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27763543 No.27763543 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good investments if I plan on starting a family?

>> No.27763671
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>Diane Cope

>> No.27763680

Mrs Cope kek can't make this shit up

>> No.27763760
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>> No.27763785


>> No.27763787

Stay fit and tel your wife to stay fit. Also don't get married.

>> No.27763800 [DELETED] 
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>I'm 62
>I'll probably die soon
LMAO, no, you still have 20 years+ of suffering to go. Whores go to hell before they die.

>> No.27763988

>when you hit the "put off marriage and kids" blunt too hard

>> No.27763992

what a waste of a life.

>> No.27764070

divorce lawyer

>> No.27764098

no eggs

>> No.27764127
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they really think they can outsmart nature
it's sad to watch but they bring it on themselves

>> No.27764167

She doesn't look like a landwhale. I would unironically fuck her every hole for a while.

>> No.27764180

you need to be able to produce sperm you faggot

>> No.27764238

lmfao get fucking rekt

>> No.27764271

People, and by people I mean mainly women, will literally do anything to get people to pay attention to them.

>hi, i'm a 60+ y/o post menopausal woman that's should have been locked in a padded room 20 years ago. Please retweet so people know that I am a person who is alive.

>> No.27764283

Do we have a barren roastie song for females like this?

If not can we make one

Dear Roastie your eggs are all goneeeeee

>> No.27764445

>froze eggs in late 30's
I mean, by that point, you probably had at least 10-15 years into your career and you're most likely comfortable. Why not just pregnant the natural way if you know you'll want children?

>> No.27764496

I’m an incel don’t get me wrong, but why do you guys care so much about what these cunts do or care if they’re childless?

I’m going to be childless part by being short and ugly and being autistic as fuck, but at the same time I know even if I could have kids, I couldn’t deal with it, I have lots of infant/toddler nephews and nieces and I can’t deal with them for longer than an hour or so, can’t imagine having to take care of them 24/7/365, autists just can’t do that shit

Which is a good thing desu, call it cope but it’s actually relieving as fuck that I’ll never have to deal with that.

I live life so comfortably, understand it’s a double edge knife being a sex having normie, the other side is you have to deal with the stress and annoyance of a female and your offspring, which will become the focus of your entire life until you’re old as fuck, then you can finally “relax” when you’re older, but then you have to start dealing with being elderly and the issues that occur with being elderly

Basically being an incel is like being retired already and your kids are already grown up and moved out, so you can now be relaxed and comfy, except for an incel this begins at the start of life in adulthood and not at the end, so there is some benefits to being an incel in this way

>> No.27764540
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Imagine in 40 years when we’ll have a whole voting block of single old childless hags who fell victim to feminism

>> No.27764735

Hope she didn't ate the eggs

>> No.27764793

>Pooh Pooh’s raw dogging and straight unloading into vagina

Have sex, incel

>> No.27764851

Autistics, like yourself, could get wives once upon a time, before cusping menopausal dingbats could spend a kings ransom to freeze their last five downy eggs.
I'm married with a kid, but I empathize you retards more than i empathize with shit for brains marketing roasties. Bros before hoes, I guess?

>> No.27764883

>thinks they will know they’re wrong

You’ve never been with a woman, huh?

>> No.27764945 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27764946

this is the only comforting though about rich peoples evil plans.
Rich people think they can outsmart nature. Lot's of billionaires actually believe they are going to live forever because "muh brainscan upload to computer".

It's obvious insanity but they actually believe it. When you realize that, you realize half the other stuff they have planned is insanity.

>> No.27764957
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>(assistant VP of mandatory corporate sexual harassments and nigger inclusion trainings)

>> No.27764958

Gives a new meaning putting all your eggs in one basket

>> No.27764975

god was having a big old laugh with her
>eliminate 2 eggs during the thawing process
>throw out another 3 during ferilization
>leave 6 to give 'er 'ope
>demoralize her with operation downy
>leave one normal once, implant it in 'er uterus and make 'er think she made it
>domp it

>> No.27765057

>What are some good investments if I plan on starting a family?

Discipline for your children.

>> No.27765100
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She could not find Mr Right because female attraction works in relation to her success. Women always want a man who is better than them financially so the more successful she gets the less men she would be attracted to. Let’s say she’s a doctor... well a doctor is going to want a top surgeon.
Women want to be equal but don’t realize they aren’t attracted to men equal to them.

>> No.27765154

>muh career
lmao women are dumber than niggers. uncle ted's "surrogate activates" to the fullest extent.

>> No.27765159

Damn I lost it.

>> No.27765183

Get married while you're young, kids. It isn't jailing if you do it right. Wuit being onions guzzling faggots

>> No.27765196


>> No.27765237

Should've frozen them when she was 18. 30s is way past breeding age.

>> No.27765248

Working in the corporate world exposed me to so many of these kinds of women. It's also why I stopped investing in companies and switched to crypto.

>> No.27765311

>Last name is Cope
The memes write themselves

>> No.27765349

I would

>> No.27765447


>> No.27765466

she's really make a difference in the world, anon. kek.

>> No.27765467

fucking kys you fucking fuck for flashing that picture in my mind jesus you should be genocided

>> No.27765501
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>> No.27765510

got godbog'd

>> No.27765546

not even just God. even with young healthy fertile women almost 25% of all pregnancies end in spontaneous abortion. in fact most of the time it's just a last period and women never even realize they are pregnant to begin with

>> No.27765572
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For someone apparently so smart
>1) she was too dumb to find someone to settle down with
>2) she assumed that cryonics technology was hundreds of years more advanced than it is now

Srsly, she's been watching too much scifi and not enough science. That technology isn't going to be usable for another 50-200 years.

>> No.27765585

She managed to kill 3 of her own offspring in a lab experiment.
>I'm and independant woman!
>But I still want mr. Nice and a happy family some day!
>But I would never EVER quit my job this!
>Wait! Why don't men like me?
>Wait! You mean the science nerds couldn't keep my eggs from dying?
>Wait! You mean I miscarried as a middle aged woman?
People really think science is capable of the space age magic they read about in magazines.

>> No.27765630
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Zero eggs you say?

>> No.27765638

This thread has completely derailed from OP's question, so I'll go ahead and copy/paste one of my favorite plebbit comments from a year or two ago regarding family, children, and building a legacy. It's probably the best advice I've ever read in terms of how to invest in family. Preface: Very little of it has anything to do with finance.

> One: Have a family identity. Typically 'old money' families have a set of values. For example the Rothschilds have: Concordia, Integritas, Industria. Or Harmony, Integrity, Industry. These family values shape the way the family views the world, and the way they run their internal institutions. For example, the unity phrase has to be considered in business transactions. In many well to do families, owning a large family business can be a source of conflict as minds collide. Referring back to the 'unity' aspect of the family values the family avoids these type of structures where family members can be put into a position to disagree. You can decide how you want your family values set, up but put these on words somewhere and refer back to them.

>> No.27765673

i thought it was a meme until i got my first big boy corporate job. now i recoil in fear and disgust every time i see an email from an HR roastie or listen to the HR roasties talk at our "all hands" meetings because it's never good news and they just LOVE to hear themselves talk while never answering questions or providing any useful information -- typical woman behavior, you see.

>> No.27765750
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>> No.27765752

> Two: Empower the rising generation. The next generation should be aware of the financial picture, have a good value of money, and be able to manage their own independent portfolio. A good way to do this is to plan out some type of learning path where the rising generation can learn step by step. By the time they are adults, they should have a solid financial background.
> Examples of learning pathways are something like:
> • Give them allowances, if they want something from the store let them use their own money.
> • Setting them up with bank accounts
> • Allow them to purchase bonds or investments from their parents as a learning experience. Pay them unrealistically high interest rates so they can value from a young age how their money can grow on their own. Ie lets say they want a really expensive widget from the store. Well, ask them how much they have in their account, ask them how much they earn per week from allowance, offer them a chance to invest the amount they have now, and you will buy the item in a month. This will teach delayed gratification, and walk them through making a financial decision.
> • Purchase stocks of companies that make products they use. Ie your kid loves nike shoes, ask them if they think nike would be a good investment. Buy them a few shares, and show them the progress. The goal is to make it interesting (stocks of products they use are interesting, ETFs can be introduced later).
> • Off load them assets by offering management responsibility in syndication deals or finders fees. Buying a new investment property? If they are in high school and know some math, show them how to calculate cap rates. Tell them if they find a suitable property and you end up buying it, you will pay them a 1% finders fee or something.
> This is just an example, but step by step it builds up to full financial acumen.

>> No.27765776

She was 18 in like the 80's. Their most advanced elective medicine was turning black celebrities into white people.

>> No.27765819


This company has probably made millions by convincing roastie career women to freeze their eggs, without telling them it only has a slim chance of working.

Pretty keyed if you ask me.

>> No.27765836

> Three: Centralization, and decentralization. Centralize infrastructure and expenses, decentralize risk. Centralization examples include: hiring personal assistants for the whole family to save time on doing things, insurance policies (health, auto, home, business etc) managed for the whole family, shared vacation homes. In terms of decentralization, each family member should have a minimum portfolio that they can live off of to mitigate risk if something happens to centralized trusts or corps. Have a central family bank that is controlled by the managing generation. Use grants from this organization to develop family capital. That can mean investing, but also investing into the human capital, or social capital of the family.
> Four: Management is a calling, ownership is mandatory. Everyone invests, everyone is financially literate. But don't force their hand into Entrepreneurship; its not for everyone. There are three important circles: Family, Management, Owners. Think of a ven diagram with three circles.
> Five: Most well to do people ignore other types of family capital. There's more than just the money, that's why I started with the family value system. There is human capital (talent of the family members), social capital (connections the family has), financial capital. You need to create balance sheets of all of them, and empower all family members and include them on the balance sheets.
> Six: Don't secretly resent wealth transfer or wealth creation. Remember, the family is hair, but the money is skin. Without the money, there is nothing for the family to stand on. Your money allows your family to be secure, and to have the power to change the world.

>> No.27765859

unironically i want all women to die

>> No.27765884
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and killing straights with HIV+ faggot blood transfusions

>> No.27765936

> Seven: Get the money as far down the line as securely as possible. There are many methods to do this, generation skipping trusts used to be great until the rules changed. Now the rules favor dynasty trusts, especially in states that have abolished rules against perpetuities. Offshore trusts are useful. Keep the assets out of probate, out of the courts, and out of creditors hands. Sleeveless to sleeveless in three generations is real. But your goal is to get the money as far down the line securely. If the wealth can be transferred beyond three generations, it is much more secure. The reason is that the family has had time to build up social capital, centralize operations, and decentralize risk. If the family lost everything at this point the social capital built up alone, along with the human capital would likely be enough to make back the money. There are various studies that show the richest families before regime changes often continued to be rich after massive wealth transfer events (ie seizure). Additionally, farther down the line there will be a stronger family history, and family values. The stored knowledge and connections can be used to prepare the rising generation to make the money back. For example (love him or hate him I don't care this isn't about politics its about money, I will learn from anyone) Donald Trump. Donald Trump's father started offloading assets to Donald when he was young. If you separate management shares, and ownership shares you can divide these two across generations (ie dividend shares owned in trust by rising generation to build their income, management shares owned by family elders). The earlier you offload assets, the more likely they are to stay out of the courts and probate.

>> No.27765968 [DELETED] 

I know we sometimes laugh at stuff like this and I’ll probably get called a wimp, but man this is so sad. She got fooled, and probably didn’t have a strong person around to tell her what was what

>> No.27765974

>eggs frozen in late 30s
>trying to get pregnant from science abomination test tube babys in mid 40s

jesus christ, can you imagine the state of the kid if she had managed to give birth to it

>> No.27766017

> Eight: Compounding is everything, start it early. Ie all of the family members can chip in for a down-payment on a rental property as soon as a child is born (lets say 25 year mortgage), by the time they graduate university there would be a nearly payed off rental property. The same concept would be done with ETFs as well, but the point is to get max time in the market.
> Nine: Analyze different perspectives that might arise from members of the family feeling not included. For example, there are some heirs that wish they didn't have the money, or resent wealth all together. Others that keep it a secret from the rising generation, others that donate it all away. Understand how each of these viewpoints are the result of feeling not included in the family. Its your job to make everyone feel included, represented and valued.
> Ten: Create and enshrine family history. Create physical locations that the family meets at throughout the year. Share stories, and memories. Let the rising generation learn from the previous generation. Create systems to store and manage family archives. If all else fails, the family archives, social capital, and talent will serve as the ultimate backup plan to make the money back again.

>> No.27766020

Based and supreme gentlemen pilled.

>> No.27766119

she looks like the fat wachowski brother

>> No.27766172

Man this is depressing.
It would be somewhat amusing if it wasn't so common.
How many of these women will admit they made a mistake?
How many of them will tell young girls they meet that they should also wage slave and freeze their eggs?
It all starts with some school teacher telling an impressionable 3 year old that she'll be happier without a man and with a 9-5 job.

>> No.27766240 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27766283

She looks like a cute mummy gmilf would cuddle

>> No.27766289

This is the saddest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.27766293



>> No.27766319

Unironic BPD attention whoring
Anyone falling for this old cunt's tricks is retarded
There's a reason why she's "alone"

>> No.27766325 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27766407

i wouldn't even be mad if their careers were in any way productive to the world

>> No.27766405 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27766498

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.27766515

Thanks, good stuff

>> No.27766524

I wish this board focused more on asset protection. In a few years we are all going to need it if the various make it stacks actually pay out.

>> No.27766575 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27766591

my downstairs neighbor -- ah, the cuckpartment life -- is a spitting image of that. divorced, poorly medicated bipolar, goes through bouts of depression and reclusion to the point of being catatonic. i made the mistake of helping her once with setting up her new cell phone and had to listen to her rant and scream and cry (bipolar episode) about getting in an argument with her 85 year old father over something, i have no idea what, and how he would beat her growing up or some insane shit and how he children never visit her and how her ex husband is a bastard and how she wishes she had the money to move but doesn't have enough money despite getting a pension from the state of NJ.

the day of the rope cannot come fast enough.

>> No.27766597

I'm convinced that most women, even feminists want kids, they just don't want to make the sacrifices to get to that point.
They don't want to sit at home with their crying babies like any real mother does.
They don't want to find a guy with a middle class income and a 5/10 face.
They don't want to give up their cushy jobs for their husband and kids.

>> No.27766669

this one's more difficult because she race betrayed on the left

>> No.27766712

He made her stop in the middle of traffic and proposed in the road? No wonder she was confused

>> No.27766720

Dying cope

>> No.27766739

to be fair they both look like hell

>> No.27766776
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Excellent read anon, I've screencapped these and will be contemplating them for a while.
Doubt I'll ever make use of it, my nature is disinclined towards relationships, but I have friends starting families and they might benefit significantly from this.
Thanks anon, quality content. Have a pepe.

>> No.27766835
File: 229 KB, 1080x968, 1079018632902804186975373432521493619524194n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a couple of them don't look too bad but it might be older pictures. I'm 37, separated with 1 kid. the older I get the more I find older women repulsive. It wasn't like this before, maybe my test dropped or whatever.
if I open up bumble it's just complete disgust I'd rather be alone than deal with any of them, not that they'd want me anyway.
I met my wife when she was 19; I know where to get some fresh girls and that's all I want. It's worse the older I get, like I have some mental illness to only seek out younger women. I'm not proud of it but if those are my urges I will fulfill them.

>> No.27766925


>> No.27766983

You're alright anon. Have a (You).

>> No.27767041

> Starting a family.
Good idea but not reccomended in +2021.

>> No.27767108
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>> No.27767109
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>> No.27767169

Actual great advice on biz, extremely based anon, saving this as well, thank you.

>> No.27767260

It's literally biology.

>> No.27767329

There's a reason why cougars are such a big thing. Once they hit 30, they feel the biological clock ticking, absolutely no man who wants to have kids would hook up with them... so they have to prey on younger, poorer guys.

>> No.27767348

Saved all of your posts. Some of the most based advice I have ever read. I hope your bags pump to the moon soon.

>> No.27767365

they want to become men themselves by dedicating their lives to becoming a provider, and call you mentally ill for not being attractive to manly traits

>> No.27767370

>Probably going to die soon
You wish Diane.

>> No.27767484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27767515

She looks like a female Mike pence without the silver hair

>> No.27767571 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27767622
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Thanks, here's the screencap for other parents/future parents here.

>> No.27767656

Why is her one arm so huge?

>> No.27767685
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>> No.27767700 [DELETED] 


>No pic of the husband.....

>> No.27767720

I met my wife overseas (no not in Asia) and I plan to do the same again. I'd rather not play this game at 37 but I'm gonna do it again eventually rather than be alone. like, if it falls apart again - i'd be 47 looking for a 19 year old? when does the ride end.

>> No.27767821 [DELETED] 
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Hey man, Leo does it.

>> No.27767860

immensely deep COPE in her eyes

>> No.27767899

There is nothing wrong with that. Like the other guy said, it's biology you want breedable women and youth=fertility.
Also, as I've gotten older, personal experience has taught me that women are fucking boring and they get more boring as they get older. They complain more and shrink their lives down. Early 20s women however are still dumb enough, full of energy enough, and willing to take enough risks to be entertaining sometimes.

>> No.27767901

natural selection at it's finest

>> No.27767921


>> No.27768051

>when does the ride end
Anon, you are a man. The ride only ends when you die.

>> No.27768088

I don't pity a roastie who picked career over family and got burned, but I do feel empathy with how she went down in flames. Having 11 chances to get it right and watching all of them clusterfuck is a bad beat, like having 10 backup parachutes not fucking open after your main fails.

>> No.27768190

You don't make videos like these if you're happy with your decisions.

>> No.27768472

Why do women think they become more attractive past age 25. Like the average chick binge watches netflix from age 18-26 with Fri/Sat night clubbing. how does this exactly refine their personality into something more alluring after doing it for 7 years

>> No.27768570

The left one is worse because of Rassenschande

>> No.27768593
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>> No.27768692
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women don't get that youth = a large part of beauty
nice supple skin, flushed skin (hormones), puffy nips
like the 20 year olds on /tv/ call maisie williams ugly (they do have somewhat of a point) but I'd gladly take her over a "beautiful" 30 year old or 40 year old. like looks don't even matter that much, youth does.

>> No.27768731

>if only you refused to understand how bad things really are

>> No.27768742 [DELETED] 

Blackpill: Women mimic the personalities and interests of their previous bfs. Ever talked to a girl about something interesting? Her bf told her about it. Women have no personality, it's not in their genetic coding. I forget where I read it but evolutionarily men were funny to attract mates, but obviously women don't have this trait.

>> No.27768826

this is so fucking true
sometimes it's their brothers though

>> No.27768871

Kids are a meme anyways

>> No.27768949

index fund

>> No.27768950
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God has a dark sense of humor.

>> No.27768995

Yeah most of these "antinatalists" have a fatal combination of a castration fetish and white guilt.

Had a girl at a party in college I barely knew argue with me for half an hour about why I should get a vasectomy at 22, talking about I could cum inside my gf without worrying, these people are fucking insane and brain-pozzed

>> No.27769081

oh no no no lmao

>> No.27769111

Men can get better with age (can, a lot dont) because male attractiveness is about building. Building your personality, sense of style, career, body. And most men in their early 20s don't know what the fuck they're doing, which is fine. Women see this and think they can do the same but like>>27768692 said. Youth is a massive part of female attractiveness and no about of "stronk indeependant wimmin" will make up for that

>> No.27769219

itd be fun to raise a son to be the best he can be.
Raising a daughter just to become a kind nice caring motherly hole for someone else to enjoy is a different story.

The only way i can see this as enjoyable is if you did it to spite the feminist frigid, unable to have vaginal orgasm, freaks.

>> No.27769332

>mistress on the side

>> No.27769442

no man is attracted to a career. we're not turned on by the fact that she's able to provide for herself or have a mortgage.
they think that becoming what they're attracted to will make them attractive to men. its bordering on how men who go MtF become their ideal gf instead of seeking her out

>> No.27769470

Is this a /pol/ tourist thread?

>> No.27769590
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If she says anything that follows patterns on there, I know >reddit but take my advice, leave.

If you must marry protect your assets.

>> No.27769749

text 1: ask body count
text 2: ask id divorced parents or childhood sexual abuse

>> No.27769917

I mean my grandmother who is in her 80s and had chinkflu and almost died due to the anesthetic of an unrelated surgery last year looks not much worse than Mrs. Cope so she might be right

>> No.27770084

this picture just shows 2 fucking retards. dating apps are degen

>> No.27770230

just wanted to say that i would eat out her beef curtains.

>> No.27770237

Based and very gay

>> No.27770289

Thanks for the screencap, I'm trying to conceive and want to keep my kids out of the poor trap my parents fell into.

>> No.27770357 [DELETED] 

Jews are torturing our women with suicidal ideologies and you all think it's funny. You know what I think is funny? Jews in gas chambers begging for forgiveness

>> No.27770367 [DELETED] 

>Having sex

Pick 1

>> No.27770570

Okay /pol/, you can go back now.

>> No.27770595

People who use "ask" as a noun are all insufferable neolibs. It's one of many tells.

>> No.27770763


>> No.27770841

a prenup

>> No.27770861

>use "ask" as a noun
can you use it in a sentence?

>> No.27770922
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nevermind im dumb

>> No.27770972

not him but "that's a big ask of me"

>> No.27771204
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looks smelly

>> No.27771226


This is what's happening as modern feminism rises. All women want is high value semen. High value semen is from the top 5% - 10% of men. The top 5% - 10% of men will never financially take care of them or stick around for the kids. What do they do? Ride cock carousel of the most valuable men in their range for 10-15 years and supplement child with a cat or dog. Then, they meme about it like it's funny. The truth is anon, they made their own bed. Don't be there for them when they're 30+ to save these hoes.

You improve yourself and build your wealth and confidence. You date like Leo does 25yo and under, and you find yourself a worthy wife. One day, we will have to make an example out of the single 35+ women who will inevitably blame all the men they rejected for decades for the position that they're in. They chose ego fulfillment and shallow pursuits of clout in exchange for a lonely life with no family. Family is important.

You may have to start learning another language. A good place to target are Brazil and Mexico. You can test these places out on Tinder using passport and quickly find that your value is much, much higher in these places. If you use Boost, you can match with literally thousands of women per day, there. There are other ways to live this life. It's time to choose YOU, and go YOUR own way.

>> No.27771230
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>you all think it's funny

>> No.27771391

Declining society.jpg

>> No.27771465 [DELETED] 

how am i supposed to marry a girl if shes in mexico? also they probably just want merican citizenship

>> No.27771518

god, poor woman. alzheimers is fucking terrible and terrifying

>> No.27771801

NO. DO FUCKING NOT. I'm Brazilian and the absolute WORST thing you can do is come here looking for women as a foreigner. The moment you land you'll be surrounded by 5/10 gold digging roasties.

>> No.27771805

she cute.
Dont judge me im into gilfs.

>> No.27771872

You go to Mexico City, stay in AirBNBs for one year. Condesa is a good area. Sao Paolo Brazil has the most beautiful women, though. You bring her back to your country (after dating for a few months and meeting the family). You get her into College there with a student Visa and make sure she lives with you and depends on you. Then, you get her pregnant.

>> No.27771970

>no sign of mr right
>no sign of mr right with a 7 figures anual income
There, fixed it. Whore.

>> No.27772020

Results may vary, gentlemen.

>> No.27772025

Not so sure about that, my wife is a doctor and makes about x3 of what I make. Though, she is quite submissive which makes things work well. So.. I dunno. They can probably just sniff out cucks from miles away.

>> No.27772040

feminists in a nutshell

>> No.27772058

She was probably hot af when young

>> No.27772169

>São Paulo
Nope. If you want beautiful women, go south. Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul have some very rural european cities with beautiful girls. Paraná is too close to SP and Rio.

>> No.27772260

If he was born a decade later, he would've been trans.

>> No.27772287
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>> No.27772782

>>2) she assumed that cryonics technology was hundreds of years more advanced than it is now
Someone has to do take the chance to advance technology. Women should thank her for her service.

>> No.27772784

>why do you guys care so much about what these cunts do or care if they’re childless?
Schadenfraude and laughing at the huge influx of copium they are injecting in their veins
>I’m going to be childless part by being short and ugly and being autistic as fuck, but at the same time I know even if I could have kids, I couldn’t deal with it, I have lots of infant/toddler nephews and nieces and I can’t deal with them for longer than an hour or so, can’t imagine having to take care of them 24/7/365, autists just can’t do that shit
I mean both are fair points partly because I relate at both levels, I have been robbed of almost 5 years of my 20s by a couple of unsufferable toddlers that aren't even my offspring and even if that experience didn't put off the idea of not having kids or wait a bit longer I wouldn't even have a girl to have kids with.
I have many conflicting thoughts about the issue why I want to raise my own children and at the same time how horrible it would be to deal with some brats that came out of my dick but the main cons boil down to wanting to enjoy my new gained independence for a while, being an undatable son of a bitch and the fact that I barely have the economic and job security to sustain myself let alone sustain myself AND kids.

>> No.27772926

Same. Married with kids now, but I was an incel for 25 years before I met my wife. My normie sister took the strong independent woman pill and is in her 30's lives with our parents, unmarried, childless. I love her but that is not at all how I saw our lives turning out.

>> No.27772953

my sides

>> No.27773522

>this thread
Sooo you want me to invest in some woman company or what?

>> No.27773591

excellent posts anon, it's a shame i'm a sterilized tranny and will never use this information.

>> No.27773873

> Incel Maximus

>> No.27773938

Please get your 1 in a million story out of here. If a pit was full of poison snakes but 2 were non poisonous are you gonna jump in

>> No.27774161

Kekus maximus

>> No.27774230

How are the job prospects in Braseeeooo?
I can't help but think that I have next to no future(financially) here in the US.

>> No.27774306

Post name, pussy. I bet it's a really shitty one like Keith or Robert.

>> No.27774386

Top fucking jej

>> No.27774478

Worse than the US, that's for sure. If you're thinking of moving here to work, don't. Used to be a great country for investing, though not anymore. Great place to live if you're rich though, you can get a farm in a nice place far away from all the bullshit, though the same can be said for america. The ONLY thing I can think of being worth starting here are technology startups, but the obscene taxes and shitty bureaucracy will still make it painful.

>> No.27774610
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The demiurge is truly having a laugh at this point kek.

>> No.27774670
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Oh how cruel this world can be

>> No.27774778

Wow, her Twitter fucking sucks

>> No.27774803

Get rekt

>> No.27774922
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>> No.27774963

You're on /pol/

>> No.27775004

They won't ever know they're wrong. They'll just continue to be a massive fucking problem.

>> No.27775106

fpbp The headlines write themselves. Poor woman.

>> No.27775202

Big ask. Even bigger Cope.

>> No.27775288

"those eggs better be perfect," she screamed, falling to the ground. but they were not perfect

>> No.27775343
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>> No.27775358

Karma strikes again.
>ugh men are disgusting in how they only want younger women
No, this shit is why we're attracted to younger women. Because they offer us a future which you do not.

>> No.27775382

>drinking away the pain of being a loser

>> No.27775405

No. Once a company starts getting women in management is when you start shorting

>> No.27775515

I'm australian, so yes.

>> No.27775632

Invest in good lawyers and a prenup

>> No.27775655

>Ten: Create and enshrine family history. Create physical locations that the family meets at throughout the year. Share stories, and memories. Let the rising generation learn from the previous generation. Create systems to store and manage family archives. If all else fails, the family archives, social capital, and talent will serve as the ultimate backup plan to make the money back again.
This is best advice. Having a lineage is the best way to ensure younger ones understand there are expectations of them.

>> No.27775719

christ this world is so sad
that's not funny man, people are alone..

>> No.27775868
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>I have been robbed of almost 5 years of my 20s by a couple of unsufferable toddlers that aren't even my offspring and even if that experience didn't put off the idea of not having kids or wait a bit longer I wouldn't even have a girl to have kids with.
>I have many conflicting thoughts about the issue why I want to raise my own children and at the same time how horrible it would be to deal with some brats that came out of my dick but the main cons boil down to wanting to enjoy my new gained independence for a while, being an undatable son of a bitch and the fact that I barely have the economic and job security to sustain myself let alone sustain myself AND kids.
Shit are you me?

>> No.27775938
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feminism convincing women that becoming a corporate wage slave was liberation and starting a family at a young age was shackled servitude has been the greatest self-own in human history. Sad thing is she probably is intelligent, but still dumb enough to be convinced into delaying the fulfillment of her biological imperative.

>>1) she was too dumb to find someone to settle down with
wasn't that she was too dumb. All these careerist women have absurdly high standards. They will still think the man should be the bread winner, even if they're making >100k a year. Throw in "he also has to be tall, handsome, have a big dick, and be a Chad," and you have a perfect recipe for forever alone.
basically this-> >>27765100

>> No.27775947

Also pride of the family history and ancestors, that's why a father always has to be not only a role model, but also a source for inspiration.

>> No.27775974

Invest in yourself

>> No.27776118
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>> No.27776175

this thread is a great reminder why I'm so motivated to never work for or near women again

>> No.27776212

we've already had this since 1980

>> No.27776262

> Parents are retards, nice retards, but still retards
> Spent lots of time with my grandparents, talking about their time in the war or their jobs working with the railroad or at grand central station
> brother always dipped out to play with his friends because "old people are boring"
> he's a dead end beer delivery person married to a self obsessed batshit insane woman who takes all his money and gives him an allowance but thinks he's "made it"
> I work at a grocery store but married the first girl who ever held my hand and wasn't asian
> recently talking about personal finances
> he and his wife are 70k in debt not even counting their mortgage
> I have no debt and and have 60k in a bank account and only just started trading last year
> and also don't hate my life
There's a reason respecting the elderly is a cornerstone of judiasm

>> No.27776283


>> No.27776307

You've just explained what Jews have been doing while destroying everyone else's family

>> No.27776404

Jews are right about somethings. Hence why we're getting our ass kicked.

>> No.27776472

>Marrying a chilanga
Lmao, don't, they are basically the california of the country and the city has a long story of getting in bed with communist ideas (straight communism, not meme socialism) go anywhere except the center of the country

>> No.27776476

Based Mrs Cope

>> No.27776492

Dying cope....

>> No.27776549

> we
I made 150 bucks off the single share of gme I bought as a joke and sold the next day. Lots of people didn't get their asses kicked. You had to be literally retarded to lose money on GME. It's natural selection in action.

>> No.27776564
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>> No.27776573

I blame brainwashed feminist monthers who truly to relive their youth by whoring their daughters out, fathers who spoil their girls give them princess syndrome. And social Media for the high standards

>> No.27776578

I'd cum on her face. One last time for ol times sake

>> No.27776585
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Absolutely. Ex went from cringe leftie brainlet to a carbon copy of me, and now being "based" is her new shtick to attract boys... She doesn't realise 4chong isn't a great personality, but it does seem to work on tricking new lads that she's quirky and self aware (reality shows otherwise)

>> No.27776636
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Mighty Reddit of you kike

>> No.27776719

>Diane Cope
>Dying Cope

>> No.27776787

Na women get their personality an “ideas” from other women. They are herd animals. That’s why you have to be friends with other girls to get a girlfriend because you don’t get a girlfriend unless another girl recommends you

>> No.27776881

I would have sex with this gmilf tbqh lads

>> No.27777028

ugh this is why I'm single, can't stand that crap

>> No.27777170

Can you all btfo already?

>> No.27777232

A prenup and an overseas bank account.

>> No.27777393

>Be strong wahmen
>ride cock carosel
>get eggs frozen for later
>focus on career of gratuitous sex
>hits wall
>Out of Eggs
>I think I'll settle down
>Can't find any man
>Gets sperm donor
>unable to get eggs to work because too old
>Doomed to spend next 40 years as bitter, childless spinster
>break down screaming
The funniest part of all this is that if she had had kids in her 20s she'd have remained fertile into her 40s.

>> No.27777405

Underrated post. Kek

>> No.27777409

looking at the post you responded to, I would actually have to agree with >>27768742 more
yes women have herd mentality, but they originally imprint their ideas from men
seriously, show me an example of a woman who did something completely new that a man had never done before
guaranteed <0.5% of women

>> No.27777608

Social media doesn't create higher standards, it allows for the higher standards of women to exist. You see, they'll get away with whatever they can. The only weakness of a woman is social pressure. That's why the feminist movement is so strong - because it removes the social pressure from being a whore, and translates that to "being independent" which basically means being a whore. They then go and fuck guys who won't be caught dead in public with them and then meme about depression and make tik tok videos.

>> No.27778049

Men created the world around us, gents. Women didn't create any of the technology or infrastructure that give you the quality of life that you have today. Women are overvalued and Men are undervalued. Buy high sell low.

>> No.27778058

That's the thought I had behind the post

>> No.27778230
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>> No.27778316

men even invented tampons fffs
women would still be living in mud huts stuffing moss and bits of cloth in their cooches if men hadn't bothered inventing anything

>> No.27779122


one of the few wishes that will definitely be granted anon

>> No.27779194
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Thanks anon, maybe someday our dynasties will meet

>> No.27779632

saved for the future

>> No.27779713

why did so many random posts get deleted?

>> No.27780008

It's true, dude. These things have cycles to them and housing prices are getting so high that you'll need to start a family just to afford one. It takes time but I've given up on women over 25. They're finished

>> No.27780010

This is such a powerful message BROUGHT TO YOU BY CHAINLINK that there really isnt life after 62 EAT THE BUGS

>> No.27780433

There once was a lady named Cope
Who loved to suck cock and smoke dope
Since she emptied her basket
She now waits for her casket
Without any family or hope.

>> No.27780492


>> No.27781794
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Ms Cope lives alone
Her womb is a barren tomb
No one will miss her.

>> No.27781844

bro great stuff. still learning how to reply to all your post at once. anyways have you ever read those illuminati post /larps? one thing they always come back to is that family is everything. for better or worse. you pretty much laid out their blueprint. thanks op!!!!!

>> No.27781962

Most old people in America are fucking trash. They are basically zoomers with more gov gibs than anyone else, and even less self awareness. I cannot wait until we take back all the gibs and leave them out in the cold to starve.

>> No.27782347
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>> No.27782583

This is why women shouldn’t have rights. They just thot it up in their youth and then end up old sad lonely women. The millennial generation will have an insane amount of cases like this

>> No.27782793

Little Miss Cope sat in her chair.
Sobbing because the crib would stay bare.
She lost every egg, and now gray strands in hair.
And she thought of the life experiences she would never share.
Yes, her newborn only ever existed in her mind.
She focused on career, and left family behind.
Before she was ready her career flew so high,
and she jumped man to man to find the RIGHT guy.
But now she is forty and ragged and used.
Her womb is unable, her soul battered and bruised.
So pour another glass of that pricey merlot.
If you managed a live birth, he'd be autistic and slow.
Just take one more pill and take one more drink.
Your life passed you bye before you could blink.

>> No.27783990

All in on AVAX, SNX, and GRT

>> No.27784332

In the end, this is what she wanted.

>> No.27784604

whether she wanted it or not,
it's what she got
just like swingies get the rope
roasties get the cope

>> No.27784658

simulation is fucking brutal

>> No.27785369

>3 asks, 2 bids

>> No.27785538
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>dying cope

>> No.27785963

I've read about this when it comes to women shifting their politics to their boyfriends views, and not the other way around.

The study came down to the fact that women as a group are statistically, much more agreeable than men, and have lower self esteem, so their viewpoints and beliefs blow around like the wind.

>> No.27785982
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>> No.27786149

bruh I've lived it and witnessed it

>> No.27786350

Same. It's not really a blackpill to me. It can be a good or bad thing.

>> No.27786425
File: 60 KB, 640x626, 5A0DB173-34D8-4CF8-A30E-A9D56FD23B6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I say they know they’ll be wrong?

Dumb Fuck

>> No.27786727

to me it's more of a redpill than a blackpill
it is how it is, one can choose what to make of it

>> No.27786867

Once I saw the studies and statistics my disdain for women kind of drained away. Any problem you have with them is really men's fault for being weak in the end. "Why take seriously what the Gods created for fun", or something like that.

>> No.27787298

Yeah but that's not solution you're kind of just watching it burn. Best to let the roasties get the cope and teach your 25yo girlfriends these things when you're 40

>> No.27787446

I wasn't talking solutions to anything.

>> No.27787599

dude have you tried teaching 20something women anything lately?
the well is poisoned

>> No.27787638

>no one notices that he's a trannie

>> No.27787687


>> No.27787772
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>> No.27787862
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>Diane Cope
>I have no children or anyone to remember me or care about me
>Maybe the internet will remember me and care about me when I'm gone

>> No.27788583

I feel bad for her.

>> No.27788632

So whatever the MSM and an astroturfed social media say then.

>> No.27788886

That's kind of sad
>sees name

>> No.27789077

>It takes time but I've given up on women over 25. They're finished
based and redpilled

>> No.27789203

No Mrs. here. She is a lifelong wine aunt and world citizen experiencing foreign dick and never having children lmao.