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27843785 No.27843785 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.27843977

If tether will always = $1 what's the need to hold it if it never increases in value?

Is it just to retain value of your money? like Gold

>> No.27844050

Ha, what are we going to recycle now?

Bithumb gets raided again by police?

>> No.27844230

It's to sell and hedge

>> No.27844332
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>> No.27844479

If tether is so good, why doesn't it pump to 2$?

Not gonna sell my etherium for your shit tier tether

>> No.27844506

The biggest reason for Tether's existence is to safeguard liquidity within the crypto ecosystem without using an exchange. i.e., you want to take profit from a position instantly, without worrying about volatility in the days it can take to transfer out of an exchange to USD. Beyond that I think either it or USDC are literally the fastest and most direct route to people being able to buy/sell normal products using crypto without having to worry about volatility. This is actually massive news and I've never been more bullish on crypto and bearish on stocks / traditional money markets.

>> No.27844946

This is what i thought , so the only downside is the ETH gas fees that you will pay switching to tether , but you get the peace of mind knowing that if your current shitcoins crashes your liquidity is safe from the market.

So tether would need to print enough tether to cover EVERY shitcoin that is created to keep their system running smooth. Damn that's a lot of tether

>> No.27846491


>> No.27846596

Fundos are safuos?

>> No.27846718


>> No.27846795
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>> No.27846811

BTC pumped to near more than 40K via Tether, cash some out, able to pay off a loan holder's bag

>> No.27846822

Hyper bullish actually
Lots of people that held back money because of Tether FUD will feel very stupid soon and FOMO in especially if the price continues to go up

>> No.27846863
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Jupiter here we come.

>> No.27847323

Now they’re going to start dumping their gains. This is the end.

>> No.27847395

That's just a regular loan then. I also loan Tether to buy more Bitcoin and then cash out when Bitcoin goes up to pay back the loan

>> No.27848406
File: 53 KB, 779x600, ECC03543-AE5D-4ED9-8C4B-E31CEF7F85E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another bitcoin maximalist article published by bitfenex. Top fucking kek you delusional retards don’t even know the actual sum in the lawsuit. 750m isn’t even 1/3.

>> No.27849021

They will really pull the rug on february 15th.

>> No.27849096

Tether fud old as time itself

>> No.27849171

The next line Yellen and REGULATION.

>> No.27849621
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And another 400 Million USDT minted out of thin air.

>> No.27849975

Lol. How did it take them so long to pay back the loan?

>> No.27850939

By lots of people you mean the absolute 70IQ retards on biz who actually read and listen to bobo FUD?

The very bobo FUD that was in full fucking swing coincidentally just as F2Pool was dumping all that Chinese Bitcoin?

>> No.27851025

They already pulled the rug January the 15st, bobo.

>> No.27851727

Deadline was extended by NY AG by 4 weeks.

>> No.27851821

Finally, let's get this pump going again.

>> No.27852320

This. Easily the most stable stable coin, by far.

>> No.27852928
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Paying back debt isn't the same as providing an audit, as ny wants them to. They could've robbed a bank (or printed more USDT oh wait>>27849621)

>> No.27853308

Lol. Keep that fud going

>> No.27853394

still a scam

>> No.27854124

My only regret is not immediately selling at the peak of the tether concern-trolling (when paolo did the livestream) and then rebuy money morning after it had plummeted. Fuck, I could've done a 1.5x then and there

>> No.27855196
File: 665 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2021-02-05-15-20-17-281_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, it's time.

>> No.27855274
File: 342 KB, 647x509, 1610660305917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the fud is gone
NOT so fucking fast. There are still 130,000 btc (and alts) to be released imminently.

>> No.27855705

I wonder how much tax payers money the NY attorney general wasted over stepping her jurisdiction New York City is a fucking ghost town now shit tier government local state and federal levels