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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27750272 No.27750272 [Reply] [Original]

Evening britfags, grab a cup of fucking tea, strap into the old wanking.throne and settle down for an all night /britbiz/ takeover.

(The yanks will scream and shout but it'll only push it further up the board)

What's been your most.successful trade this week anons?

Shitcoin/Stonks/PreciousShit discussion all welcome...

>> No.27750375
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How much did everyone lose/gain on GME or AMC?

>> No.27750646
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300ish. Meh. More annoyed about how kiked the market is. Also sat explaining to my mate for ages how a short squeeze worked and why it going over 1000 wasn't impossible and now basically his outlook turned out more realistic (him being a bit of a mongo new trader) than mine (been around the block a few times. Abstract feel desu

>> No.27751346



When I saw the VW example and the apparent grassroots movement of it being started by a WSB trader I thought good for them. Stock it to em!

But as soon as every media agency in the world.jumped aboard the hype train it was obvious dumb money was gonna lose alot.

Reddit was sending auto push notifications for WSB, spez was changing his fucking profile and every fucker on TV was playing a role of what they wanted people.to think they believed. Who the fuck knows if MELVIN were.truly.naked short by close Friday?

To me they flipped.position and hyped the fuck out of it to set an example.

You want to activist invest? We'll fucking show you they thought.


>> No.27751396

Evening lads Lowestoft here. Most successful trade was getting pg tips in return for some gibs bc there’s fuck all work around here

>> No.27751475

so whos been DCA'ing into eth during january and reaping the moon now?

>> No.27751604
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kek, sounds oddly comfy though lad

I had the 'oh God no' moment when someone pointed out this was just Qanon for redditors

>> No.27751935

About £300. Not even mad about that particularly but I dont know why I put all that money into it and ignored so many other things over the years.

I just see it like losing a really big bet, most of my disposable income is from sports betting anyway so I am used to losses and shit.

>> No.27752178

I just saw that they're considering legalizing magic mushrooms again, probably because we're about to have an entire generation of heavily depressed people.
Stock investing is one thing, but I fucking wish I knew about it enough to be a Magic Mushroom Farmer when it gets a green light. What a business would that be in this depressed, gray shithole.

>> No.27752236

TIL how important nonces are to the blockchain.

>> No.27752512

About 150%. Didn't buy at the bottom, didn't sell at the top.

>> No.27752821
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Whats the best crypto trading platform lads?

>> No.27752850

*drinks tea*

>> No.27752864
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Are you my best mate? His missus has just gone mental because 10 sterile jars and 5 pouches of mushroom spores just turned up with the postman.

To be 18 and in Amsterdam chewing on them again.

>> No.27752988

Not this week but bought Etherisc (DIP) at $0.17 a week ago and it's currently at $0.38, up a nice £600 on that.
Got a rejection from a job interview as well, but I've got so much in crypto that I can live off of passive interest now. I really don't give a fuck about waging.

>> No.27753030

Getting my remaining money out of GME.

Got greedy in the $400s, would have got out with automatic limits. Didn't FOMO with the frenzy though and was in at $20 and $47.

>> No.27753092

Bancor Network Token is my big gamble this year.

>> No.27753297

Any niggers in Bognor Regis area selling an xbox series x ?

>> No.27753550

get a PC lah ;)

>> No.27753615
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How so?

>> No.27753721

i do have one, but can't find for shit any rtx 3x not even 2x series.... fucking ridiculous, i'm stuck with this 1060 3gb...

>> No.27754001

what do you use to buy/trade here in the UK?

how are you managing the tax situation?

>> No.27754096
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ahhh yeah shit man, I feel you, I built a 2070 rig last summer then lucked out on scan and found an FE 3070 at MSRP about a week after it came out, snatched it. Market is so fucked right now it's unreal

good luck getting your xbox anon, still got my One X

>> No.27754217

Use CoinbasePro as an on ramp for fiat > crypto. Then either use Binance or Uniswap depending on where things are available.
Not cashed anything out yet so I haven't done anything with taxes. I'll sort that out when I cash out my Link interest/staking rewards.

>> No.27754313

Reminder to just report these threads otherwise these yellow-teeth fucks will shit up this board forever with their retarded cucked crap.

>> No.27754364
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dot digital.

>> No.27754474

Lost about 225 or so. I bought into the hype, but was somehow smart enough not to put in more than I wanted to lose.

>> No.27754609

This American poster looked disgusting -- brown nipples protruding --in his cheeto-stained shirt before /britbiz/. Very very disrespectful.

>> No.27754715
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>> No.27754787

Yo you got a source on this anon?! Haven't heard anything about mushies becoming legal again

>> No.27754851

Let's have an /ameri/biz thread too then, shall we?
What about /poo/biz? What about /aus/biz? You get my point. Cease this foolishness.
You've been banned before and you'll just keep getting banned until you learn to keep your royal-ass-licking contained somewhere like /pol/.

>> No.27754937

Coinmetro. Easily best GBP exchange.

And I pay my taxes. Better now at 20% than post-covid when it gets hiked up to 40...

>> No.27755126

Do you guys know how I can get my hands on some in the UK? I'm pretty desperate rn. Want to go on a couple of big trips and attempt a reset before I kys myself

>> No.27755185

Coinbase pro..

Binance is ok but free to put your ETH/crypto into it but withdrawal fee of.like £20 to take out in some coins.

Then uniswap for the coins that aren't on there when the fucking gas fees drop.

>> No.27755207

what is the brit tax situation? Do we only have to pay tax on crypto when we cash out? how and how much?

>> No.27755239
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>royal loving
get some new insults you silly boy

we have country-specific threads all the time, for german-anons, ausbros, and so on. would you rather they just sprang up randomly whenever there was a UK specific question or there was one place to contain questions and chat for one country?
Nah I suppose we should just keep this board free for PnD shilling shitcoins and tranny threads eh? Get fucked cunt

>> No.27755272

what tax situation? do I need to pay taxes for owning some fucking digital currency?

>> No.27755420

SATOSHI was British, get over it.

>> No.27755550

So far still up a grand and a half. All read sold to cover initial investment so letting rest ride.

>> No.27755553

I picked my own for the first time this October, was really fun and got about 200! You can use the magic mushroom map website to find areas with likely growth.

Alternatively I've heard there's a UK company which sells spores called Viking spores, never used it though.

>> No.27755689

You have to pay taxes on every disposal of an asset, so crypto -> fiat and crypto -> crypto. However I don't think they're going to be looking through the blockchain to catch you out. But say if you put £1k in to ETH and cash out £10k of ETH, without ETH having gained in price to cause that profit you might attract some attention. This is why I avoid swing trading and stick with long term holds. There are websites that will calculate your taxes for you using exchange data.
My aim is to only cash out interest and staking gains on my Chainlink stack anyway, which will be income tax not CGT.

>> No.27755705

Best way to buy Monero in the UK? At the moment I'm buying BTC on Coinbase Pro and withdrawing it to Kraken for XMR/BTC market

>> No.27755864
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£40,000 out of my £60k savings

>> No.27755946
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Bong here, my method is fiat into Coinbase, then do my purchases on Coinbase Pro. When I get like £500 worth that I'm not gonna trade, I transfer it to my Ledger. It works fine for now although fees are a pain if you need to get it back out the Ledger to trade.

My question is - I've only got about £500 in coins so far; what is the tax situation? I think we can earn a max of £12K cash-out a year before having to fill in a form but it might be bullshit.

Any other bongs dealt with crypto tax?

>> No.27756033

Lads is Binance UK going to happen? Seems like they missed the launch and abandoned it. I wasn't here when there would have been any talk of it. Seems like it would fuck us and we'd have to use a vpn.

>> No.27756183

Yes you have a 12k allowance you don't have to pay tax on. Google 'HMRC crypto', it's pretty straight forward and clear with the rules. I think it's even been updated in the last couple months because the page is longer than I remember it being last summer

>> No.27756298
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Many of the UKs most profitable, safe investments are held by private companies.

Anybody know of any private companies looking for investment who've been around fucking years and aren't going anywhere?

Or a platform where smaller UK companies and private equity put out their proposals or some shit?

>> No.27756574
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Cheers bud I'll check that out. Yes I'm no way near £12K cash-out yet but that's good to know!

>> No.27756631
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have you tried phemex with a VPN ?

>> No.27756710

Capital Gains Tax

You can make £12,300 Gains a year before having to pay Tax on it. You should declare it though.

>> No.27756723

Get onto WhiteHouse market, royal mails been my main dealer for about a year now

>> No.27756899


12k capitals gains... So if you get capital gains elsewhere it eats into it. Anything over 12k will be taxed at 40% next year to pay for the rona.

Under 2k no reporting, over 2k it 'should' be reported.

>> No.27757067
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bought at $97ish and noped out during Monday's obvious bleed out at about 1$18 average, kicking mysef at not making the easiest £1500 of my life but at least I made a bit

>> No.27757204

anyone catch the GBP pump today?
I missed it, feels bad desu.

>> No.27757228

oh shit is that accurate??? I'm a student and never dealt with tax before in any capacity, should I declare my 4k or so withdrawls yeah??? how and when do I do this?

>> No.27757266

>will be taxed at 40% next year to pay for the rona

Is that actually confirmed yet, I thought they were just considering it.

>> No.27757382
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britbiz ik u like shrooms and capital.gains tsx but

I got a naked malteaser

>> No.27757384

>e have country-specific threads all the time, for german-anons, ausbros, and so on.
No we don't you literal Paki lmao

>> No.27757414

You don’t need to report it if you aren’t going to pay tax unless you’re already registered for self assessment (eg. You’re self employed) and if the total amount you sold for is 4 times above the allowance.