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27759924 No.27759924 [Reply] [Original]

Make sure to avoid all of these scams.

>> No.27760026

I agree with this list, especially Bao, stay away anons

>> No.27760033

Come on, we all know you just wanted to FUD Rubic.

And you failed.

>> No.27760040

Wow everything but LINK, as LINK is dumping and all the DeFis are pumping.
Thanks just bought 100k of each.

>> No.27760044

mods sticky this shit

>> No.27760102

Sorry for your loss.

>> No.27760219

Why GRT?

>> No.27760221

Forgot McDonald’s and Pikachu but I shouldn’t even have to mention those. They will get copyrighted and taken down lmao.

>> No.27760242

bro a lot of those were obviously made by the same person. They legit need to be investigated.

>> No.27760247

>xicoin not on list
I agree with this

>> No.27760291

you done for son

>> No.27760323

Check the supply

>> No.27760339

DONUT isn't a scam. More like a pump and dump.

>> No.27760390

the shilling is off the charts with indian shit coiners. seriously gook moot should make a biz token or something that you have to buy for a usd to post here to weed out the rupee merchants

>> No.27760398

Cope harder stinkie.
LINK $15 EOY, cap this.

>> No.27760433

So, what you're saying, is we should only ever buy BTC, ETH and LINK?

>> No.27760454

>noticing MCDC isn't on the list.


>> No.27760486


>> No.27760558

Its a shame because the Rubic shills meme game was on fucking point, all their shoops put a smile on my face

>> No.27760565

>anon mentions buying LINK

>> No.27760581

It made the honorable mentions

>> No.27760683

So much this LMAO

>> No.27760702

Not sure about grt

>> No.27760734

not necessarily scams, just overshilled shitty projects that don't deserve your money. put that money into legit defi shit instead

>> No.27760739

I dont get it. please explain this to an ape

>> No.27760757

grt isnt a scam but you're a faggot so who cares?

>> No.27760809

If grt is a scam so is link. Open your mouth for sergay's weekly dump!

>> No.27760878
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Go back to redd!t with that faggot nonsense

>> No.27760930

There’s like 200 million coins currently in circulation, but they will be dumping 8 BILLION COINS

It’s only worth a lot right now because there’s few coins and most are being delegated. Price will continue to go up until they dump 8 billion new coins on you

>> No.27761006

nice portfolio

>> No.27761055
File: 31 KB, 826x206, getrekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, i capped it. siri set a reminder for Dec 31, 2021 to re-post this

>> No.27761061

screw you oldfag

>> No.27761116

Awesome, cant wait.

>> No.27761166

with FTM and GRT I have to disagree, if you spent more time on research you would come to conclusion it isnt worth investing into. when it comes to the rest of these coins, yes these are based chick blatant scams.

>> No.27761204

Supply is needed for demand.

>> No.27761214

Sorry I was wrong

1.2 billion coins in circulation, and a total of 10 billion will be added

>> No.27761250

Subtle rubic FUD

>> No.27761304

Thank you OP.

Stick with ATOM, SENT, AKT, and other amazing cosmos projects. Don't touch random dog turds you find lying on the side of a mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.27761367

All those are great coins anon, WTF!?

I would definitely stay away from Rubic, Bai, Reef and World Token though. Those are definitely scam coins.

>> No.27761378

Did you read the part where they will add based on demand?

>> No.27761399

>Rubic is a scam, make sure to avoid it

>> No.27761428

I brought DONUT thinking it would be a legitimate phenomenon. When are these fucking redditors going to begin buying the coins?

>> No.27761495
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>> No.27761526

Don't buy food coins
Don't buy animal coins
Don't buy coins with geometrical logos.

>> No.27761551

Check out stormx STMX, just a tip.

>> No.27761604

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.27761633


>> No.27761646
File: 75 KB, 250x250, sakebros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay poor OP

>> No.27761700

Lower supply = scarcer entity = higher demand

>> No.27761790

>has this pic saved on his iphone
I would love to be there for you to explain why you have this picture saved on your phone to your parents. I’d pay good RBC to see this.

>> No.27761799

They have a 3% hourly inflation rate it's stupid high, dont bother checking

>> No.27761835

>Akro not on this list
$1 EOY

>> No.27761892

Statera bought at. 08 so still over 10x

>> No.27761917

Whats with crypto and rampant shitcoin scam?

>> No.27761975
File: 174 KB, 597x450, 1612447656269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic,Reef and Bao are real projects. You can litteraly google the devs and project. Rubic looks amazing, if they truly deliver their roadmap, crypto will be changed forever.

>> No.27761978

How the fuck are FTM and REEF scams? Sure, REEF is unproven, but besides that it's looking good. FTM is also a solid project and all the fud I've seen in the last time was ridiculous, like that Andre has nothing to do with it anymore.

>> No.27762057
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>> No.27762096

I meant this is aimed mostly at RBC, there is a huge FUD campaign on-going. He listed rubic first. The other coins are there to make this look like it isn’t aimed at rubic.

>> No.27762160

You need to go back

>> No.27762201
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>> No.27762215

good work OP, though GRT might be a viable investment eventually. this shit happens every bubble cycle

>> No.27762371

>developed for 3 years before ICO and instantly listed on coinbase with code audited by many many reputable organizations
Pick only one

>> No.27762420

>taken down

>> No.27762552

I did 50x on hex, tf u talking bout. This op has no insight of what he is talking about.
Watch charts and stfu.

>> No.27762635

Nooooo not my scamerino getting exposed

>> No.27762842

Jesus Christ they all almost have working products (see RBC) and made me a fat 15x in two weeks. What the fuuuuck bro you hate money.

>> No.27762873

You forgot Chainlink

>> No.27763052

rbc does not have a working product
show me an example

>> No.27763096

i didn't say it was a scam? i just think it's a bit overbought

>> No.27763177

Great list. Anyone who disagrees is a Stockholm Syndromed bag holder.

>> No.27763219

So sell before they dump the coins

>> No.27763272

And Fantom.
I think the RBC and FTM bros need to team up to defeat this discordtrannie FUD menace.

>> No.27763504

Will keep an eye out, thanks based anon!

>> No.27763530


>> No.27763754

I have HEX, why is it a scam??

>> No.27763924
File: 7 KB, 198x192, photo_2021-02-03_18-12-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sake isnt a scam retard

>> No.27763934

GRT isn't a scam dipshit

>> No.27764002


>> No.27764463
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>> No.27764615

Are you fucking kidding dude there's a daily 9% inflation rate

>> No.27764819

do NOT buy bao guys, DO NOT
I am buying all the bao so that yooooou don't have to!

>> No.27764830

This kek

>> No.27764850


>> No.27764865


>> No.27765139
