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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27844829 No.27844829 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27844894


>> No.27844931


>> No.27845085


>> No.27845257

I wish I got 15k, in my opinion that's the suicide stack cutoff

>> No.27845435
File: 245 KB, 1439x1933, Screenshot_20210205-141840_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27845917

Hold on to your bags, we're about to skyrocket

>> No.27846073


>> No.27846298

This will moon due to the low amount of supply. This will be 5 dollars but the end of the month. This is not financial advice.

>> No.27846406

You really think the scarcity will push it to $5? I figure with the planned amount of supply the real value would be about $2-3 but if it makes $5...then fuck me I will be quite happy

>> No.27846783

It’s the quickest way to get rich and these Reddit people are flush with cash.

>> No.27847025
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Had bought 10k at 644 satoshi ... just sold 5k at 1685 satoshi ... comfy 5k stack with zero risk now

>> No.27847120

>10% circ is a good thing
Listen, I’ve been swinging this /sekritclub/ coin for 2 months now but there’s no fucking way you actually believe the shit you’re selling

>> No.27847146

I've been buying every dip, it just won't fucking stop

>> No.27847488

I believe it on this one... screen cap it. No cap. Not shilling anything, if you read the white paper it sounds like this has just enough control to make government people happy which is perfect for the average privacy focus citizen that will use this currency.

>> No.27847621

what does it even do

>> No.27848061
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>> No.27848121

I got 10 of them for free for watching some 1 minute videos on Cuckbase am I going to get rich?

>> No.27848127

poorfag retard here. where do i sign up and buy? need baby step blueprint to making it. was thinking of going all in, wait for nice pump, sell, reinvest and repeat.

>> No.27848304

poorfag retard here. i need a baby step blueprint to buying this and making it. was thinking of going all in, waiting for decent pump, sell and reinvest rinse and repeat

>> No.27848407

Yeah the 3$ I got is worth like 8 now lol

>> No.27848433

Download coinbase and coinbase pro. Sign up, deposit money (preferably coinbase pro because regular coinbase fees are high) and buy nucypher

>> No.27848455

Load zone at .60.

>> No.27848708

looks like people set their buy limit to .61

>> No.27848850

I suspect this will slow burn for now and then surge again when 0x slows down.

>> No.27848943

I bought. Selling at 1$ unironically

>> No.27849233

I bought 200 last month thinking it would be like OXT and just climb with occasionally pumps. It's been blowing my mind instead. Have no idea what to do with it at this point.

>> No.27850418

The fact that no one is talking about this coin is evident.

>> No.27850460

I got 500 yesterday at .31 and have already 2xed my money...want to cash out but I know I'll be buying back in and end up with fewer coins if I do.

>> No.27851131

Evident of /biz/ being chock full of shills that only care about their scamcoin, yeah.

>> No.27851372

Noob here who only has ETH and VET because a friend shilled me on it. How is anyone supposed to know what coin to buy? It seems like these things skyrocket at random.

>> No.27851543

I look for coins where I perceive some value. This is one where I watched the videos on Coinbase and learned about it. Thought it made sense, so dropped a few bucks on it as soon as I could get it in a slight dip.

>> No.27851714

Because you learn about it and make a decision. If you don't understand anything about crypto don't invest. You should at the very least know how to spot a pajeet scam

>> No.27851772

It’s anyone’s game. I think this one and chainlink are promising because this is one of the only points in time a coin can set the tone for non centralized digits transactions. Think of the boom on 3D printing technology. They are great but they are nothing without filament. NuCypher and Chainlink are those filaments albeit pla and abs.

>> No.27852204

VET has sat at .30 for like 3 years and I'm pretty sure its been out done by its competitors. Always research a coin on your own to determine for yourself if it has actual value. A lot of these coins are pumped to fool people into buying in and then the rug is pulled out from under them. This isn't one of those though, still you'll want to buy when things settle down as you may end up paying for more than you should have.

>> No.27852361

I think based on the supply availability this price is still a bargain. Time will tell though.

>> No.27852775

I started a coinbase account 3 days ago and bought 5 coins at random. NU was one of them.

Am I going to make it?