i didnt really notice last night when i swapped around. i apprently payed over 500 for one swap. NGMI.

>> No.27870260


>> No.27870341
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Stop swinging 5k+ stacks at 5pm and you'll be much happier/richer.

>> No.27870721

>Stop swinging

I'm not. I'm trying to use GRT for it's intended purpose.

>> No.27870893

I just did the same shit buying reef homie.

this is fucking insanity.

>> No.27871064

its real. i just tried buying rubic to get $50 worth and it costs more to mine it. worthless.

>> No.27871083

Stop buying shit coins and just hold eth until rates go down. Everyone is plowing through eth trying to get rich off shitcoins when you can get rich holding eth.

>> No.27871113
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Fantom fantom Fantom opera

>> No.27871174

Stop swapping shitcoins ever 2 fucking days.

>> No.27871533


>> No.27871678

check'd and based

>> No.27871861
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It seems like everyone's awfully fed up about these gas fees due to unprecedented public interest.
Who knows what comes next? It's anyone's guess, really.

>> No.27871869

these shitcoins are being pumped out for the profit of Big Gas

>> No.27872022
File: 51 KB, 1242x1132, bsc_ethgas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> add binanace smart chain network to your list of networks in metamask (see link below)
> buy some BNB and transfer them to your adress using BEP-20, this is for gas
> start buying tokens on PancakeSwap,they have around 100 tokens (many cross compatible or following ERC-20 tokens)
> pay $0.1 in gas per exchange/adding LP and less per transfer

> https://medium.com/stakingbits/setting-up-metamask-for-binance-smart-chain-bsc-921d9a2625fd
> https://pancakeswap.info/tokens

>> No.27872215

even LINK?

pls no sirs

>> No.27872270

I wish I had seen this before paying 200 fucking dollars to stake my BNT

>> No.27872306

BSC or xDai (PancakeSwap or HoneySwap). Feelsbadman honestly, I have $50 worth of ETH in my wallet and all my tokens ($15k) are on mainnet. This means, if they pump hard (and ETH pumps hard too), I'll likely have to pay $200 each just to swap them back out to a stablecoin ready to convert into fun money for spending

>> No.27872678

What is GRT's intended purpose?

>> No.27872759

gay sex

>> No.27872768

I spent 90$

>> No.27872848
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fuck you

>> No.27872879

it's because of this that ETH will crash to nothing and finally be treated like the worthless shitcoin it is soon enough

>> No.27872982

GRT = Gay retarded tech

>> No.27872999
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Crazy gasfees right?

>> No.27873074

so ETH is basically dead

>> No.27873146
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getting fucking rich

>> No.27873149

Nah, same shit happened in 2017. People are going to live with this. ETH is the chosen layer 1 solution. Too much adoption, no dev likes doing migrations (too much friction), just accept money skelly’s inflated fee network. JUST BUY DAT EFFERIUEM NIGGA

>> No.27873181

can someone explain to me what a fucking gas fee? This sounds so unbelievably retarded I donno why someone would want to deal with it. And what is this delegation i hear about too?

>> No.27873195

ETH is not for poorasses niggers

>> No.27873513

gas fees have skyrocketed in the last few weeks. Etherium transactions have fluctuated in price from $4 to $140. You have to pay those who verify the transactions, otherwise they wouldn't waste their electricity on you. I wouldn't bother with eth this week at all, there's a thousand other coins out there that won't fuck you today.

>> No.27873595

I have given up on that shit.

>> No.27873608

It’s bloatware.
>pay over $100 in (((gas fees))) to send $10
>the future of finance!

>> No.27873848

Eth transactions for what exactly? I use Coinbase, and I only get small transaction fees for when im buying and selling.

>> No.27874022

Uniswap is gearing up to make UNI the gas coin for unibase. It's clear they're trying to do everything in house, which is why imo UNI is a better stacker than ETH right now. I doubt it'll ever reach the same price as ETH, but that all depends on how many people keep using uniswap after the change.

>> No.27874040

10 cents more is better than double the price.

>> No.27874125

Then you're not swapping large stacks. Try and swap 400 or 500 coins and you'll have a gas fee of over $100

>> No.27874224
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pay the toll

>> No.27874354

if your swapping 400 to 500 coins of eth thats enough money to charge 100 bucks for. is this a blanket of all eth coins tho? cuz thats pretty shitty if so. and no im not moving big stacks around. im holding about 3500 in cryptos right now (super comfy cuz i only put in about 1000 and im about to dump a shitload more into this, could actually make a lot i think)

>> No.27874562

crypto is literally fucking dead. just wait for $400 fees, and then some scare push by congress and the IMF banging drums again. house of cards

>> No.27874729

Checked and kek'd

>> No.27875587

2nd layer solutions like Loopring already handle simple send transactions
ETH gas fees are only this high because smart contracts use much more gas than sending tokens

Sending tokens uses 30-40k gas

Uniswap uses 180k gas, the # of tokens being moved at once is irrelevant

>> No.27876269

If you're swapping stable for shit, frankly your gas should be doubled. You don't deserve money.

>> No.27876866

>be dev
>launch project on eth
>it bricks

when will these faggots learn? launch shit on elrond, waves or luna and perhaps the users won't go poor making a simple transaction.

>> No.27877230

Based and checked. been trying out some alts on binance smart chain recently and the gas fees are a breath of fresh air. Literally a few cents to trade

>> No.27877718


>> No.27878001

All it takes is one "save haven" country. And it looks like a lot of island countries are very interested in supporting cryptos just due to logistical reasons.

>> No.27878108

How high do you think the gas fees are gonna go? And what's everyone's limit here?

I'm not buying shitcoins if it's gonna cost $400 in gas soon

>> No.27878251
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this is low. it was $258 a couple of hours ago.
eth is a shitcoin.

>> No.27878273

Sell signal

>> No.27878568
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, uniswap during a rugpull.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you thought the kucoin 2018 rugpull was bad, at least you didn't have to sign up to a special platform for limit orders and stoplosses like you have to at uniswap

>> No.27878569
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ETH will be vaporware when XRP beats this case and FLR launches. Incredibly cheaper and quicker using XRP ledger. Hence why he lashed out so hard at XRP on Twitter like a spurned bitch