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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27782826 No.27782826 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.27782967

it fucking might. then it'll surge all the way to 11 monday, then crash hard. I bought in at 13.55 Wat Nou?

>> No.27783004

100% guaranteed. How do I know? Check the puts that were sold today for tomorrow expiration. Also check eod options flow for 9$ calls. U are very nice to give this out. Though no one will hear you. :)

>> No.27783015

Should've bought an option that'll expire in 2 years

>> No.27783070
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>> No.27783131

Tomorrow is Friday. Friday is the day when weekend traders close their positions. AMC ain't going anywhere but down.

>> No.27783245

They don't need to hear, they just gotta read.

>> No.27783728

I’d just be happy if it breaks $14 again desu

>> No.27784265
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The SEC b-lows fat chodes

>> No.27784398

I'm at $16 because I bought near the top like a retard, as soon as I'm only taking a few hundred in losses I'll sell. This shit isn't worth holding.

>> No.27784488

It’s a 35$ pre covid stock u fucking nitwit. Lol

>> No.27784523

good, gives us a chance to buy low and lower our averages for when it moons next week or grows over the next few months

>> No.27784640


>> No.27784707

idiot, it's all but guaranteed to creep back to $12 by the end of the year worst case scenario.

>> No.27784717

WTF are you talking about you fucking dumb nigger, it was barely 15$ the whole 2018 and 2019

>> No.27784817

That was ages ago. In 2017

>> No.27784898

Are you the same nigger that was arguing with me yesterday at the exact same hour that THE SQUEEZE DIDN'T SQUOZE YET?
lol are you some kind of coping master, you are their leader???

>> No.27784947
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Please guys, I’m not from Leddit but listen.
We bought this shit for a specific purpose, we got fucked because when it was squeezing they cockblocked the meme brokers and they now want us to sell a discount our shares, all of this while tons of shills, paid msm articles and manipulation is working to scare us into doing so.

It’s really this simple, the hedges since Monday have to give back the shorted shares and they pay a fuckton of interest on each of them, that’s why they want to drop the price, basically they’re desperate for our shares because as I said they may buy them from us @ 7$ but they’re actually paying 7 + huge interests and these interests grow each day making them lose a ton of money.

Ask yourselves if you should sell for 7$ and less with each day something that is so valuable for them.

They’re actually desperate and the shills here on /biz/ are the proof, they actually sent shills on an Indonesian basket weaving enthusiasts forum.


>> No.27784997

Next stop the moon!!

>> No.27785147

massive cope lol
Please don't go there people, don't listen to those fucks who are trying to destroy your finances for memes.

>> No.27785258

oh u delusional baggy

>> No.27785340

There is no squeeze. I bought AMC at under 10 knowing that they had firms like Blackrock and Mudrick going long on them and that when cinemas reopen, investors will start pumping en masse since the fed is giving them free money to do so to keep the sham market going.

>> No.27785391

a lot has been sold at 7 & 8 too

>> No.27785462

no one goes to the cinema
and the stock was shit even before covid, especially on 2019

>> No.27785463

I have a limit sell at $12 lol

>> No.27785464
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You disgusting fucking kike shill rat, open your eyes and read carefully: it’s not about the squeeze, it’s not happening and I don’t care, the only reason we need to hold is to make you beg us for our shares you hooked nose fuck. Do you understand.

Do not fall for their rhetoric, do not fall for posts like “TO THE MOON” or “TRUST THE PLAN HOLD FOR 2 WEEKS MORE”, do not fall for any bullshit from both sides (even if it’s always them writing these messages).


Also imagine losing money because a kike or even worse a pajeet shill paid 2$ per day managed to trick you into doing that in between poo in the loo pauses.

I’d be ashamed.

>> No.27785555

the interest is 5% yearly

>> No.27785733

>no one goes to the cinema
just because you have no life & friends doesn't mean people don't
>stock is dead
they paid off all of their debt and there is rumors of Amazon jumping in , and black rock just increased it stake to 5% , if you're here for a hail merry play , it's not happening , if you're here for a 1-2 years hodl , you'll be okey

>> No.27785757

It’s not you mongoloid shill, because if it was the case they wouldn’t be so desperate to get them back.
They lost BILLIONS with GME last week, they’re not paying 5% yearly like, they’re more like paying 5% daily

>> No.27785809

Trying too hard

>> No.27785818

Why are you antisimetic?
You are not only a master of cope, but also schizophrenic. Please help yourself.
And the other people - think whether you can trust mentally ill people, because that's mostly the people who hold and order you to do so.

>> No.27785889

>5% yearly
Top kek this isn’t a mortgage, it’s something more serious you inbred monkey.

>> No.27785985

Why did you notice the antisemitic insults and not the racism towards the Indian people?
This is my answer.

>> No.27785989

>5% daily
Ehh if you'd only known...

>> No.27786007

I hope it either goes to 13 so I can exit or crashes to the depths of hell so I can buy some cheap ass options for a year out from now

>> No.27786184

Enlighten us, post the interest rate with a source then.
Also if they pay only 5% you must ask for a salary raise then because 2$ per day is really subhuman even for the third world.

>> No.27786296

cries out when struck

>> No.27786352

I don't have to do anything you racist piece of shit. Let me just tell you that the professionals are good now, and the newbies like you aren't. Quit playing with the real players.

>> No.27786447

If you can’t prove it then there’s no reason for us to sell.
It looks like you wasted your time.

>> No.27786693

I just wanted to help people so they make a right decision. I hope I did.

>> No.27786768

not fucking selling
don't need you help
consider this the 110 place you have been kicked off you fucking jew

>> No.27786826

I’m still smarter than you. You sure work a lot of hours.

>> No.27786920
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Extremely based and antisemetic pilled

>> No.27786981

My only hope is that all restrictions across the entire country are lifted simultaneously and every single citizen and illegal alien all go to AMC theatres and systematically fill every theatre to capacity on day 1, on that day I might be able to sell

>> No.27786988
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>> No.27787165

So much hopium and copium ITT

>> No.27787201

>they really think that we work


Obese, autistic and virgin neets alone are the reason why your masters lost billions.
NEVER forget this, and on top of everything this ordeal started during the Holohoax Remembrance Day.

>> No.27787213


>> No.27787267

>i am not a tard
au contraire

>> No.27787606

This. I need it to hit $13.87. It's all I want, profit is no longer attainable on this fail, just breaking even and freeing myself from it would be beautiful.

>> No.27787650

It won't hit 13.87.
Sorry anon.

>> No.27787717

I’m buying 4K shares tomorrow, guys. As soon as it averages me down and it goes up a few cents i’m selling when I break even & getting the fuck out forever. This is a rescue mission.

>> No.27787750

They didn't even pay off half their debt, stop lying. Even with 600 million they could only pay a fraction of it. This company is beyond doomed, there's no saving it. Even if theaters weren't already a dying business, AMC would be a goner.

>> No.27787852

You know what, if tomorrow we will really see this stock hit 14$ this would be the biggest flag ever about the fact that the hedges are clinching their assholes out of desperation, because it would show their inability of forcing us to sell by ARTIFICIALLY crashing the price so their last resort would be to bail bag holders out before furtherly crashing the stock on Monday.

Guess what? This only makes me want to hold even more.

>> No.27787858

Whatever, if it hits $11-$12 even I'll swallow the $50 or so loss. I just can't sell at a 50-60% loss like it has been since Tuesday.

>> No.27787952

We’re not selling, thank you for your unsolicited service now go back to stocktwits and Reddit.

>> No.27788012

In this case, I would not sell immediately, but I would set a stop loss on it this time to be safe. I don't have much faith left in the market right now so I'm really not expecting that outcome.

>> No.27788141

They're not though man.
They have deep, deep pockets.

>> No.27788147
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>> No.27788228
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Don’t fall for their tricks, you don’t have to settle for the break even when you could make them pay literal gold once they will be suffocated by the interests.

>> No.27788234

haha holy shit imagine betting this stock is actually going tog up

>> No.27788401

They’re deep but they’re not endless.
Billions have already been burned, Citron research was BTFO so hard they stopped with their short research and tweets to manipulate the market, imagine what you can do if you hold. ;)

>> No.27788476


>> No.27788789
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I'm not holding for any logical reason. I put the money in with the expectation that this is casino gambling and intention of going double or nothing, and I'm holding until I hit at least double. Deliberately let my chance to break even yesterday pass, too.

>> No.27789104
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Nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.27789214

I'm in the same position, was up almost double, just shy of maybe 10% but kept on holding with the hope that it would actually moon, at this point I'm doing it until it doubles, either in the next week or a couple years from now.

>> No.27789522

Lol what a lying piece of shit you are.

>> No.27789802

Amazing how the goalposts shifted WITHIN the same post.

Lol, not bashing, I'm sown 50% on 1k shares, and hated seeing myself lose 2k just today. Should have sold Monday

>> No.27790045

What are the odds of AMC releasing some kind of news that brings their share price back up?

>> No.27790218


However, there are good odds that studios will announce a packed summer of blockbuster releases, which might bring the price up.

>> No.27790300

They have a quarterly earnings call in the next couple weeks, and since Valentines's day is in like a week, maybe we see a rise then?

>> No.27790386 [DELETED] 
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>"New orders for manufactured goods in December, up eight consecutive months, increased $5.2 billion or 1.1 percent to $493.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today."


>"US trade court dismisses challenge to Section 232 steel tariff"


>> No.27790431

They did lose billions anon, they lost billions of unrealized gains that they made back when your memestock died.

>> No.27790560

Good luck, graph follows GME

>> No.27790622

I have lost $500 because of the two big meme stocks (1 GME and 15 AMC).
I know I was retarded and greedy but I've learned my lesson, and I want to keep trading and getting better. Mistakes along the way are surely part of learning the game.
Are there stocks that pretty much everyone has in their portfolio? Where is a good place to start out with all this, without being a fucking tool like I was last week? I have caught the bug for trading, I just want to get better at it.

>> No.27791005

Soooo... what the fuck are the dumbasses over at AMC gonna do to give me back my money? Do they have any concrete plan to salvage this piece of shit, horribly-run company out of the sewer? They can't even blame COVID because Cinemark is doing just fine. And yes, I know I am a retard for getting FOMO and getting 70 at $14.

>> No.27791215

>not getting 69 at $14.88
Wasted opportunity

>> No.27791247

How much will AMC hit when theatres begin reopening?

>> No.27791313

I'm at a loss on AMC right now sure. I can afford to hold. Most of my money is in SPY and VOO and that is never being touched.

Therefore even if a squeeze doesn't happen I can always play the long game on this.

>> No.27791381

It's going to spike that's for sure. The only question is how much. The new King Kong vs Godzilla might be the first true hint of how it's going to go over the course of the year.

>> No.27791490

May 21st boys! Gonna hodl at least till then.

>> No.27791632

Do I sell my 16$, 5 shares or hold?

>> No.27791751

That's barely jack shit. Holding would be your best play but even that won't do much.

>> No.27791862

I'd buy more and lower average price you bought at and then hold until at least May when the Summer movies begin coming out like >>27791381 and >>27791490 said.

>> No.27791933

Get 100 shares and do covered calls

>> No.27792078

Ok will do

>> No.27792191

I'd agree with buying more at a lower value. Follow the trend and buy at the lowest point.

>> No.27792450

>King Kong vs Godzilla
That's both streaming and in theaters, so it's not a good test. I think the next Bond movie is the true signal...

>> No.27792927

The issue is that theaters across most of the country are already open and have been for many months now. They require movies to come out, but there aren't many.

As much as I'm looking forward to that movie, King of the Monsters was not a box office success, and GvK is on HBO Max also, so I'm not sure how much help it will be.

>> No.27793383

Yeah everyone I know is super pumped about watching james bond get pegged by an ugly old nigger woman

>> No.27793746

this whole thing is so fucking stupid. The stock is literally shorted to holy hell and the correct play is indeed to hold. Id get it if the stock was like GME there was still some value in selling but selling for pennies? Might aswell hold you morons if there is a squeeze good if not you will recoop some of those losses or all when the theaters reopen and movies start coming out again or if someone buys AMC

>> No.27794041


2 MORE weeks/

Q sent me

>> No.27794318

I absolutely agree. I think the people who bought into this then pulled out are majority new to stocks and haven't developed the stomach for patience on gains. It's been said the stock market isn't for weak stomachs. JC Penny has been struggling for years at this point but they're not dead yet. Like AMC is going to go under any time soon.

>> No.27794325
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a long term play like that is guaranteed money

>> No.27794429

That's really old data at this point and we've just kept going down. Seems to be an untrue pattern analysis.

>> No.27794584
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I'm trapped in this cycle of finally overcoming my loss, then remembering I still have the shares, seeing discussion about it, and hating myself all over again for buying into a meme. Help. The amount of money I spent in total was pocket change, but I feel so bad about it. If I'd just blown it spent it on gacha game shit and I wouldn't feel so awful as this. These bags cost less than my weekly groceries but holy shit they are so fucking heavy. I know on a rational level that AMC has a future after the pandemic and that if I hold long enough I can get out clean with no loss, maybe even a little profit, but emotionally I want out now. I want to sell so badly. Fuck.

>> No.27794650

Grow some balls tranny.

>> No.27794736

can't believe I fell for the same meme not once but twice
no point in selling now

>> No.27794739

If you survive then you'll learn NEVER buy risky plays with money you're not willing to lose. This was always a gambling play.

>> No.27794979
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the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.27794988

>Bagholding a stock for 90% loss
>Sticking it to the Jews who are covering for 60-80% profits after reopening short positions at the peak


>> No.27795042

>The stock is literally shorted to holy hell

Not anymore, it's not.

>> No.27795103

why do you care

>> No.27795131

Same here i threw a hundred bucks into amc on the off chance there was a ride. Im trying to learn as i go. I have a friend who is a silverbug before all the meme shit, im intrigued now too. If you get any good at it could be nice side money at least. Im getting interested in oil, threw some into wti because Biden will fuck up domestic production.

>> No.27795160

even if there were, the final moments were today.

>> No.27795223

Feels good to hodl

>> No.27795280

it is though still heavily shorted according to data

>> No.27795412
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I didn't know you had a BT by your side. Do you mind showing us some evidence?

>> No.27795478

>almost sub 7
rev up those buys

>> No.27795670

paper hands


>> No.27796912
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>monthly timeframe chart
>two days of new data makes it old

>> No.27796971
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>> No.27797032

you should buy calls anon. from me :-)

>> No.27797528

Why not go long?

>> No.27797658

every bagholder here already has something very long

>> No.27797796

Bezos pls buy AMC

>> No.27797849

>Bezos left Amazon to focus on bringing back AMC
would be based

>> No.27798319

I'm sorry