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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 414x874, gme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27855855 No.27855855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why hasn't this shit crashed yet? And why the seemingly random spike this morning to the upper-80s? I thought this shit was dead? Why is it still priced low-60s? Can someone smarter than me explain wtf is going on? Is it unironically not over yet?

>> No.27855910

It's not over yet.

>> No.27855967

might not be over yet

>> No.27855994
File: 52 KB, 453x696, BF144D8B-1F4E-45A6-B5D9-B9A8DA82565C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. we have them right where we want them

>> No.27856037

who dis semen slurper?

>> No.27856076
File: 95 KB, 575x620, 1606530581313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so fucking sick of these threads I wish the nigger jannie kikes would fucking do something about this garbage

>> No.27856095

mah dick

>> No.27856101

Lots of people are holding. I'm down 80% so I'm holding to at least reduce my losses, I'm sure I'm not the only one

>> No.27856111

Can't remember if I coomed today or not

>> No.27856176

something fishy has got to be going on right? If all shorts were supposedly covered and the hedgies were in the clear, wouldn't this shit have dropped all the way to pre-hype levels by now? There's no way a tiny group of reddit autists could hold the price this high at this point, right?

>> No.27856195

At this point it's just hedgies meming on r*ddit. WSB is getting squeezed out of their last capital. They all bought the pump to $90 and then panic sold at $65. I expect it to crab sideways for another month before the hedgies decide to shut off the algos and move on.

>> No.27856215

Same, I got pulled into this fucking cult

>> No.27856249
File: 266 KB, 1280x958, F07D388E-E01D-45BB-BA76-FAA40C6F597B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This morning was just the gamma squeeze, next week is when the real squeeze begins. Buy the dips!

>> No.27856350

but if there's no more shorts, just holding the shares shouldn't drive up the price, right? people have to actually be buying and selling?

>> No.27856356

It was never a small group of r*ddit fags doing this. They got taken for a ride by big money because big money needed bagholders at the end.

By the way, the borrow fee for short shares of GME is down to a paltry 4.0%. If you think there will be another squeeze.. lol

>> No.27856413

Reeeeee I got pulled back in today reeeeee but i got a sweet new average of 59 reeeeee why!!!!

>> No.27856493

>just holding the shares shouldn't drive up the price, right?
yes it should lol, it decreases supply.

>> No.27856509

Source now!

>> No.27856531

Sorry gaybro

>> No.27856545
File: 41 KB, 443x359, TrumpEvagelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still want to believe >_<

>> No.27856579

is that professional porn slut Devon?

>> No.27856599

WSB cultists holding chasing the squeeze that will never happen. The price will sink to $4 by the end of the month

>> No.27856643

It must have caused some serious damage if the white house is talking to the federal reserve.

>> No.27856648
File: 1.45 MB, 1596x2284, trannyposter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop seriously responding to OP he is shitting up /biz/ singlehandedly and I'm going to put a hit on him
>>/biz/?task=search&ghost=yes&search_text=Can+someone+smarter+than+me+explain look at all these fucking garbage threads he made EVERY FUCKING DAY THE CATALOGUE IS LIKE TEN THREADS BY THIS ONE NIGGER
kys you stupid nigger

>> No.27856655

Doubt it lasts that long. The Robinhood folks will run out of money a lot sooner than that and the ride is over when they stop buying. Add to that people with big losses getting margin called and this thing is going to sort itself in no time. Full disclosure: bought outs for next Friday today.

>> No.27856660

People who got out high can litterally buy at a sweet sale rn holyshit

>> No.27856682

shut up neckbeard

>> No.27856751
File: 65 KB, 612x408, 4wvv82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally fucking the corpses of dead redditors on the battlefield.

>> No.27856753

fuck off to /gif/ if you want to jerk off I'm here to make money you dumb fucking NIGGER

>> No.27856805

Thousands of normies lives have been memed into financial ruin by Reddit. I hope WSB gets shut down and come here so that they can hold our bags

>> No.27856820

Retail put in a floor.
Big boys bid the pre market to sell the open. This happens all the time and why it's generally recommended to never buy the open, especially on a Friday.
The GME bagholders are probably the most inexperienced cohort of traders in the market right now, easy prey for hedgies.

>> No.27856920

The only thing worse than a jannie is someone pretending to be one. Fuck off

>> No.27856993

What are you talking about?

>> No.27857000

What do you think the price will be Friday?

>> No.27857056

don't dumbass i posted that ironically

>> No.27857089

So do you think the stock is going to crash further?

>> No.27857113

Read this

>> No.27857249

>bought puts for next Friday today.
What terms? How expensive/premium per contract?

>> No.27857542

I'm clearly not an expert but I don't see GME rebounding anywhere close to where it was before.
I think the best course of action for people at this stage is to cut their losses and put their money into something that has a strong chance of actually making money.
The cavalry isn't coming.

>> No.27857583

I bought puts @ 60 for 14/share.

The price has to fall below $46 by Friday and every dollar below that is $100 profit.

I can not see this thing lasting any longer and eventually there will be a mass sell off.

>> No.27857674

Fuck, i put puts on Friday that kind of count on the price being $46 or below.

>> No.27857755

Starting to get nervous about my decision.

Hopefully the stock falls again on Monday and i can sell the puts.

>> No.27857794

IBKR data. Look at iborrowdesk.com

>> No.27857885

yeah no-one is buying and people are selling, it's so low now I've basically written it off

>> No.27857902

I paid $2.53 for $35. I could have done better with the timing and paid as little as $2.33 at close for them but I thought things might start to dive before the bell if folks didn’t want to hold the stock through a full weekend news cycle. If you look at today’s chart I think I still got a great deal.

>> No.27857918

Why does my post worry you? I'm bearish on GME but I don't play games with options.

>> No.27857962

the kind of girl you'd have fun fucking for a few months but know deep down you'd never commit to her because she's bat shit crazy

>> No.27857999

Goobers holding waiting for the “short squeeze”

>> No.27858030

I remember you from earlier today.
Mine are to March 5 and $46, 10.75/share. I bought them two weeks ago today. I’ve been in the black the entire time

>> No.27858039

nice nips

>> No.27858099

Buy every dip

>> No.27858187

>Starting to get nervous about my decision.
>Hopefully the stock falls again on Monday and i can sell the puts.
You should be fine lad. This thing will be under $40 next week 100%

>> No.27858209

but that's the thing, it's not even low yet. Realistically, gme should be below $10 by now, but it's still relatively high?

>> No.27858218

Because when i bought the only way i saw this going was down because redditors are abandoning ship.

I didn't see how there was even a possibility of a stock that's worth $10 at most staying above $45 when all the dumb redditers are jumping ship and getting margin called.

>> No.27858238

Yeah I got a $26p expiring Friday. How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.27858280


>> No.27858307

yep, thank god my crypto is going so well right now, or else I'd be pissed off

>> No.27858337

Robinhood removed all of their buying restrictions and Elon Musk tweeted something about being the destroyer of shorts.

>> No.27858369

it is basically another version of bitcoin now. it will sink lower but expect tons of volatility because of the meme

>> No.27858382

Hey anon same, feeling pretty confident

>> No.27858420

I sure hope so, but knowing how fucky the market is sometimes I wouldn't be suprised if this somehow bounces back to $100 or something.

It's all so weird, it jumped to $90 today for some reason, was not expecting that.

>> No.27858438

I got more and drove my average cost to 85. if it dops more im gonna do it again.

>> No.27858488

Picture the pungency

>> No.27858666

>Realistically, gme should be below $10 by now, but it's still relatively high?
Nah. It was at $380+ a week ago. Yesterday it came down to ~$52 @ close and the true retards doubled down thinking the squeeze hadn’t happened yet. One more full weekend and 80% of the previous diamond handed will have given up. Nevertheless, my puts are March 5 expiration and I have absolutely no doubt it’ll be over $30 by then

>> No.27858785

$26 is pretty aggressive tbph

>> No.27858812

By one more weekend you mean this weekend or next?

Fuck im scared my puts expire next Friday.

>> No.27858889

Yeah I admit it was aggressive. I just didn’t expect robinhood to lift the ban off GME.

>> No.27858925

*under $30 by then

>> No.27858942

I think you did fuck up

My puts are for $60 but i need the price to be below $46 to profit.

Even im terrified this will spike again or something.

>> No.27858959

Imho the hedgies could crash the price to 0 in 2 days but that would freak the whole world out.

>> No.27859005

It's been a couple days. It took 8 weeks for bitcoin to crash first time, it took 1.5 years for Dow Jones to hit it's bottom. thing never truly crash because of cope and denial

>> No.27859036

Because the 9th
There’s been 20 /threads about the 9th
Nothing is for sure until the 9th
We’ll all find out on the 9th
The 9th is a Tuesday
Wait until the 9th

>> No.27859081

I was talking about this weekend.
How much do you have in these puts? I like the position but even if things shit the bed the IV will (should) give you a few days to bow out above 50% your investment

>> No.27859137

$20 that's her kid in the pic too.

>> No.27859142

50% of my portfolio.

>> No.27859462

No offense anon, but your position would leave me less than confident.
The other anon at $46 is nearly 50% safer and he’s got buyer’s remorse already.

Remember volatility is your friend. If things go berserk Mon/Tues, either direction, you’ll be able to bail safely

>> No.27859590

Not if things go up for GME, he's fucked then.

>> No.27859850

Again, I was up over $800 last Thursday when it went up to $350+ range... and I’m holding puts @46.
The iv was over 600%.
The IV throws the calculus way the fuck off of the regular metrics

>> No.27859924

What's your expiration?

>> No.27859981

March 5

>> No.27860002

Also thank you for reassuring me because i am still stressing over these stupid options, im worried I'll wake up Monday and freak out as the options dropped a ton.