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2781275 No.2781275 [Reply] [Original]

Is it foolish for a man to try and become wealthy just to get a trophywife (similar to pic related) ?

Let's say he gets a pre-nup, covers all the expenses and marries her just for companionship and sex.

Would it still be dumb to do this ?

If yes, can you tell me why ?

>> No.2781290
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>marries her just for companionship and sex.

oh yeah I forgot about those OTHER reasons people usually get married

>> No.2781292

I guess if that's the only thing that will make you happy... but it seldom ends well. If you are get rich, just rent pussy.

>> No.2781296

If you need money to get a trophy wife youre in for a really bad day

>> No.2781309

Don't marry her, you dumb fuck.
Marriage will put her in a save position and she can do whatever fuck she wants... Yes even fucking other dudes...

If you just keep her around, she will be afraid of losing you as you can dump get anytime...

Only marry someone if you're sure that she's not after your money, dumb shit...

>> No.2781311

lel this

>> No.2781315

>tfw I love my 6/10 gf and will never leave her

>> No.2781335


Remember :marriage is a contract with the government. You never want that.

>> No.2781337

>tfw your 9/10 that hates your guts spends all of your money, has you wrapped around her little finger (make her happy or no sex for you) and makes your life miserable

>> No.2781351

Courts throw out prenups like they're trash. Don't do it anon.

>> No.2781359

Ffs, I said that I'd get a pre-nup.

>> No.2781369

Why in the everloving fuck are you still with her?

>> No.2781372

Whatever happened to an actually fulfilling, chill relationship between two people who simply get together out of mutual interest and stay together for the laughs, sex, companionship, love and support.

Like, what happened to just going out and meeting different people until one of them genuinely piques your interest and you theirs.

Jesus, how far has the west fallen?

If you're after sex, just buy it off hookers. If you want actual companionship, get to know actual companions. Real women or men, lonely souls out there, who are looking for the same. You don't even need wealth for that.

>> No.2781456

I don't get the appeal of trophy wives. If she's hot is fun, fucks well, doesn't want to steal your money etc. Then fine. But if all she has is looks, then best of luck to you lol.

I purposely married someone who isn't going to win beauty contests. But guess what? She's fun, fucks well, doesn't want to take my money and run. At least I don't think so.

Unless you are an alpha chad with lots of money and high social status, you should never even consider marrying someone outside your league because I can guarantee it will end badly. Chances are op is a beta nice guy who would fuck up. Women will pick this up within minutes of meeting you. It won't change.

>> No.2781563

Did you not read?


Dat som juci pusi

>> No.2781588

7/10 at best

you're pussy-blinded son

>> No.2781601
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literally why

>> No.2781607

What? He said 9/10 im not following you

>> No.2781667

>Chances are op is a beta nice guy who would fuck up.

I admit I'm a "nice guy" and I've been trying to change that.

I've been going to the gym, I've started to say "no" to people who ask me for favors, I've been acting like a confident asshole, even quit my shitty job and found a better one that pays me more.

I think getting married to a woman that "loves" me is a scam and would rather try to get a trophywife just for offspring.

Lastly, I've started to realize that women don't want nice nor polite guys.

They want assholes, confident douchebaggs, bad boys, guys who have dark triad traits, dominant men with money (don't have to be rich).

>> No.2781690


>mfw you actually believe what you type
>you are actually a neckbeard stereotypical faggot

women are human. they dont have to like you just because you are 'nice'. chances are you put them on a pedestal and just make things super fucking awkward for them.

>> No.2781691

Don't marry a woman is only into you for your money

She'll blow your cash and eventually realize she can get half of your assets via divorce

That being said, men with assets have higher market value so it will increase your options exponentially

Find a good traditional woman who wants kids, believes in god and has a good relationship with her parents

Dating material is not always wife material

>> No.2781694

>tfw your gf tried to withhold sex from you
>tfw you out-abstained her
Feels beta desu

>> No.2781696

Takes a long time man. Getting married was great for me. Having kids and having a wife is great. You sound like your priorities are a bit different. The main purpose of marriage, sex etc is to have offspring though. But what about beyond that? If you think a woman love g you is a scam, then you just plan to fuck and have kids then have her leave you? And take your money? That won't end well either

>> No.2781731

The bitch just asks for shit against the prenup and the court supposes she was pressured to accept the prenup and ignores all the agreements

>> No.2781767

What is the secret of filthy rich men that marry and unmarry many women even after they had children with them and don't get fucked over? You see there are many that after only one divorce already lose almost everything and get hit really hard and others that unmarry many and it doesn't affect them at all financially speaking.

>> No.2781785


prenups will get thrown out in court faster than your childrens' custody if your wife chooses to divorce

also in some (((countries))), theres a law that counts you as married if you live together, even without actually marrying.
i think it's called [something] cohabitance

>> No.2781821

We have something similar here in Australia. It's called a de facto relationship and it's treated almost the same as a marriage.

>> No.2781880


Protip to you OP. You want sum fuk, you call up a hooker. Call up a very expensive one and ask for a fixed routine or something. Hell ask for a discount if you buy her shit with your card, I don't care. But *never* become engaged to someone just for appearances. You will make your own life miserable because the life of someone wanting to be a trophy is irrevocably already miserable to begin with.

First things first fix that fucking attitude (>>2781667). Quitting your shitty job and getting a better one for more cash is NOT being a confident asshole, it's just being confident (grats for that). Second, you're correct, it IS a scam trying to find someone who loves you, but it's even a bigger of a scam to waste your hard earned money on sugar babies.

About the last part, women don't want confident douchebags, they want confident bags in general. If they're douches she'll rationalize that these are the best men available to her, but the same reason will tell her to be an asshole bitch in retribution. You offer dark triad? You'll get the dark triad on your face (rather on your bank account).

Finally, if you still want to marry for companionship (don't have sex high up on the list even if she claims to be nympho, trust me on this), there is only one trait you're looking for: be able to actually hold a conversation with her. Doesn't matter if she's less intelligent than you and you like to awe her with stuff, doesn't matter if she's smarter and you like to learn from her and doesn't matter if you're about the same level and have engaging discussions where you can actually disagree with each other. In the end of the day, the only ability required to live together with someone is that said someone is someone you can actually talk to, be it about your day, or about abstract concepts. Anything else gets swept under the rug as soon as you get sick of her farts and tantrums.

>> No.2781912


>I love
Too bad girls aren't wired like guys. Don't buy into the girl "love"-meme, girls can't love properly - they can go along, say nothing about it, and then just fucking snap one day, deciding to ruin everything. You have to stay on top of it, and never take her for granted (not in the romantic love movie way, I mean don't slack off thinking you "have" her).

Here are your answers:

What happened is that (((they))) (feminists, cultural marxists, i.e. Jews) ruined most of the family dynamic during the decades following WWII. The best way to make people dependant on the state, is to kill the practicality and notion of the family. So now women are "empowered" (a single man can't run a household anymore because wages were driven way down in relation to other costs since the 50's), and the state is the provider of both money and security - had a kid with some guy, but want something "better" and decide to leave him to fuck random dudes? Too bad chump, pay up with half of your everything. Should the female fall on hard times, the state will just outright pay her anyway, with your tax money.

Smash the patriarchy is what they've been chanting, well, they more or less have done that, but not in the way they intended. Now there's no reason to make anything work, you can just fuck off and find someone new, and there isn't even any social shame about it. The reason the romantic notions of past were what they were, was because you couldn't just PMS, leave your husband, fuck Chads and expect not to become a social pariah as a result. Today, that's entirely acceptable, and that's the beginning of the end.

^ TL;DR: Jews

However, I think there's hope in the end. This is having the effect of women ending up alone in their 30's, 40's and up, as men catch younger (rebellious, as each new generation usually is) girls that aren't as bad. We can fix the west yet.

>> No.2782143

When you're with a girl, you will inevitably find her more attractive after you've had sex with her. You'll just bond better because of hormones, so she'll look better to you because you know exactly what to expect (subconciously).

>women are human
Technically yes, but they're not like men. Don't treat or think of them like men. They're not equals, and if that's what you expect, you're in for a rude awakening.

Women want to be lead, typically. That doesn't mean that you should be an asshole to them, like pickup artists seem to think. It sort of works just by pure numbers (get rejected by 9/10, get a number occasionally), but it's a fundamental misunderstanding of their nature in my opinion. Women are more or less like children, mentally. If you consider how you would treat a child, it lines up most of the time to what works with women. But there are differences of course, things kids wouldn't do and ways you would treat a woman that you wouldn't treat a child.

It's difficult to really put into words; often people would say something like "they argue with emotions". What I mean by them being like children is in attitude and mentality, not otherwise. Arguing with a woman is like arguing with a child. It's not worth it, because she'll be fundamentally unable to follow your logic. She might see it if you explain it, but she'll have a hard time accepting it internally (applies to the vast majority of women, exceptions occur).

What "nice guy" means is that he's trying to consider her too, and take care of her needs as he would his own (in ways that would suit him). But that's a problem because women's needs are nearly incomprehensible to men. Women are intensely self-centered and seem to think they know what they want, but at the same time if you leave them to decide, they can't. They need a leader, like a kid needs a parent. Someone who is with them on every level, but also independent and above them when needed.

>That's great, honey.

>> No.2782209
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Op man been doing this since forever. You doing nothing wrong. Pic kind related.

>> No.2782244

>There's hope in the end

Not really, look at the black community in America. It was able to succeed during slavery and segregation, and then when the strong male leaders (MLK and Malcom X) died, every black movement since went full commie. (War on poverty, the black power movement, etc.). If you go to the BLM website it even says HERstory instead of history of the movement. It even outlines the straight black male, and the traditional family as antagonists. You're going to end up with women who have no standards and are fat with short hair because society has no standards for them,guys who don't care because easy sex, and increase in drug use due to single family homes and degenerative lifestyles. These things are already happening and I don't know how to reverse it unless we incentivize the family unit

>> No.2782270


Same. Been with the same girl for a very long time, about halfway through the relationship I started having doubts and wanting to fuck other hot girls. Realized it was a mistake a few days later and that 99% of all girls out there are either losers with no aspirations, dumb as fuck, or a whore. One day in the relationship the love will fade, you won't think about them so much, you'll start to take it for granted, but real love requires you to put in some work to actually keep things going. We got back together in the end, and I regret ever considering it.

Don't marry a girl just because she's hot. The bitch will resent you deep down and always be planning a way to run away with the gold. She'll also likely be very high maintenance and require expensive dates and gifts to keep her happy. She'll also likely be a fucking psycho due to spending her whole life always getting what she wants, and she'll be selfish as fuck. You really don't wanna go down this road my friend.

>> No.2782327

That girl is making me nauseous

>> No.2782374

Trophy wife is meme of jealousy women about hot women, All these women want to be trophy wife,marry way more superior status man.

>> No.2782378

>However, I think there's hope in the end.
You forgot to read this part:
>This is having the effect of women ending up alone in their 30's, 40's and up, as men catch younger (rebellious, as each new generation usually is) girls that aren't as bad. We can fix the west yet.
Generation (Z)yklon is better already.

As for the black community in the US, yeah, they're a good example of what single mothers do if left unchecked. But the rest of society is nowhere near that, and the tides are turning all over the west. The wave of (((degeneracy and leftism))) following WWII has reached its crescendo, and we're now starting to see the pendulum swing back ever so slightly. Once it gains more momentum, which it does constantly at this point, except some heads to roll.

>real love requires you to put in some work to actually keep things going
Indeed. That's one of the most important parts to keeping relationships working. You can't relax because you're now in a relationship, you have to keep making the girl interested in you.

In one clip she says she'd leave if he was broke. But at least she's an extremely honest gold-digger. She says that she wouldn't be with him if it wasn't for the money, but that he wouldn't be with her if it wasn't for her body. So it's a fair trade, in many ways. You have to keep in mind that it's a TV show as well.

>> No.2782387

Stop posting this thread every day you faggot

>> No.2782388

* expect

>> No.2782435
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>tfw low sex drive, have no desire to date or have sex with women and am content to just keep working at at my job, building my side businesses, trading crypto and stacking loadsa money

>> No.2782608

I think it's 9 month for people living together of the opposite sex
You don't even have to be in a relationship or anything

>> No.2782610



>> No.2782623

This is the optimal outlook. I feel bad for people who need to find a lifelong partner in order to be happy. It's like they're bored with themselves.

>> No.2782669


I was happy with myself before I met my partner. You sound like someone who has rationalized their lack of ability with women as something desirable as if you are "above" that sort of thing. I feel bad for you desu

>> No.2782742

If you were happy with yourself before then you're not the kind of person i'm talking about. Many people need a partner and are not happy without one.

>> No.2782801

>I've started to say "no" to people who ask me for favors
What the fuck does this have to do with being a nice guy?

>> No.2782916

Nice guys always say "yes", nice guys are people pleasers.

>> No.2782956

Wait a sec there must be a line between very helpful person and nice guy

>> No.2782964

This guy gets it.

>> No.2783027

Im going to marry my family friends daughter. The only way I could pull it off was cuz im rich af. Shes 14. its funny the double standard people have. If I was poor or regular income I would be some kind of creeper to them.

>> No.2783123

lucky guy. why dont you post some pics

>> No.2783225

>theres a law that counts you as married if you live together, even without actually marrying.
what if we live together like roommates sharing the rent? Will I still get raped by the courts?

>> No.2783299

Do you really have the energy to keep one of these stupid women happy all the time? Just waking up every single day knowing that she wants to "do something" or "go somewhere" so that she can buy shit or take selfies to impress her friends and people online. It is NOT FUCKING WORTH IT.
Unless you are a complete Chad ultimate pussy slayer then do not keep a girl around like this because I guarantee you are being used.
Go with a sweet 6/10 that adores you. And even then you still better be lifting and developing hobbies and progessing in your career. Keeping a relationship going and sex good is a constant fight if you are a man, don't disadvantage yourself at the start by getting with a 9/10.

Remember that song if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. That shit is true as fuck.

>> No.2783490

just pay hookers from time to time

>> No.2783629

Yeah I can see that but what about passing on your genes? Literally nothing else matters. That's the reason why you're even here, because someone took a dick and had you and everyone else in your family. The older you are, the higher risk you have of having an autismo regardless of the age of the woman you impregnate. And don't even bring up the overpopulation or costs needed. You have poor shitskins breeding like rabbits every day and they're taking over.

>> No.2783687

The 6/7/8s are the biggest cunts out there. Most people are too afraid to approach 9/10s so their self worth is skewed and they develop complexes. Everyone hits on a 7 or 8 though so they get inflated sense of self worth.

Honestly there are way more 7s that think they deserve that lifestyle than 9s/10s, on a per capita basis of course since there are so many more 7s than 9s.

Chad's are also way nicer and better humans in general than the insecure manlet or autist that likes to paint himself as the "nice guy". If you leave your house for one week all this will be verified.

>> No.2783703

That's what trophy wives are for. It would just be risky to rely on them for emotional fulfilment.

>> No.2783708

The reason women smile so big when they walk down the aisle:

They never have to give a blowjob ever again...


>> No.2783729
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>Let's say he gets a pre-nup
My boi, you are in for a shock when the judge throws away your "iron-clad" prenup

>> No.2783732

Also the world isn't overpopulated. We have an enormous amount of unused land and resources. Everyone who can afford food and water can easily get it.

>> No.2783740

>Remember that song if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife. That shit is true as fuck.

bro1 "Hey man I saw your wife the other day and she was uuugglyyyyy"

bro2 "yeah, but she sure can cook"


>> No.2783750

>just pay hookers from time to time

I really don't understand why kids want a "tropy wive" when you can live the bachelor life and fuck a different model every week.

Leonardo Dicaprio isn't married for a very good reason.

don't fall for the marriage meme

>> No.2783763

Watch the movie Queen of Versailles and laugh at the psyche of the rich guy who took the girl out of the trailer park.

>> No.2783764

Because many people want kids eventually.

>> No.2783771


Like having a family? Have fun spending your final days listening to africans and spics jibber in an unintelligible dialect while ignoring you in that nice nursing home down the street, you worthless shit stains

>> No.2783788

>When you're with a girl, you will inevitably find her more attractive after you've had sex with her.

For a while. And then you'll get bored of (maybe "used to" is more accurate) her and want to cheat.

T. Recently married man, also see Coolidge effect

>> No.2783812

I'll have you know I am not a shit stain. I am a white Christian American and as such I hate spics, niggers, mudslimes, chicks, semi-chinks, and other trash people.

>> No.2783828

Every seven is a 10 depending on who you're talking to

>> No.2783829

chicks should have been chinks. I love chicks, they make me hot, especially when they've had tits for less time than I've owned my newest car. Or when they have knife fights in the nude.

>> No.2783929

Summarize pls

>> No.2784297

>Recently married man

Cool, I'd like to ask you and any other married men a few questions.

Is it true that you'll (sooner or later) want to have sex with other women eventually ?

Are wives really as supportive, helpful and caring as everyone claims they are ?

Can wives become good business partners or at least help you pay family expenses ?

Would you advise any man who's trying to become wealthy and wants to marry someone eventually to get a pre-nup ?