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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 236 KB, 808x805, 1496985697435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2784213 No.2784213 [Reply] [Original]







>> No.2784241

but what can anyone really DO with that info?

>> No.2784257

Fucking nothing. There are no bitcoins on any of these addresses anyway.

OP is a fucking faggot.

>> No.2784258

They can drain your wallet of bitcoins retard

>> No.2784260

>Page 1 out of 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675

Wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.2784264
File: 39 KB, 349x356, 1498756895217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stumbled upon an address with 100k in bitcoins

>> No.2784267

I'm not sure if I believe you, to be perfectly honest. Post it here after you've cleared it out, then.

>> No.2784272

how, senpai? explain it to me....

>> No.2784274

If you ever found an address with actual BTC on it, which you won't. Just play the lottery.

No you didn't. I'm sick of you LARPing pajeets on my fucking board.

>> No.2784292

This isn't really any different than trying to brute force passwords.

>> No.2784294

do you even know how the wallets work? LMAO

those are all possible bitcoin wallet addresses and their passwords

if you have a core wallet, which I know you dont since you likely keep your shit on the exchange like a pleb, then you can enter in the wallet address and private key to access the funds

however those are all possible ones and the chance of you finding a wallet with btc in it is so low you might as well try to cure cancer with the time you'll need to find a wallet in use

>> No.2784306

I don't get it. Is my money safe?

>> No.2784310

No. Better panic sell me all your BTC for $5.

>> No.2784312


You should sell right now if you don't want to go broke

>> No.2784315

Let's say I find a wallet with BTC in it.
What do I do to ransack it?

Leave throwaway mail with response if you want, I'm a grateful man.

>> No.2784317

Right....but there are 2^160 different bitcoin private keys.

I don't give a fuck how hard someone tries to "brute force" it. This shit is not possible to crack.

>> No.2784343

You enter the private key in a wallet program.
Open the wallet.
Send the bitcoin to your own wallet.
badabing badaboom.

>> No.2784344

So once again storing on the exchange is the better option but pseudo intellectuals will pretend otherwise.

>> No.2784346
File: 50 KB, 780x520, 20170706002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2784348

You just send it to your own wallet address.

>> No.2784349

nice, i just found 100k!

>> No.2784353

I know. It's just that OP is acting like this guy discovered some huge security flaw in BTC when that's not the case at all.

>> No.2784357

this thread has just proven how many retards are throwing money at crypto and haven't even bothered to research the core of the technology.

like this fucking tard.

>> No.2784362

You stupid fucks, that's why you encrypt your wallet with a password.

>> No.2784365

Guy is probably doing it so he can scare away BTC investors.

>> No.2784375

no, because the exchange wallet is listed in that database as well

bitcoin isn't safe, period

you need to sell right now unless you like losing money

>> No.2784384

No. It's funny that you reference pseudo intellectuals when your post shows that you don't even understand how BTC works. An exchange keeps your coins in a regular BTC wallet. If the private key to that wallet is found, the exchange can do absolutely nothing to protect it at that point.

>> No.2784386

post a wallet program where i can access this shit

>> No.2784389


>> No.2784397

you fucking moron, you can only use the core wallet to enter keys and addresses. thats what you need IF you found an address+key that had shit in it. You can't enter it on the exchange.

God damn you're fucking stupid

>> No.2784408

oh sweety

>> No.2784411

ITT: faggots who don't understand cryptography.

the creator of that website is showing you how ridiculous the amount of addresses there are and how nobody will be able to bruteforce shit.

have fun going through that many pages of private keys



>> No.2784412

Just deposited 1 BTC in a random wallet.

Good luck, may the odds be ever in your favor

>> No.2784421

go play the lottery, you have better odds of winning 10 times in a row

>> No.2784426

Care to prove me wrong instead of posting condescending comments like an old southern woman?

>> No.2784439

Nice, just drained a wallet of 100k

>> No.2784441

so this guy spends his time creating wallets and loging the private keys? who the fuck does that. alos i gess he was a 4chan hacker wannabee because all the wallets that had money in them at one point in time he put on the front page. anything past the front page has never had a transaction and what is this data like 0.1 percent of all bitcoin wallets?

>> No.2784453

Everyone knows storing in polo margin accounts are the safest place. Try accessing that with your core wallet sweetheart.

>> No.2784463
File: 2 KB, 102x125, 1496702287082s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2784470

If every grain of sand on earth was it's own earth, and you added up all the grains of sand on each of those earths that would be the equivalent of how many possible bitcoin addresses there are. Finding a bitcoin address that someone else is using is the same probability as randomly choosing the same grain of sand. Just because you compile all the addresses in one place (a beach) doesn't make it any easier except maybe the first few pages.

>> No.2784471

That's not what he's doing at all. http://directory.io/faq

>> No.2784481

its not compiled.. its generated at runtime meaning when you open a page.

>> No.2784498

Ok Guys, I have a private address and a public address for you with 0.0009BTC in it: Try to get it :>



Send me 0.0001-0.0003BTC if you drained it.
I will get you more :P


>> No.2784503

So far I've come across two wallets drained in 2016. A 'tard can dram.

>> No.2784509

yes thats what he is doing you cant brurt force the private keys from a public key. it would take a million years for one. also he would not have a trillion adresses

>> No.2784526

...you realize that all anyone needs to recover a wallet is the private key? If that's what you're referring to by your "private address" all someone has to do is enter that into a wallet program.

>> No.2784528

I clicked a few and found some small amounts on the addresses, all transacted to have been gotten rid of. This isn't too good.

>> No.2784546
File: 8 KB, 238x212, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this guy solved p np right

>> No.2784550

let me guess you clicked on the first couple?

>> No.2784560

If you have a list of all of the private keys that belong to addresses, you have a MASSIVELY smaller list than all of the private keys that could exist. Pair that with existing lists of all existing wallets and it becomes a simple matter of matching each private key to a public one.

Computationally, this is FAR easier than choosing a wallet and attempting to guess its private key. It's still computationally intense, with billions of each public and private keys, but it's a hell of a lot easier than guessing many quintillions of times trying to crack a single wallet's private key.

>> No.2784561

Imagine a crazy coincidence where your main wallet is on the first page of this website

>> No.2784586

unless you create a wallet on this list now your wallet will not exist on this

>> No.2784588

Correct, this is the equivalent of rainbow tables but for bitcoin

We all know that hackers use rainbow tables to crack passwords reliably.

If I were you, I would sell my bitcoin.

>> No.2784591

He did find one. It's got 2 dollars, could someone explain what process you would go through to actually extract this to say an exchange or something?

>> No.2784593

i still had hair when this site was new.

no key works, btw

>> No.2784597

But all you have to do is find out someone's public key and ctrl+f it with some program, and you have their private key, right? I read the FAQ and it still doesn't make sense to me why this isnt something to worry about, somebody pls explain Im a normie

>> No.2784599

Shut the fuck up. 4Chan and the never ending bullshit. Why don't you just tell me its the maker of bitcoin that's doing this and then next week you can tell me how he and vitalik got hit by a train so you can buy all the cheap bitcoin and ethereum you can get your greedy hands on. Anyone who falls for this deserves what they get.

>> No.2784607
File: 30 KB, 316x202, 8a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2784616

First one to write a script to check the amount of btc on the wallet wins

>> No.2784619

Did you even read the faq? No shit he does not have 2^160 addresses lmao. He is generating them on the fly depending what page you visit.

>> No.2784635

nigga are you kidding, the fee to drain that would cost more than whats in the wallet lmao

>> No.2784644
File: 446 KB, 808x805, 1497969440993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we, /biz, collectively start on page 1 and start scanning each address?

Have a daily general thread on our findings.

>years later
>BTC Private Key Search Thread No. 13395930
>238 BTC
>the years is 2025
>btc is worth $0.02

>> No.2784658

>the year is 2025
try year 200000000000025

>> No.2784659

If it's only one UTXO it can be moved very cheaply. Will also be cheapest on Sunday, but I guess there's a good chance it'll be gone by then.

>> No.2784671

Just wait until someone release the database of any exchange andddd...

Ring-a-round the rosie,
A pocket full of posies,
Ashes! Ashes!
We all fall downnnnn

>> No.2784686

Giving away 0.5 BTC to first dubs

Post your public address here so I can give it to you, not search your key

>> No.2784701

Doobie dub dubs

>> No.2784716

roooll, my address is already on here

>> No.2784722

I have a good feeling about this.


>> No.2784724 [DELETED] 


dubs plz


>> No.2784732

Noice. So jelly.

>> No.2784733


>> No.2784735

ok buddy i trust you, gee had a feelin today was gonna be swell

>> No.2784744


dubs plz


>> No.2784749

idiot cant do anything right, back to my measley 0.18 btc

>> No.2784753
File: 16 KB, 462x319, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 bn

>> No.2784756



>> No.2784763
File: 41 KB, 1280x1483, 1480697251028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2784786


Thanks for the public keys, searching for your private keys now

>> No.2784793

>to first dubs

r u dumb

>> No.2784814

C:/program files/ie.exe
Some madman is providing instant access to any knowledge across the world

>> No.2784815


no just optimistic

>> No.2784840


So many smartasses talking about security problems in here and nobody can get that 0.0009 BTC :>

>> No.2784858

i've gone through close to a hundred pages and still nothing. i'm determined to get through these though. i WILL DO IT

>> No.2784874

Don't forget to post results.

>> No.2784903

All the wallets are drained by some guy with the address 1aau2Kgn...rR

>> No.2784913

Imagine being this determined to steal someone else's money. Looks like you're both an asshole and a retard for even attempting this. Let me guess, you're starting from the front too, which is the most likely to have already been scanned?

>> No.2784918

Why not just let bots check every single address?

>> No.2784922

The wallet address that drained most of the coins here is 1aau2Kgn7xBRWS6gPkYXWiw4cnzyKirR

>> No.2784931


i am not telling you where i started from shitstain. and yes i am a thief.i card and commit identity theft for a living

>> No.2784932

Ok can I ask you inbred retards a couple things .

1. This is a list of POSSIBLE addresses that COULD exist so why are you faggots even talking about this when there could be a giant encyclopaedia full of private/public keys and it still wouldn't make up %0.0000000001 of the amount of possible addresses there could be? The odds of you finding one that actually has something stored on it is non existent.

2. If you plebs are so sure you can "crack" crypto or "ransack" a wallet with this information why don't you block explorer every fucking address to see if there's any funds to be swept? because there isn't

Have fun selling me your cheap coins!

>> No.2784933

Yeah good idea. Maybe if you write a really efficient bot you'll be able to look through .0001% of the addresses before you die of old age.

>> No.2784934

>implying you couldn't iterate through the entire list over X period of time and collect all the bitcoins if these were actually legitimate addresses

Seriously, if this is legitimate you could do this. It would just take a while, but it's potentially worthwhile.

>> No.2784938

Well the last pages certainly have some drained coins. And you're the shit stain, stealing from people. Also I never asked where you started from in the first place.

>> No.2784946


i've already stumbled upon some addresses that have been used for multiple transactions in the past two weeks alone. all i need to do now is wait for more coins to hit and then take them

>> No.2784953


Those aren't really "drained" adresses. Those are experimental adresses. On the first and last page.

>> No.2784959

Nothing because the same robot that is doing this is almost certainly checking to see if there is any BTC in the wallet and transfering it if there is. Or someone else has already made the bot to do exactly that.

>> No.2784966

So this guy is basically kidding lol

>> No.2784975

Wow, I sure hope we don't invent some kind of machine that could go through that list and automatically send whatever it finds into whoever controls the machine. It'd have to be like one of those computers you see on star trek or some shit.

>> No.2784976

So if I write a program that compiles every single possible word number and symbol combination of length 3-50 and post the results I will have theoretically cracked everyone's passwords, yeah?

>> No.2784978

Of course they're legit. But there are
less than 20 million addresses. And the website is not joking when it says Page 1 out of 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675

Each of which contain 128 addresses. This is trying to find a needle in a haystack to an absurd extent.

>> No.2785017


I would actually sell the ever living fuck out of bitcoin and never buy in because of this.

What the fuck? You're now in the hands of RNG.

Any fucker can literally come to this site and click your shit and now you lose it all.

Haha holy shit, to think I almost bought in.

>> No.2785023

But all you need to do is write a bot to ctrl+f a public key that you know has bitcoin on it

>> No.2785029

spot the retard

>> No.2785043

Nope, he's right. Bitcoin isn't safe

>> No.2785049

aww man that wallet with the drained 2300 BTC

>> No.2785051

Explain why this wouldn't work? You wouldn't need to brute force it, just ctrl+f, pls tell me why this is wrong im a normie

>> No.2785059

normie? have you ever read a book? ever taken a class of math?

>> No.2785062

Okay, so I'm writing a bot for this, I'll be targeting the rich list, that means I'll have the addresses of people who own the most Bitcoins. I'll put it into my crawler and search. If I find any, I'll put up a giveaway of 10% of what I find.

>> No.2785071

What's 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675/128?
There's your chance of finding the right key on the right page, and that's assuming these are all catalogued and not randomly generated, including repeats on new pages.

>> No.2785073

odds are the universe will die from entropy before you get the exact address you want

>> No.2785084

You must be retarded

>> No.2785092

I just want to see if this vulnerability is true.

>> No.2785106

Okay, that definitely proves your retardation. I'm surprised you can program at all.

>> No.2785129

It's not a vulnerability. The odds are so against you that it's hilarious you're even trying. You would be exponentially better off finding a list of gmail accounts and brute forcing their passwords.

>> No.2785140

>904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675 * 128 private keys listed
Lets be real for a second.
Say you could process one private key per planc time (smallest measurable amount of time)
It would take you 1.979×10^26 years to go through every key
For reference that's 1.4×10^16 × the age of the universe

>> No.2785166

To be fair, you don't need to go through every private key to make a score

Your chances of finding a key with BTC in the address in it (that isn't on the front page) are still asymptotically zero though.

>> No.2785180

Here's some analysis on your odds:

tldr: if you could use the entire planet as a hard drive, storing 1 byte per atom, using stars as fuel, and cycling through 1 trillion keys per second, you'd need 37 octillion Earths to store it, and 237 billion suns to power the device capable of doing it, all of which would take you 3.6717 octodecillion years.

>> No.2785196

OP probably knows this and is using this as FUD to drive price down

>> No.2785203

Bitcoin should have something like when you create a wallet you register it in the block chain, registering a secret password needed to make any transactions in the process.
I'm no expert, but I think there's something called homomorphic cryptography which would be ideal for this

>> No.2785204

>That one extreme outlier who is so unlucky he gets his 200 bucks of BTC stolen through sheer chance
>And then the Thin Mint crits him behind full cover and in dense smoke while it's suppressed anyway.

>> No.2785205


Now let us assume we have multiple computers all doing the same processing.

Let's assume a method is released that allows any average fuck tard to run a program to iterate through this giant list.

Oh wait a minute, there are billions of people in the world and anyone can do that?

That now increases the rate at which we go through this list.

I'd be scared m8.

>> No.2785221

Shouldn't this website be ceased for CP ?

>> No.2785225

Wow, you are 100% confirmed retarded. If you have a CS degree, ask for a refund from your school.

>> No.2785236

I thought you were serious at first but you're definitely just trolling now. Whatever, I know some people were genuinely concerned and hopefully they realized how much safer this is than typical password systems.

>> No.2785247


Typical password systems aren't broadcast for the world to see.

Are you daft?

>> No.2785248

Maybe I should start sweetieposting.

Sounds like a tactic to invest in autistic butthurt about >muh women. At least a better investment than BTC is right now.

>> No.2785249

fuck i just lost 100k!

>> No.2785258

Just asking. How the fuck was this list generated? I mean there are a fuckton of sites.

And if this list was generated couldn't the same people even "use" this list?

>> No.2785270

Have you ever heard of MD5 rainbow tables? Oh sweety, you really shouldn't opine about things you have no clue about!

>> No.2785272

All of that just to gain 100k tamagotchis

>> No.2785277

You can just as easily calculate every possible 14 character combination for some poorly secured bank account(most of them)
And that number is a lot smaller.

>> No.2785286

Calculated on the fly, read the faq

>> No.2785292

This X 1000

>> No.2785293

cool can i buy 100k?

>> No.2785296
File: 449 KB, 1159x732, BTFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bumping this fucking thread and go mortgage your house to buy this fucking dip

>> No.2785301
File: 90 KB, 775x703, 1486576266204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I hope none of you was dumb enough to actually go to the page with your real private key

>> No.2785304


just stumbled on an adress with 1 million bitcoins, the password was password123 lmao

also my dick is 14" long - flaccid and I am only 14 lmao

>> No.2785320

What are you talking about?

>> No.2785322


You're wrong m8, MD5 rainbow tables only contain the standard ASCII set of characters.

Do you really think anyone would broadcast a table that can legitimately be used to crack into any password worldwide?

>> No.2785470


I love when biz scares the normies

>> No.2785477

Wrote a script to search for addresses, scoured over 300 addresses with more than 10 btc, this increases my odds significantly so yah thanks.

>> No.2785479

>only 14 years old

enjoy your ban, youngfag

>> No.2785605 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1293x772, CaseInPoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not to mention this is not nearly the same thing.

Rainbow tables require you create an algorithm that tests all permutations against the password.

The link in OP has a list of PRIVATE FUCKING KEYS that allow you to directly transfer between addresses with the only confirmation being that you accept the link to your own address from the one you've broken into.

Case in point, look what I just fucking found.


>> No.2785629

>“breaks“ btc
>asks for btc donation at the bottom of the page

>> No.2785631

Wow, just keep letting your retardation show through. Hash algos operate on bytes. A byte's value is 0-255. Rainbow tables with sequences of all possible byte values exist. Unicode characters are also known as multibyte characters, because they consist of multiple bytes - how shocking.

>> No.2785649

Only /biz/ readers are stupid enough to fall for that kind of FUD

>> No.2785777
File: 50 KB, 832x422, Screenshot - 07142017 - 07:42:12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all I have found so far

>> No.2785815

>writing a bot
>cant read

>> No.2785918

What if I find Poloniex BTC storage though

>> No.2785937


I found this on the first result

>> No.2785964

>mfw just hacked into a btw address and transferred $5641 USD to my address

Holy fuck, I'm shaking.

>> No.2785988

Drain some then
Prove it moron. Blockchain.info link

>> No.2786011

Except you don't buy a ticket thousands of times a second.

>> No.2786022

Holy fuck

I found a wallet with 0.02 btc

Thanks op i would give you a bj physically

>> No.2786033

I found about 10 empty addresses, but they have throughput, I.E. someone uses them. I'm not a poorfag who'd steal btc though, but I could just scan for any addresses has had a transaction done and log them all in case it is used again.

>> No.2786049

Now you idiots recognize what is the purpose of the "First 10 that post their BTC address" etc threads.

>> No.2786056
File: 598 KB, 808x805, 1498261013231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do this???

>> No.2786059

Typical password systems have a lockout defense system if someone fails too many times.

Solution is pretty straightforward, increase the number of bits allowed for a private key

>> No.2786077

Never change /biz/. This is the greatest these in the history of biz. God you people are stupid.

>> No.2786087

Yes, and it would take longer to download than generate from scratch lmao.

I love this thread.

>> No.2786095

>byte's value is 0-255
>Still using 8 bit bytes
Stay poor, pajeet

>> No.2786109

>Not using qubits

>> No.2786193

You people are retarded. It's just an address generator which randomly throws some old used previously existent drained accounts to make you believe this is actually working.

>> No.2786196
File: 708 KB, 640x640, 1499917707652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are ethereum wallets though...?


This. I posted earlier alluding to it with a "I'll give you 0.5 btc for dubs" and even admitted I was trolling/joking about searching for people's private keys.

I get it that there are astronomical odds for finding someone's private key out, but what's stopping a bot from putting 1 digit starting wallets in alphabetical/numerical order to find the correct page number for the private key?

Take just 0.01 cent from one after the transaction fee to prove it (or = to the transaction fee if thats possible) and then post it. Then delete that guy's privafe key from your knowledge

>> No.2786213

>what's stopping a bot from putting 1 digit starting wallets in alphabetical/numerical order to find the correct page number for the private key?
Holy shit you must be a retard, just iterating through all the keys would take millenia and you want to SORT the private keys lexographically? Full retard.

>> No.2786220
File: 426 KB, 1920x1200, fYFBsqp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know that the website is generated on the fly because no database could hold that number of pages right?

People are really bad understanding how big something just looking at the numbers.

>> No.2786231

>Page 1 out of 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675

The number of pages is on the same order as the number of atoms estimated to be in the universe. Have fun finding even a single private key that will ever be used by any person before the heat death of the universe.

>> No.2786241

I like how my ID was poe, pretty fitting for /biz/ and its new generation of /pol/ refugees because you can't tell if these idiots are trolling or are really that stupid

>> No.2786252

Lol if true, it doesn't show smart people's encryption. If someone drains a non encrypted wallet, I'll have no sympathy for them

>> No.2786253

No it doesn't you dumb fuck. It lists every private key in sequence.

>> No.2786260

But couldn't the page numbers be narrowed down to a stratum of likely places where the public key would be around?

>> No.2786280

>This. I posted earlier alluding to it with a "I'll give you 0.5 btc for dubs" and even admitted I was trolling/joking about searching for people's private keys.
literally what

>I get it that there are astronomical odds for finding someone's private key out, but what's stopping a bot from putting 1 digit starting wallets in alphabetical/numerical order to find the correct page number for the private key?

double what

> just iterating through all the keys would take millenia

a millenia? i didn't calculate this one exactly, but my guess is that with all computing power currently present on earth it'd still take longer than the expected lifetime of the universe

you only need to enumerate a tiny-tiny fraction of it though if you just want to find one with BTC on it
but that tiny fraction will still take longer than the lifetime of the universe imo


>> No.2786284

It wouldn't take a millennia, it would take longer than the heat death of the universe lol.


>> No.2786303
File: 15 KB, 200x200, transfercoin (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's time to transfer all holdings to transfercoin.
Shit is about to blow up to the moonski

>> No.2786304

What are you going to do big boy suck them off?

>> No.2786306

millenia is plural dumb dumbs (as in more than one millenia)

>> No.2786307


>> No.2786327

Still makes no sense, it's the same as saying it would take "centuries" (plural). No shit it would take (n * any_time_scale), it just sounds stupid.

>> No.2786333

it would take seconds dude

>> No.2786348

See that's technically not wrong

>> No.2786367
File: 105 KB, 220x277, 1353135604142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these fucking memes

>> No.2786420

Well, looks like if your private key starts with something other than 5hP to 5Km you should be okay

>> No.2786443

yeah, so you're claiming that you were 'technically correct'? in the same sense, you'd have been correct if you said 'decades', 'years', 'days', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds'? (it would take MULTIPLE/MORE THAN ONE SECOND!!)

>> No.2786444 [DELETED] 
File: 585 KB, 2560x1440, shot 2017.07.14 20.56.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god

>> No.2786449

Because the list is sequential lmao you fucking tard

>> No.2786671

Nice, just stole 100k

>> No.2786760

I found some with money. How do I send it to myself?

>> No.2786778

This is what you get when you dumb faggots in here post your btc wallet to a fake giveaway thread. Enjoy you fucking underage cunts.

>> No.2786793

why wouldn't you believe someone on 4chan??
you are indeed the skeptic

>> No.2786927

>Page 1 out of 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675

So I have to find someone recieving adress, and then search through 400 pentillion pages to find the matching key? This doesnt seem like it would be fast enough to be concerning.

>> No.2787018

omg i found a tumbler address

>> No.2787323

This is scaring the shit out of me, I almost had a heart attack when I saw this thread.

I just sold all my bitcoin, I'll get back in maybe when it's safer and this fuckhead has been arrested.

>> No.2787677

someone brute force his donation address

>> No.2787931

>904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675 pages
>128 entries per page

the sun will die and burn earth to a crisp before you get a result iterating over this list.
And bitcoin addresses don't even earn interest, so in 3 billion years there's still going to be exactly 0,037 btc on that abandoned, dusty wallet you find.

>nice just found and transferred 100k

>> No.2787956

Anyone could do this. Look at how many pages there are. This is the point of the security in large numbers. It's practically impossible to generate the same number twice. No one is going to find any bitcoin doing this.

>> No.2787965

If it contains everything, it clearly contains stuff that is illegal.

>> No.2787999

No you didn't

>> No.2788037

I hope you all sold your BTC, tomorrow it won't worth shit because this guy, you know the drill: sell high, buy low.

>> No.2788223
File: 475 KB, 559x499, 1499944562238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's password protected

>> No.2788299

I had a bot randomly check 200000 of these and every single one of them was empty


>> No.2788381

You checked 200,000? How?

>> No.2788410

Same. I had a bot that scanned pages from 300 - 14560. All empty.

>> No.2788416

A botnet could easily rip a good load of addresses

>> No.2788423

muh python

>> No.2788429

Don't you think it's impossible to store such a huge database? As some anon pointed out. They're cresting this data on the fly.

>> No.2788436

I mean does it check using a website API? Or locally

>> No.2788486

Only in text form though, CP in text form is still okay I think (see "Josefine Mutzenbacher").

Well and ASCII art I suppose, which should also be okay, though who knows nowadays

>> No.2788495

Then again it also contains bomb-making instructions and ISIS handbooks

>> No.2788499

There are about 10^50 atoms on Earth. There are about 10^77 addresses supposedly listed on this site.
Good luck going through them all. If it were possible to steal Bitcoin by guessing private keys it would've been done already, there are billions of dollars at stake.

>> No.2788531

why would you reply to this thread?

>> No.2788573

No but you don't understand, my friend Jim's brother totally once found an address with $10 worth of BTC on that site just by randomly clicking a couple times, didn't even use a script or anything.
Since it was only $10 and he's an honest guy he didn't do anything, but what if that had been YOUR wallet with thousands on it?

>> No.2788581

but this is something to worry about

>> No.2788586


Checked> try


>> No.2788615

how much was 15k btc worth in 2012?

>> No.2788637

About 19500 usd

>> No.2788682

this is the cp sharing site , search for some and share it with us

>> No.2788688

just found a pic from the new got episode

>> No.2788699

Because it is auto-generated. Basically you can't Ctrl+F, because it's not a rainbowtable lying on a petabytedrive somewhere. You would have iterate over all keys which would take years.

>> No.2788764

>mfw you made an excellent move based on a retarded premise

>> No.2788771

But there is CP in image file format that's been encrypted on your pedophile website

>> No.2788818


Sure can, now let's drain all of the sun's energy to use in processing addresses, we might be able to find a single address with bitcoin in it after 30 years if we're lucky.

>> No.2788837


if you list the page number, i'll send you a btc. Unless its the first couple or last couple pages you lying kike

>> No.2788935

>Josefine Mutzenbacher
Just searched for the plot. Now I must read it!

>> No.2788977


>> No.2788993

who you callin a fag?

>> No.2789007

the answer for this is obvious, buy ltc

>> No.2789113

Just had a dream bitcoin went to sub ,$25, I bought the falling knife at 50-100.

Bitcoin is fucking done.

>> No.2789194


>> No.2789210

yep, octillions more years than the universe has existed

>> No.2789219

get your friend Jim's brother to buy a lotto ticket

>> No.2789641

This is some next level FUD. Now pajeets are trying to crash Bitcoin after they crashes ethereum