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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27755854 No.27755854 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I feel so much pressure to buy this useless token? Deep down I know it's only going to keep crabbing, and yet... I don't want to miss out on DOTB guys. Am I being crazy?

>> No.27755965

Yes, look at reality objectively, instead on focusing on why you're right, ask yourself why you are wrong.

>> No.27756066

Imagine if you gave in like me and went all in when link was .17. don't do it anon. Its over for me and Gilles but not you.

>> No.27756196

or just keep watching at the sidelines

>> No.27756197

Mostly because you know it's the future

>> No.27756251

Its gonna 10x and then bleed to 80c

>> No.27756265

Because this coin has the most promise and room to grow and honest to god value in the entire industry. super active team, always hitting roadmap, always pushing for the future. Don't let the price fool you. When you buy rlc you're buying fundamentals.

>> No.27756589
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>When the DOTB comes, it's going to change the world.
>We are the pioneers that saw past the glitter and gold.
>We saw value in something that people thought impossible.
>When Link went up 100x, we chose digital oil.
>When bitcoin was volatile, we chose stability
>Girls? Trannies.
>Whole wheat? Baguette.
>In 20 years, our peers will have to explain to their progeny why they dind't invest at 2$
>A stinky linky wont dare look an oil barren in the eye.
>Children will cower.
>Women will sweat.
>Men will respect.
>All will kneel.
We are the RLChads.

>> No.27756644
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complete dog shit

>> No.27756677

>super active team
>can't market their own product to anyone

>> No.27756733

One of the worst returns of any coin shilled on /biz/ but goddamn I love the memes

>> No.27756799

>useless token
>he can't access the world computer

>> No.27757288

OP, that is EXACTLY how I felt seeing all the LINK memes being spammed on biz years ago when it was sub $1 dollar.

You know how crypto works. These coins do nothing for weeks, months, sometimes years...then explode out of nowhere.

Don't make the same mistake I did. Buy a suicide stack at least.