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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27791449 No.27791449 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Pajeets and no coiners. My Rubics stay cubic.
>Didn't buy at 0.005
>Didn't buy at 0.01
>Didn't buy at 0.10
>Didn't buy at 0.20
>Didn't buy at 0.30
>Didn't buy at 0.40
>Didn't buy at 0.50
>Didn't buy at 0.55
you are here
>Didn't buy at 1$
>Didn't buy at 2$
>Didn't buy at 3$
>Didn't buy at 4$
>Didn't buy at 5$
>Didn't buy at 6$
>Realizing you fucked up
>Buying a rope at local hardware store
>Write goodbye letter
>Google how to tie the knot
>Get a stool

>> No.27791513

>Google how to tie the knot
kek are we marrying the rope

>> No.27791664

rubic got me my house deposit already. as a poorfag am very happy

>> No.27791678

Dumping this shit for the Apollo launch. I suggest you do the same.

>> No.27791845

What does it do though?

>> No.27792017

Lmao Apollo haha
What are you going to buy AOX the "growth" coin? When it launches at 1$ lol. Pegged value.

>> No.27792050

>At $5 dollars
>What does it do though?
I hope there aren't any hardware stores near you anon.

>> No.27792168

I tried to buy in when it was 0.04 and my swap failed feels bad man. I've only realized like $2k off this shit. Oh well.

>> No.27792184
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So fucking tired of watching this shot happen.
Someone shill me on which wallet to get and how I can start getting in on these exchanges. Tired of Coinbase bullshit.

>> No.27792646
File: 802 KB, 828x1103, rubicEasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27792700

so how do i sell it and get gains

>> No.27792807

>wants in
>refuses to pay the ridiculous gas fee.

>> No.27792883

Congrats dude. Nice to hear a good story among all the gme horror stories this week.

>> No.27792903

turn rubic back into ETH, send eth to coinbase, cash out

>> No.27792947

don't be mad at the plays you didn't trade. Only the ones you fucked up.

>> No.27793011

Is metamask legit? And can I just like literally dl it into brave just like that? Boom I have a wallet? Then with that wallet, I don’t need to sign up for any other bullshit like Coinbase again? Bc I have like 15k in Coinbase rn.

>> No.27793088

Make sure you write down your recovery keys and put them in a safe place.

>> No.27793092

10k suicide stack HODL
(Since 0.125. NOT. FUCKING. SELLING.)


>> No.27793117

Yup pretty much, just note down your seed phrase cause if you lose it you're fucked

>> No.27793242
File: 163 KB, 320x320, 1611552178693.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you Pajeets im never selling my rupics EVER.

>> No.27793295
File: 171 KB, 1850x684, D8812678-7D0B-4138-8A3D-3DFCAEC9A3D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, frens.
Is my seed phrase whatever I want it to be? And are there any other exchanges I can use to buy other shit with once it’s in metamask?
I’ll hop on the train tomorrow.

>> No.27793367

>find biz
>bought 340 RBC because I liked the memes 3 weeks ago
>forgot about the coins
>forgot about biz
>came back to biz and coins after 3 weeks

Well atleast I made something

>> No.27793463

it solves the rubiks cube sirs

>> No.27793529

>10 billion supply

>> No.27793668

You'll still need to get ethereum from an exchange like coinbase. And it'll typically be cheaper to buy tokens that are on central exchanges that way since gas is crazy.

>> No.27793742

idk if you can change it, it'll tell you a series of 20 words thats your seed phrase, write it down somehwere IRL and keep it safe no matter what.

>> No.27793975

Also make sure you learn it through guides and shit because it may be a little confusing at first. Once you get it it's a pretty good wallet though for swaps and such.

>> No.27794036

>still can't be bought on any relevant exchange
I sleep

>> No.27794253


what shitcoin are you looking at

>> No.27794306

>bank deposit STILL hasn't gone through to coinbase

>> No.27794602

0.6 in a few minutes

>> No.27794865

this coin is not even on binance

>> No.27794930

If your coin is listed on binance you aren't early

>> No.27795109

you talking about GRT?

>> No.27795255
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>> No.27795867

also yes.
but use rubic ;)

>> No.27796593
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>> No.27797665

Get crypto dot com account. You can buy ETH with card and no fees for the first 30 days