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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2782912 No.2782912 [Reply] [Original]

So there's this brothel close to my place called goldentimes.

And guys, I'm just starting out making money, but I've already got my whole life figured out here.

The entrance costs 60EU, the girls cost 50EU for half n half. You can do anything, like threesomes, foursomes whatever. The drinks are on the house after entrance, food is free, jacuzzi's and everything. They got an outdoor swimmingpool and chill out area's.

How is this not heaven?

When you were to be earning 10k a month, you can literally just cash in 2k per month for brothelcosts once a week and you still have 8k left to do whatever. In what world isn't this heaven and why are you guys not doing such a thing.

>> No.2782932

For 500eu per month, you'd be fucking 8 - 10 girls on "heavens-day" from 11am tot 1am.

>> No.2782942

Per week I meant*

>> No.2782959

What exactly do you want to hear?

>> No.2782968

I donno mang, maybe someone has experience with this and can share if it's a retarded idea or calling me a faggot for not already doing this shit.

>> No.2782978

do whatever you want to do dawg, everyones got dreams

>> No.2782983

Its in vienna right
Have u ever been there
Considering going too

>> No.2782991

fucking tell us where?

>> No.2782998

It's in Brüggen in germany. I was thinking about hiring escorts, but that'd be 300 - 400EU for the kind that are walking around there for 50EU. So that'd be a waste of money since you get everything free in the brothel.

>> No.2783001

The fag in his picture is a post modern communist from the netherlands so

>> No.2783008

And yes I've been there, there were around 100 girls all dressed in lingerie. And I fucked 3 of them cuz I didn't have a lot of money at that time. And I was only there for 5 hours.

>> No.2783015

figured, germany's flat rate brothel is amazing. Berlin airport girl is a famous one.

but these are all Romanian Bulgarian girls if you don't mind that (a pussy is a pussy)

>> No.2783050

Romanian, there were a few of them, but also polish, czech, italian etc. I think they had the whole mix.

>> No.2783068

I'm living maybe 20 KM away but I have never been there. Is it really worth it? Also, how old are you?

>> No.2783094

27, it's not even just worth it dude. I went there with my fraternity bro's and only 2 or 3 fucked girls, we were with 10 - 15 girls. I fucked 3 girls and they were all like... 10s, never fucked girls so hot in my life before.

Only 210 euros... I don't know but it seemed at that moment like something fucked up with the market or something. Cuz 200 is usually an ugly escort worth.

>> No.2783097

I would OP but I live in the USA which illegalizes prostitution.

Fuck my life dude, I have to spend hours trolling backpage and reviewing their numbers to see if they're a honeypot/dont look like the pics they give.

>> No.2783107

10 - 15 guys i mean*

>> No.2783118
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because they dont have passports maybe?

>> No.2783149

Can't really do that because I have a girlfriend. But sure sounds nice. More importantly, how do you make 10k per month? Which job position ?

>> No.2783161

>i fucked some girls and i liked it
Cool story bro. Really not that interesting to us non virgins though

>> No.2783204

Making apps, not there yet by a long shot. But this kinda thinking gives me motivation.

>> No.2783209

And also I've had like 3 long term girlfriends, and I don't know if "love" is worth giving this up on.

>> No.2783215
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Truly a finance bro, has discovered that heaven on earth is paying women to fuck you on the regular, while enjoying probably the world's dirtiest jacuzzi's.

>> No.2783222

Why post Jesse Klaver his face on /biz/ when you're in Germany? Why even have that picture on your computer?

>> No.2783224

Same thing on cheapass european escort sites. The hooker market's low-cost/high-quality and high-cost/shit-tier is thoroughly fucked, so you HAVE to know where to look.

>> No.2783227


Nice, good luck with that. which kind of apps are you thinking of?

Banging chicks in the brothel is definitely stressfree. But it will probably get boring after a few times, I don't know

>> No.2783263

I've jerked off basically every other day for decades, something tells me fucking 3-5 new girls per week would never get old.

>> No.2783284
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its more fun when they are actually interested in fucking you

>> No.2783309

tons of hookers in usa. stop being a noob using backpage and go eccie, theeroticreview, preferred411. Last 2 are verification sites that will let you access to usa hookers. It's like a private club ensuring both the client and the whore aren't law enforcement.

>> No.2783356

I'm make all kinds of stuff, trying to find affiliates to sell through etc. If the affiliates contents die out, I can just move on to other affiliates, cuz I still got the app contents.

Like the guy said, I don't think this will ever grow old, cuz I think for your brain it's a bit healthier to fuck hookers vs jerking off. Not talking about body though.

Have you ever been to bars/clubs lately. Non-hooker girls are just basicly hookers who turn you down until they're drunk enough. I don't think it's worth all the hassle anymore.

>> No.2783369

what do you think about the girls at kaufmich.com ? you know, actual amateurs and not professionals?

>> No.2783370

apparentley it's 2 for 1 on STDs this weekend.

>> No.2783403

> 10k making apps

you do know the majority of app devs make like 500 bucks a month at most.

>> No.2783416

Haven't been searching there, but I don't know why I would fuck amateurs vs brothel girls. The money vs pussy is just imbalanced like I said.

10/10 body face is a quality whore right? Why pay triple for a 7/10 when you can get the 10/10 for standard price?

>> No.2783437

I've noticed this: for 2 days of work, you can make an app that earns 20EU per month if you do it smartly. Now after having that experience with a couple of apps, I don't see why I would do anything else than that.

I don't want to risk on crypto etc., and I don't wanna be a wage-cuck.

>> No.2783450

I wouldnt know, I havent paid for sex yet. I just know that I rather jerk off to amateur girls than to pornstars...

also I am not really comfortable showing my face in a public place like that

>> No.2783452

>actual amateurs and not professionals?
these are all professional hookers, you fell for the amateur meme.

>> No.2783460

>>2783416 >>2783094


Are we looking at the same girls? http://www.goldentime.de/index.php/nl/sfeer

There are no 10/10s on that page. There's one 7/8 and the rest are meh.

>> No.2783462

First few times it's uncomfortable, but if you're in a brother it's not so quick as an escort, cuz there's like stripper tier girls walking around and asking if you want to fuck them. It's way more relaxing.

>> No.2783483

Yes, thats their website.

What would you call a 10? I think your judgement is a bit different than mine, an 7/8 would be a slightly chubby kinda girl for me. These look like 10s to me.

>> No.2783486

i guess it's fun when you go there with your frat bros. I can imagine, being drunk, having fun, banging some chicks

>> No.2783496

> for 2 days of work, you can make an app that earns 20EU per month

so you only need 500 apps to make 10k,

we are also assuming that your app doesnt go dry after 3 months which is usually the case if you are not constantly updating it or its original in the first place.

Also what kind of useful app can be done in 2 days ?

>> No.2783498

That was the point, I was the only one doing the banging mostly. I don't get why people are so uncomfortable fucking hookers.

>> No.2783514

Yes, and mostly, apps take off after a month or 2. I've not seen an app lose popularity for now.

Health related apps like counting callories etc. can be affiliated through your app. You can also make multiple versions of your app, cuz you got the code all ready to go. Also, u can re-use the code u've used before. So all these stuff make it easier to just bombard the play store and apple store with easy to make apps. Marketing is a non-issue cuz google and apple takes care of that for you brah.

>> No.2783543

I've released about 4 apps, none of them got popular after months and they took about 4 months each to develop, the market has been saturated for quite a while.

I can actually earn much more being a wageslave dev than doing little apps, its sad.

>> No.2783561

How did you manage that? Did you search popularity and what people search for? I usually focus on finding popular easy apps and make them better and sell them for free to get affiliates, or make like 100 apps with the same code on the same subject and then sell them for 70cts a piece.

>> No.2783617

not really, they've all been original apps so I didn't clone anything.

Even cloning popular apps require quite a bit of time, assuming that your are going to improve something.

Also if the app is popular and easy it probably already has 20000 clones.

>> No.2783632

Larper. You are fapping thinking in your fantasies. Wagecuck detected

>> No.2783636

Yes true, have you tried making it to your country specific? Country specific apps get more downloads than international ones.

Actually of more /biz/ fags would do this, we could help eachothers apps out by downloading them and upvoting. It'd raise the ratings.

>> No.2783642

>7/10 girls AND fresh asparagus every Monday after 5:30 PM
Time to schedule my next trip. The job market in Brüggen has to be better than the one in my neighborhood, and I learned some German back when I was in high school. It's kismet!

>> No.2783650

these places are called FKK and they are all over Germany.

>> No.2783675

Here is a list of some of the best ones.
Also you could go to Berlin, the cost of living is very cheap over there. You also have cheap hookers and Artemis FKK.

>> No.2783712

i was actually living in frankfurt when i was developing apps, though im not german.

Working as a wageslave dev I can pull 6-7K a month which ive never done with my own apps.

Of course theres always those success stories of people doing 200k a day or so, but as with anything they are the exception. All I know is that its fucking hard to make good money doing apps.

>> No.2783737

Clicking that bait link so you can keylog my crypto

>> No.2783798

I donno if I can be a wageslave dev cuz I use game maker studio not java for my apps and I have no education kek.

>> No.2783819

Holy fuck you're right. I didn't know there were so many of them.


I'm gonna move next to one of these places and spend the rest of my life there mang.

>> No.2783855




>> No.2783891


its ok, keep doing what you are doing if it works for you, also swift is easy for apps.

check this which is related

the guy made 36 dollars as profit after 2 months of development. That's for someone starting of course but it shows the realities of the market.

I can code pretty much anything, but it takes time and after 2 months of dev, you will never know if you spent those 320 hours of work for 500 bucks.

>> No.2783903


Lmao ich war einmal in Wien uezs. 1 schöne Stadt aber ich hab niemals Goldtentime besucht.

>> No.2783918

I'll check out swift bro. Thanks, I'm now at 150EU per month after 2 months of work and 158 apps. I've taken a different strategy I think. Not to say my apps are shitty content, they're OK.

I've got exactly 1 year till my money I've saved up dies out, that's why I took this year off, and I'm hoping to be at 1000 - 2000EU per month after a year. If it doesn't work, I'll try something else, but this is worth a shot.

>> No.2783939

> 158 apps in 2 months

I figure you are not using the app store as they take about a week or so to approve.

>> No.2783951

No google play, I'm gonna convert them to iOS aswell for the ones not using android specific extensions. What's the upload limit on appstore? On google play it's 15 apps a day.

>> No.2783971


how is this even remotely related to biz?

>> No.2783981

OP. u gay? using a pic of Jesse Klaver (Dutch politician) who likes to hug trees and take sheeps from behind.... lolz

>> No.2784013


Per day don't know really, I've never actually thought about that before, I wouldn't upload more than 2 or 3 at the same time though as they might think its spam.

I think the biggest issue you should worry about is that Apple takes time to analyze your app, if its a clone what you already have there, it might raise some red flags, be prepared to explain your app to them.

>> No.2784051

Hm, I will try to not upload those to save hassle. I think appstore is a bit more affiliate friendly since applefags are more likely to buy useless crap.

>> No.2784095

Yes I'm a raging homosexual and my biggest goal in life is to fuck 6 - 8 different women per week

>> No.2784139

I like what I'm seeing! https://www.goldentime.at/en/club-wien/192-buffet-en

>> No.2784158

Video of anyone who does this


>> No.2784204
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>> No.2784221


these are 5-6/10 max, but 15/10 by /biz standards

>> No.2784240

Dude please, if you know any brothel anywhere around the world that has this consistent quality of 7 - 10s in my view, please share the name of the brothel.

>> No.2784252

STDs arent worth it m8. Get a eastern european girl and pay her in cash for daily fuck. She can do whatever she wants in the day. They even get a bf and said you are her cousin or uncle.

>> No.2784265

How much would this cost?

>> No.2784280

About the same. Those cuties seek an stable sugar income, nothing emotional so don't expect dinner conversation nor act wierd if she gets a better job and move out.

Its a business relationship and you have to be clear about it.

>> No.2784283

How do you get std if u wear a condom?

>> No.2784286

you should check independent girls.You should find them working in private appartments.
Example in Berlin: http://www.berlinintim.com/

When you go to the UK you can also get hot girls for cheap, if you stay less than an hour (I like to go for 15-30 minutes).
Look at the choice of independant girls in the UK:
https://adultwork.com/ (select "Show me adult service providers from..." United Kingdom" on the right, since it's only worth it in the UK). You can find them by preference and service.

>> No.2784296

>fake spider webs
Do you think I could live there the way chinks live at internet cafes?

>> No.2784303

Dude, are you for real?

>> No.2784318

Lol girls in a brothel are probably cleaner than some random eastern euro slag.

>> No.2784322

It's more or less the same quality. If you had the choice between 1 escort or 5 brothel girls with entire day of free booze and food and jacuzzi and shit, i'd rather choose the latter.

>> No.2784355

I'm not gonna pay 1500EU if I can have the same shit with a gf. And I know the girl would whine just as much as a gf if u know her that long. So it's like having all the shitty aspects of a gf and you're paying her even more. This is cucking yourself to the max.

>> No.2784366

Holy shit no wonder you fucks pay for sex.
>15-30 minutes

How can you even satisfy your dick without at least 3 rounds and plenty of BJ, which end up in more than 3 hours.

Thats why you pick 16-22yo desperate to pay their uni

>> No.2784377

Yeah but sometimes you dont always want to pay 60 euro entrance just for a quick fuck. the best way is to visit dedicated forums. Punters know where are the best options in an area.

>> No.2784388

I'd like to take breaks between fucking and getting sucked. I still stay with the fact a brothel is the best option for people not wanna waste time with normal girls.

>> No.2784400

I don't know if it's worth it to even hire an escort for a quick fuck. If I want a quick fuck, i'd rather jerk one out.