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27794372 No.27794372 [Reply] [Original]

What should I do anons... I’m scared of being priced out of someday running an AVAX node, but I don’t want to sacrifice my GRT suicide stack. Selling my BTC and ETH would put my portfolio under much greater risk than it is now...

>> No.27794731

No easy answers. But the amount of AVAX you should own is more than zero.

>> No.27795122

Dump bitcoin and eth. They can only 10x. Avax can and will 100x. You can easily get your bitcoin and eth positions back

>> No.27795180

never heard of this before. why will it 10x

>> No.27795534

Cutting edge tech.
4500 tps
<1 sec finality
Founder invented the first PoW crypto (before bitcoin)
Can run Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) out of the box
Once the bridge is live, can run EVM apps with fees in the cents rather hundreds of dollars

>> No.27795580

So you think AVAX will 100x in the next year or so? And on hype or fundamentals? While I believe in AVAX long term it’s hard to say how soon it will really achieve adoption

>> No.27795649

Trade your BTC and ETH for AVAX or ADA retard

>> No.27795782

Listen. I had the same thoughts back in Dec. 2020. I thought AVAX would be flat until at least April 2021. Then January happened. Don't be me.

>> No.27795794
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Don’t worry too much about getting enough to run a node. Obviously acquire as much as you can before things get really heated - but you definitely wanna sell at the top of this bull market, then buy back in once it’s crashed. You won’t be able to do that if you’re staked. That’s going to get you the most AVAX long term.

>> No.27795871

Get some zora, it’s still low

>> No.27795919

I'm a poorfag and I feel you anon. Currently at 360 avax and dont know if imma make it to 500 before being priced out. If my poor ass had a porfolio like that, I'd definitely sell a chunk to get to 500. Although I can't say if the short term performance of AVAX will be as good, the long term will blow all 3 out the water.

>> No.27795933

Zoracles? I thought that shit died

>> No.27796029

Yeah it’s not a bad idea to start in the high caps and move your capital to alts.

>> No.27796210

Fair enough, but how do you know when we’ve reached the top? Would you say timing the top of a long term cycle is the only reliable way to swing trade?

>> No.27797397

Thanks for your thoughts anon. I’m probably gonna sell my btc and eth now.

>> No.27797774

Fantom can do all of that shit at a fraction of the mcap

>> No.27798284

It's not decentralized. <100 nodes IIRC? Avalanche can support up to millions. Currently has over 800.

Also, their business development plans don't make sense to me. Why are they so focused on the Afghanistan market? And why don't they have more developers on their team for such an ambitious roadmap? Regardless, I'm eager to see what they put out in the coming months. Just not as bullish as I am about Avalanche.