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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 167 KB, 1152x648, RUBIC4CHAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27800961 No.27800961 [Reply] [Original]

For everyone who is wondering:

This is NOT a scam project, dont listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.

The Price however, is controlled by few and almost exclusively out of 4Chan.

This doesnt mean it will only be PnD.

The AMA today was NOT cancelled.

The AMA was NOT priced in yesterday how faggots kept telling you guys.

>> No.27800975


>> No.27801157
File: 474 KB, 1046x1363, 1612398079094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking russian rugpullers

the price dropped down to 0.38cent and your AMA was cancelled almost two hours ago on their twitter, you are as delusional as q fags

>> No.27801213
File: 57 KB, 512x512, 82801fab-1a52-4d18-bbd7-13054fe560d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I've been in rubic since before 2 cents and I will tell you why. They had a sexy roadmap which involved a DeFi exchange with an order book. That was my main attraction... But then they decided to tackle cross-chain transfers. They delivered with BSN first. They will create more cross-chain swaps other chains later this year. They moved up their layer two integration to this quarter because they recognize the market needs it. Nobody performs erc20 token swaps currently with almost no fees and that is what rubic is aiming to do. Then, on their AMA, they came out and said they're applying for exchanges in feb/march/April for the biggest CEX's so that more users can adopt the rubic exchange long-term. On top of that, the tokenomics are insanely good with 80% of the supply ALREADY being distributed and biz owns OVER 50% of that supply now which is why you're seeing these constant price moves.
>>but they can't deliver their team is young and retarded
Now, for anyone doing their homework, they'll know that rubic has a great relationship with other teams and is known amongst the cryptoland as having some of the most experienced smart contract developers. More below...
>>but they started MyWish and it failed
MyWish didn't fail, but got hit hard during the ENTIRE crypto crash Q2 of 2020. The team is STILL working on the MyWish project as it will integrate with rubic later down the road as they have a complete vision. Do you know who Binance, TRON, NEO, and a few other projects received assistance from with their smart contracts? Well you guessed it anon, it was the same fucking MyWish team who is building the rubic exchange now.
>>nobody uses rubic exchange!
It's BRAND FUCKING NEW YOU RETARDS... And every day it gets more and more volume. It's now up to 7 million in daily volume up from 1 million in mid January. Consider yourself rubic pilled. Oh and yes they are doing a UI rework retards.

>> No.27801306

fiat x2. Greenback. OXEN solves this

>> No.27801317

I don't understand why FUD is made here, which can be refuted in 2 seconds if you just check the price on coingecko and see that the price is not at 0.38.

>> No.27801364

Based. GMI

>> No.27801417
File: 252 KB, 3000x3000, 1612296662896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's currently 0.59 on probit, ATH

>> No.27801424

let's count the jeets in this thread

>> No.27801517

>they came out and said they're applying for exchanges in feb/march/April
by then there will be better exchanges. they're not competitive now. you got nothing and you bought into a scam.

>> No.27801577


>> No.27801664
File: 434 KB, 801x573, rubic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? like REEF? or Rigel!? Lmao you're a fucking tard. ngmi

>> No.27801667

Why does /biz/ spread all this pajeet fud when they also own all of the RBC in circulation

>> No.27801680

this FUD is so retarded because it literally takes two seconds to confirm that it is completely wrong

>> No.27801700

when is the AMA?

>> No.27801741

Today at 2PM UTC

>> No.27801747

Thats what i dont get, such a pathetic try then again WHY .. ?

>> No.27801749

hahahaha why is there so much FUD? Is it bait?

>> No.27801763
File: 241 KB, 894x894, 1612394358606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of biz owns rbc. So the faggots that missed the sub 20 cents train are foaming at the mouth with rage.

>> No.27801769

>website looks like 2 pajeets coded it overnight
>"whitepaper" is just a bunch of screenshots
this is a pump and dump, if you buy this you deserve to lose money

>> No.27801771

in 6 hours, 2pm utc

>> No.27801935

Stop copy pasting into every thread you third world scum

>> No.27802066
File: 167 KB, 1920x1080, a fool and their money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen you dumb bitch your exchange doesn't even crack the top like 50 exchanges out there and that's not counting all the exchanges coming that are going to shit on it. By the time you can even use your piece of shit exchange all the other exchanges that are already better will be any better. Neck yourself you absolute mong.

>> No.27802090
File: 44 KB, 595x333, Screenshot 2021-02-05 101321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Niggerfaggot tranny pajeet fudder

>> No.27802099

you can use the exchange right now and it'll get you more coins for your ETH in instant trades versus uniswap, retard

>> No.27802149

and yet none of them other than rubic has cross-chain swaps and no one has L2 yet

>> No.27802173

Kek. I know your being payed to shill this coin, Rajneesh, but when you blow your cool and make a bunch of typos it really comes across as unprofessional.

>> No.27802183
File: 2.47 MB, 272x276, 1612500055817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, sorry im full of shit, just fudding a bit before i put some more bags in

>> No.27802191

>I'm a faggot bitch that is seething because I didn't buy in much lower
yeah, sounds about right.

>> No.27802196
File: 31 KB, 821x656, Curvefi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao. This is bullish.

This piece of shit curve finance is at 2x the mkt cap or rubic!? BULLISH.

This is an easy win boys.

>> No.27802371

>rubic doesn't have that dope windows 3.1 vaporwave aesthetic

>> No.27802378
File: 292 KB, 1274x719, 1612432385420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, it's 14x the market cap of rubic. Holy shit.

Lets goooooooooo

>> No.27802460

Nobody needs these meme features because they can swap everything from Uniswap. You need this meme feature because you have no coins even with it you still have no coins to swap.
If you actually check out that product it's far more comprehensive than your stupid cuck rbc meme exchange.

>> No.27802485

>doesn't even crack the top like 50 exchanges out there
that's the point, friend

>> No.27802570
File: 393 KB, 958x536, 1612292057592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27802573

THEY FUD SO they can accumulate more at the current price before it goes up. They make up lies to keep the price stagnant before it goes up. This is how biz works for ALL NEWFAGS reading this. Sometimes fud is real when it’s sushi coin or shiba or whatever the fuck cartoon coin of the week is but when it’s an actual project you will also see FUD. This kind of FUD is what I mentioned before. Don’t get fucked and lurk more

>> No.27802589

i think it looks neat =)

>> No.27802707

yeah you're retarded i get it you like supporting bad products have fun being retarded im out

>> No.27802708

>Nobody needs these meme features because they can swap everything from Uniswap

Are you retarded? Imagine I want to trade between ETH and BTC on a DEX or between ERC20 and BSC. I would literally have to shift my money (because uniswap can't do it) and do the trade on a centralized exchange

>> No.27803006
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>> No.27803029

You can already easily swap between ETH/BTC on just about any place you purchase it form then buy your coins from Uniswap Again the problem is YOU HAVE NO COINS ON YOUR EXCHANGE YOU RETARDED SHIT EATING FAGGOT.

>> No.27803136
File: 167 KB, 828x404, 1612027265422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nononono.
>He doesn't know about DOT integration.
>He doesn't fully understand crosschain

>> No.27803330

OH GEE Q3/Q4 by then all other exchanges will be more matured too and are already infinitely better than this shit. And crosschain that's great but I don't use binance and I don't need it either I just buy the coin I need and exchange it for the coin your piece of shit exchange will never ever ever have.

>> No.27803442
File: 110 KB, 398x400, 1594199349110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn well you just sound way more clued up than me anon. Good luck to you. If you have inside knowledge that all those features are coming to other exchanges then god speed.

>> No.27803599

"all those features" they don't even add up to uniswap in its current state let alone uniswap v3 which is predicted sometime this year. the most important feature of an exchange is the ability to exchange some motherfucking coins that's why uniswap does so much volume. nothing else really matters if you can't fucking exchange your coins on it.

>> No.27803759
File: 34 KB, 483x470, 1604939891201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down anon. All of that will come. This is early and the team is proven.. Do you not like to make money anon?

>> No.27804082


>> No.27804295


>> No.27804463
File: 66 KB, 735x722, 1612353514049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir please buy rigel!
Use those rubic gains to buy rigel.
Were bros right? Us rigel guys and rubic guys?
Sir please! Buy rigel! Please!

>> No.27804969

You can literally get 10% more in each transaction on rubic right now, you retarded 80 IQ FUDing faggot

Why don’t you try it before pajeeting?