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27822922 No.27822922 [Reply] [Original]

Sold all my NOK at a loss and put all that's left into ETH.

Did I do it right?

>> No.27823146

How much did you lose, anon?

>> No.27823428
File: 46 KB, 320x311, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought NOK at the dip

>> No.27823529

Honestly thinking of doing the same thing, it doesn't feel comfy holding on to it

>> No.27824156
File: 2.22 MB, 1242x2208, 75F13538-51C1-4159-AE3C-D20BAE2938C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn’t average down

>> No.27824644

I average down once, and it kept going down. I feel like its gonna crab and go back down to $3

>> No.27824681

thank you for your cheapies.

Also my puts are looking great!

>> No.27824745

Yes, you will be homeless soon.

>> No.27825115

I hope that happens, then I will LEAP the shit out of Nokia.

>> No.27825302

Post Puts info, mang.

>> No.27825615
File: 181 KB, 1067x851, 0A61D094-3DCF-4777-84CD-1FDC584C2DB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bought in at over $5 didn’t you?
If you have bags averaged at less than $5 you are guaranteed returns by EOY.

>> No.27825800

Bros wouldn’t a decent ETF inevitably be a better investment than nok? I have 57 shares at $4.59, thinking of selling

>> No.27826353

Love catching knives

>> No.27826509

i did the same thing coming from amc last week. just ride the eth pump back up

>> No.27826599

Yea, average price of $5.23 and it doesn't feel good throwing more in when crypto is going up. Don't like sellin at a loss though, still have silver bags from 2011 peak I'm holding like a degen lol

>> No.27826874

When the earnings call went as terrible as it did, I thought to myself "these guys are fucking insane, why would you make a positive earnings report and then shittalk your own business?"

I then, emotional investor that I am, spited them for tendies.

>Sold put 19 expires today, I expect it'll rise some before falling horribly over the weekend
>Bought put 19 expires next week, I expect it'll rise a lot next week, I'm only holding that to hedge my first one
>bought lots of $7 puts expires today when it was over $7. I believed numbers wise it was gonna correct down a lot. It DID! I'm super in the money, thank you OP for selling
>bought some 1$ calls for Jan 23. I expect it really will get to 5$ at some point this year, if it gets there I'll wait a day for the mythical 7 or 9 and exit immediately
>sold puts for 2023 today, I think it's gonna get really nice the next couple years
>hold 2000 shares
>selling more puts soon
>also buying them

Calendar strategies are great, it's like timing the market but actually possible. :DDD

>> No.27827352
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Finland, explain yourselves

>t. swede with 700 pekkas@4.5; not mad, just disappointed

>> No.27827623

what a bunch of towelhands.

>> No.27827825

bought at 4.5, I'm probably going to double down if shit hits 3$. Fuck those 20usd+ predictions I might cash out at 7 or 8 if it hits that low.

>> No.27827910

My strategy too.
In for 25 @ 4.50 so I'm not too worried

>> No.27828016

you're an idiot if you're selling your nok at a loss right now

>> No.27828261
File: 241 KB, 890x854, bobo-reads-newspaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for the retard bubble that is crypto to burst, this whole generation is fucking retarded. imagine thinking fake internet money 100% based on faith it will finally have some practical use in the the real world after a decade is VALUED less than 100% faith in the Finnish people's crown jewel doing well with their 5g investment

>> No.27828339
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I mean you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. And the company is undervalued as per the earnings report(which is good i guess?). And I literally got into this shit before the reports themselves and didn't knew shit about these reflecting on the price. But here I am, I learn as I go. Now I wait for my tendies like a good boy.

>> No.27828359

finnish are fuggggggggggggggggg

>> No.27828383

>is VALUED less than
meant the opposite that

>> No.27828410

>lose money twice

>> No.27828693

crypto is backed by minerfags electricity bills and computing power though. The price on the currency itself however is a meme and will indeed burst at some point(maybe when regulations hit hard). I mean same could be said about big tech companies. Their success relies on the people who use their platforms, then come the actual benefits those platforms provide. If billions stop using facebook at once it will become just as worthless as bitcoin if all those people who trade it decide they've been scammed en masse.

>> No.27828842
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>> No.27828868

Not like we didn’t try to stop you. I wrote to at least 4 different NOK generals that hello this is a boomer stock and nothing about this ”5g potential” is new. It is 5 years old news WTF. It was known that earnings are a rugpull and the whole momentum was 100% american psychosis based on hype alone. They even advertised in mainstream newspapers here that this might be an opportunity to dump your old Nokia bags, thanks reddit. Even the corporation itself released a statement saying that umm guys, this hype has nothing to do with the company fundamentals, which remain unchanged. Still you didn’t listed. Still you believed in some positive surprise?

>> No.27830168

you sure it has nothing to do with them cutting off dividents for 2020 ? Ericsson has its stocks up and they're much or less in the same bucket so to speak.

>> No.27830844

Should’ve bought doge

>> No.27831618

No, NOK is a hold.

>> No.27832471

No. Stop selling one investment to put into another. Just get a real fucking job to supply principal capital if you want to get a new shitcoin you dumbass.

>> No.27833080

Bought 103 shares @5:09 feel like a retard will probably just average down and hold