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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27772297 No.27772297 [Reply] [Original]

So say i have access to change payment information for a large AP department. ...in minecraft

Say i change that information to a fake account i craeted in minecraft with a compeltely fake ID

And say i bought a /Crypto/ that could not be traced with the proceeds.

What would it be...in minecraft

>> No.27772792


>> No.27773586

Don't do dat shiiet mane you'll end up sharing a cell with Tyrone and Darius

>> No.27773638

bump. i know one of you faggots can help me make it

>> No.27773682

XMR is the only truly anon crypto.

>> No.27773757
File: 211 KB, 900x1200, EH-WqbiWoAM-FlN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people literally scam our AP department all the time.

The money is insured and literally nobody cares or is ever prosecuted. Shill me a coin that is anonymous once bought

>> No.27773861

so if i buy XMR with this money in this account thats not really mine.... in minecraft...it can never be traced back to my server when i pull it correct.

>> No.27773908


>> No.27774215

Well no, if you steal it you can get caught at the point where you took the money; that has nothing to do with the crypto you buy. But the crypto itself could never be traced if you bought XMR

>> No.27774301

well how would they do that..i get letters with payment changes daily. So say i typed one of these letters myself...in minecraft of course.

Plausible deniability.

I just wanna make it bros

>> No.27774422

>how can I get away with theft?
You are literally not going to make it with this mindset, OP

>> No.27774428


So hear me out.

Set up account with fake ID
Type letter
Change information
Buy Monero or XMR
Cash out on my end

Im in the clear correct?

>> No.27774563


I dont see the big deal. Nigger scammers take hundreds of thousands of dollars every year and Insurance just covers it

>> No.27774818


>> No.27774880


>> No.27775345

I really dont give a shit about prison. Only suckers work 40 hours a week. I realized that if money can be insured and hundreds of thousands of dollars get stolen and nobody cares its actually pretty fucking worthless and infinite. So I dont care anymore.

Why make $800 a week in some place i hate for something that is infinite. Dont care. Fuck niggers.

>> No.27775461

>OP thinks he is smarter than nigs/pajeets

>> No.27775544

theres literally no way if they can pull it off i cant

>> No.27775552

Better lube up that hole, bubba's waiting

>> No.27775690

fuck off tranny. Your axe wound will never heal. you have to go back

>> No.27776140

so somebody answer my question pls

So hear me out.

Set up account with fake ID
Type letter
Change information
money deposits
Buy Monero or XMR with deposited money
Cash out on my end

Im in the clear correct?

>> No.27776234
File: 26 KB, 326x256, +_bb6bd4868bdb6687f4e4087b50d53eb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daddy works at Nintendo. I've already had you blacklisted from the entire playstation network and a couple of tf2 community servers. Within 24 hours all of your funko-pops will be seized by his debt collector men. Nothin personnell kiddo.

>> No.27776297

fuck only faggots and kids with cancer play nintendos. And you aint a kid with cancer

>> No.27776565

Where are you gonna buy it?

>> No.27777027
File: 62 KB, 776x581, switchrage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have officially taken it too far. Say goodbye to those funkos.

>> No.27777181
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>> No.27777558

idk i came for suggestions

>> No.27778084
File: 25 KB, 480x360, EB8801B1-A41C-4084-A8CA-4C4EB94049B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll look forward to your American Greed episode

>> No.27778242

that COULD work in minecraft, but there are plenty of points where it could go wrong. how are you going to set up a bank account with a fake id? does your company routinely wire money to the seychelles or wherever anyone can open an account? if any of your personal information is tied to this account you're fucked. also if you're the one guy at your company whose job it is to file these changes, you'll be under suspicion if they decide to pursue it.
to buy monero as anonymously as possible look at localmonero.co. you can also cash out there, sell XMR for dollars into your bank account or cash or whatever

>> No.27778248

Any crypto exchange will be suspect on a company sending money into a private persons account. They can and have froze $50k of my money before when I did it in a single deposit because they thought it might be stolen. They waited like a week and confirmed shit with my bank before they let me use it (meanwhile BTC skyrocketed - cunts). Because banks will just take the money back if it's stolen and exchange is left with the loss.

>> No.27778309


>> No.27778710

jews do it all the time
i say OP should go for it and provide updates

>> No.27779971

it's almost guaranteed that you will be in prison if you attempted this. Pulling something like this off is going to be damn near impossible unless you left for a third world shithole after the fact. There's so many levels it will go wrong and you will be implicated that you have no control over.

>> No.27780209
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>> No.27780898


I'd also say to create multiple other wallets, convert to other coins, and send them back and forth multiple times.
Be as safe as you can be.

>> No.27781690

It only truly failed if you fail to get the crypto. Otherwise if you managed to get $500k+ worth of monero in a wallet and keep the keys hidden then doing a couple years in prison for most people is worth it. How much you going to make in 2yrs anyway like 100k and most of that is spent on surviving. Do prison and then come out with a monero wallet that's probably worth anywhere from $1-5million. Altho if you fail to secure the crypto it's an absolute ffuck up, but on the other hand you might actually get away with it all together/be able to flee the country on a stolen yacht or something.

>> No.27781920

literally ONLY monero

all the others track you in some way or another

>> No.27781959

stop playing WoW and find something else to do playpal