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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27771871 No.27771871 [Reply] [Original]

Question. What are the chances that the entire hype was fabricated with the sole purpose of dumping on plebbit retards?

>> No.27772123

85% sure that was the sole purpose

>> No.27772220

It was manufactured to keep retail goyium out of the markets with new regulations

dumb goyium thought they could make money kek

>> No.27772264
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/smg/ made all the hype popular and they made me 369k. I can never stop thanking them much. Fuck reddit too.

>> No.27772344

Low but we can pretend

>> No.27772354

if you look deeper you'll see this has been planned for at least 6 months in advance, 400 IQ shit. I know this because i looked through the new moderators of wsb and saw the connections. Robinhood execs infiltrated long ago.
If i had to guess, they saw wsb as a big threat and had to make them mainstream and destroy all credibility

>> No.27772467

Fuck, good job. I'm such a poor chump for only having made 8k. But that's still damn good for this poor fag.

>> No.27772558

I'm sure it was organic at the start but possibly dark forces came in to keep the hype going
The short squeeze was a good play. The hype began when Burry bought about a year ago. Even on /biz/ anons were talking about in April/March. Reddit started ramping it up at the end of the year. Squeeze started getting squoze then it got out of control.

>> No.27772900

It's still better than selling it at a loss. Good job anon.

>> No.27773146

Cheers anon. May your gains be great and suckers to be taken advantage of be many....

>> No.27773284

I think if trading wasn't halted on the 28th we would all have made it.

>> No.27773325

/smg/ was pushing GME regularly at least as early as September. No way a bunch of anons didn't become millionaires thanks to reddit.

>> No.27773377

the whole thing felt unorganic as fuck from the start
completely fabricated, for what purpose? i dont know

>> No.27773417

They always had that crazy albino cat thing mascot image while shilling

>> No.27773608

What the fuck are you talking about? It was already up 10,000%. You had ages to make it.

>> No.27774077

What are you doing on /biz/, dwight?