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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27790519 No.27790519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27790870


>> No.27790911

What's the make it stack? I only have 30k

>> No.27790920
File: 228 KB, 831x799, 1B4B78FE-EDF2-491B-AE44-81824481EAB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic has been the worst shilling I’ve seen in a while. Please don’t let it be an actual project that pumps this year

>> No.27790956

How does 300,000,000 USD sound?

>> No.27791006

There's still space in the bus anon

We saved you a seat

>> No.27791012
File: 352 KB, 860x1333, 1597881699449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's LINK all over again faggot
you want to be buying RBC at $20 EOY or at 60 cents right now?
the shills might be irritating but on this project they're fucking right, glad i listened even though i'm a poorfag and could barely afford any at all

>> No.27791100

I would buy if it was easier to cop

>> No.27791129

i'm a link OG. Link popped and continues to be a great investment because of the technology. Would you be kind enough to explain rubic to me? I assumed it was pajeetery but i'll hear you out.

>> No.27791216
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we're making it

>> No.27791293

RBC is an average exchange no one really uses. That's pretty much all there is to know. The team is all Russian and their previous coin was Mywish, which did terrible

>> No.27791331

Don't you get it though? It has a low ass market cap and already is at 50 cents. When it is easier to buy it will probably be 5x what is worth at the end of the week. You're missing out m8.

>> No.27791466

>Please don’t let it be an actual project that pumps this year
Too late for that. And to make matters even worse for you retarded faggots, it's going to unclog Eth and you will end up trading on the exchange.

>> No.27791560
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You know how gas fees are fucking obnoxious and horrible and we all hate them?
Crosschain swaps being developed on the Rubic exchange are going to fix that by using Binance smart chain instead of the retarded Ethereum network and no one will have to pay $50 in gas just to buy shitcoins anymore
It's already cheaper than uniswap and the crosschain swap isn't here yet, it's literally a better uniswap and you can see how that exploded in marketcap, imagine rubic's marketcap EOY especially once they improve the UI, which is soon
and did i mention they have an actual fucking working product unlike most of the shitcoins currently here, as well as an all-white dev team with previous crypto experience
Also /biz/ owns most of the wallets and gas fees encourage holding rather than swinging it
All signs are green on this, get in before you're priced out anon

>> No.27791610

It already has cross-chain trades which no other exchange has, you fucking pajeet FUD bitch

the other things they are adding are above and beyond what other exchanges have

mywish was a totally different project which they will support and are giving RBC airdrops to


>> No.27791792

And sergey is a greedy fat midwit. cope noruber

>> No.27792888

sorry mate, but how will that be better than arbitrum on link? Or ethereum 2.0? It sounds like an efficiency advancement, but link and eth are both developing the same thing, and probably better, don't you think?

>> No.27792957

these are the kinds of posts that make me blacklist a project

>> No.27792960
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Based and Rubicpilled.

>> No.27793014

Can I send ETH to my MetaMask wallet from RobinHood? Pls respond I’m trying to go to the moon

>> No.27793021

Don't worry they're going to say we'll be rugpulled at <insert price point here> :^)

>> No.27793077

thank god i didn't listen to the fudders and bought in at 9c

>> No.27793126

Its at 56 cents now

>> No.27793150

ah, i forgot to mention in my first reply, i don't trade on a midterm basis. i'm only looking for 5 + year holds. If rubic will pop in 3 years and then collapse to zero i'm not interested.

>> No.27793307
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it's probably more of a 2 year thing to be honest, but in those 2 years it's gonna be fucking massive
if you choose to buy, good luck anon i think you'll make good gains, if not then good luck with your LINK stack

>> No.27793460

>all-white dev team

>> No.27793586

this isn't link
link was shilled when it was worthless and anons made the memes you can tell the difference before the pumps
this was shilled hard by paid forces and then did a giant pump in no time at all
buying in now would be extremely risky

>> No.27793692

thats a fair answer and good luck to you. I don't have the gut instinct for trading on such a short term basis. I'm all about the fundamentals of fundamentals and being patient.

>> No.27793717

Nobody here cares about you or what you do with your money. You could die tomorrow and none of us would know or care. Fuck off.

>> No.27793836

this is another post that makes me blacklist a project. I'm not attacking you or anyone else in this thread. I'm trying to have a real conversation about why people like it or why people don't like it. But you are clearly antagonistic towards actual conversation, which means actual conversation is a threat to you goals.

>> No.27793952

>which no other exchange has

>> No.27793980


blessed cube mother

>> No.27794010


>> No.27794075

Do your own research. Nobody is spoonfeeding you. Now fuck outta here.

>> No.27794096

I'll beat your fucking ass nigger, how dare you meh mommy. She wants us all to make it, she works very hard for us and this is how you treat her in return? Nigger. You're a fucking nigger. NGMI. Sell your rubic right fucking now nigger. You don't deserve to hold /our/ coin.

>> No.27794167

this is another type of post that makes me blacklist a project. If you didn't want to engage with me, you just wouldn't engage with me. Instead you've replied to me three times with very aggressive rhetoric. I haven't asked anything nasty and i haven' been mean. Why do basic questions about a project you're so in love with make you so angry? Maybe because you're position is based off of your wish to scam the rest of us?

>> No.27794373

you think the shills learn eventually but no
i don't understand why they keep paying for such bottom tier quality while /biz/ moves slow enough that 1 guy from the actual team answering questions would be so much more effective
thusfar in skimming all the threads i have barely seen much info and what rubic actually does or why it stands out

>> No.27794541

imagine not already having bought rubic and instead posting on 4chan

>> No.27794545

>come into rubic hype thread when it is already up 6000%
>"excuse me I know absolutely nothing about the project at all and have done zero research whatsoever but please spoonfeed me everything and tell me exactly why I should invest in this"
Fuck off retard.

>> No.27794567

>I'll beat your fucking ass
Lol no
I’d break you in half and then rape your mother in front of you. And yes, I’m fucking serious

>> No.27794713

lol, I have more money than you do bitch. Go back to r3ddit and buy more GME you nigger wannabe.

>> No.27794747

why the fuck would anyone invest in something that is already up over 7000% in 30 days? Brain dead retard.

>> No.27794807

Planned, some implemented:
Anonymous cross-chain swaps, allowing burgers to trade for coins on binance chain
-90% gas fee reduction
L2 integration, 2k txns/sec
Polkadot integration
Meme power

>> No.27794857

how does 0 usd sound?

>> No.27794925

>lol, I have more money than you do bitch
Again, no. You’re a small little child and I dominate you in every capacity known to man.

>> No.27794961

because it goes up another 7000%

>> No.27794978
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can I buy with USDT instead of ETH ?

>> No.27794993


>> No.27795756

here is a real answer:>>27793307

to the red id: fuck you. I'm coming here in good faith and hoping to discuss this project with you. Do you know how all of us konw you are a gay shill? Because people who are actually interested in a project love to talk about it. They're passionate about it. You are getting defensive because you don't know shit about why anyone would want to buy this.

>> No.27796688

Yes you can! However the ETH gas fees needs to be payed in ETH. That is why always keep more than 50$ worth of ETH so that I can always pay the fees

>> No.27796781

I dont even get the scam comments.. theres a full on working exchange...

>> No.27796839

Yea I mean that was what happened with LINK

>> No.27796954

Where can I buy Rubic?

>> No.27796969

jesus christ you are a dipshit

sounds like you know a lot about React, did I nail it?

>> No.27796972

You sound like a faggot

>> No.27797025

i was waiting for a fucking dip back to 0.1 about a week ago and it never fucking came I'M PRICED OUT IT'S OVER I'M GONNA ROPE RN.

>> No.27797152

Got my 10k suicide stack ready.

>> No.27797673

uniswap if you're buying a big stack (fees don't scale much with size of trade), probit if you're a poorfag (slow but lower fees)

>> No.27797746

I was too lazy to buy earlier at 38 lol kill me

>> No.27797755

why don't you refute my statements? What do you like about rubic? What does it even do? You don't have an answer and thats why my questions upset you so much.

>> No.27797784
File: 151 KB, 630x505, 1610915992176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the IQ of biz fudders when it comes to rubic holy shit this is bullish as hell....

Anon, I've been in rubic since before 2 cents and I will tell you why. They had a sexy roadmap which involved a DeFi exchange with an order book. That was my main attraction... But then they decided to tackle cross-chain transfers. They delivered with BSN first. They will create more cross-chain swaps other chains later this year. They moved up their layer two integration to this quarter because they recognize the market needs it. Nobody performs erc20 token swaps currently with almost no fees and that is what rubic is aiming to do. Then, on their AMA, they came out and said they're applying for exchanges in feb/march/April for the biggest CEX's so that more users can adopt the rubic exchange long-term. On top of that, the tokenomics are insanely good with 80% of the supply ALREADY being distributed and biz owns OVER 50% of that supply now which is why you're seeing these constant price moves.
>>but they can't deliver their team is young and retarded
Now, for anyone doing their homework, they'll know that rubic has a great relationship with other teams and is known amongst the cryptoland as having some of the most experienced smart contract developers. More below...
>>but they started MyWish and it failed
MyWish didn't fail, but got hit hard during the ENTIRE crypto crash Q2 of 2020. The team is STILL working on the MyWish project as it will integrate with rubic later down the road as they have a complete vision. Do you know who Binance, TRON, NEO, and a few other projects received assistance from with their smart contracts? Well you guessed it anon, it was the same fucking MyWish team who is building the rubic exchange now.
>>nobody uses rubic exchange!
It's BRAND FUCKING NEW YOU RETARDS... And every day it gets more and more volume. It's now up to 7 million in daily volume up from 1 million in mid January. Consider yourself rubic pilled faggots.