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2773790 No.2773790 [Reply] [Original]

Why is getting rich so hard and time consuming

>> No.2773807

The rich are only rich when juxtaposed to the poor. They need enough of the poor, since the rich are not inherently valuable. It's like how time can only exist when used as a measure of change between two observer points

>> No.2773827

because if it were easy then nobody would be rich

>> No.2773835

Supply and demand

>> No.2773838

I actually have a method of getting rich which is not so time consuming and relatively easy. I can share it with you but only if you're willing to pay a bit for it.

>> No.2773839

prooooooooooofound anon. that's exactly what I think as well

>> No.2773842

otherwise everyone can do it... and that would make everyone poor

>> No.2773847

ok nice just bought 100k :)

>> No.2773850
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>> No.2773899

is it the system of selling systems of selling systems to get rich?

>> No.2773909

this is how you get rich OP >>2773838

>> No.2773918
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how do i find enough autistic niggers to buy into my scam ?

>> No.2773924

I'm going to get rich off sbd and there is nothing you can do about it

>> No.2773937

Everyone always says it's a scam. I swear to god you people want to stay poor.

Notice how all I have to do is open my mouth and say "actually, it's not that difficult...I just" before some pack of retards screams "SCAM! HE LYIN' IT HARD IT REALLY HARD HE LYIN."

You people are poor because you cover your ears and refuse to listen when people like me try to throw you a bone.

>> No.2773940

but is it the system of selling systems?

>> No.2773943

Show us ur lambo fag

>> No.2773951

No, not at all. It has nothing to do with that. I have never sold my method, ever. But I do want a little compensation if I help someone and it works for him/her.

I'm sick of being called a fucking scammer every time I bring this up on this board though.

And before you fucking ask, no my "system" does not involve shilling to 4chan, scamming 4chan, or 4chan at all in any way. Nor does it involve scamming at all. It's not even illegal for fuck's sake.

>> No.2773963

ur method is buying high selling low am i right ?

>> No.2773964
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>> No.2773979

No. Why the fuck must you people always make fun of me when I do this?

If you don't like me, why wouldn't you just ignore it? I don't get it.

I come in threads like this when I see them and say I have a method of making money that works, for real. A lot of money. Which is what this board is about. And I get called a "scamming retard," a thousand people incorrectly guess my method, and nobody ever listens.

I genuinely don't get it.

>> No.2773995

So tell me about ur method. Of course not everything. Just a little so i can decide if i should buy it or not.

>> No.2774003

does your system involve knee pads or meme charts?

>> No.2774006

Look at this rotten shamster using reverse psychology to build trust.

I wouldn't trust this guy with a drop of my piss.

>> No.2774009

Ok. It's a system involving arbitrage that consistently works and can be reliably, constantly manipulated.

That's all I want to say for free.

>> No.2774010

being rich is about property accumulation, rather than life accumulation

for instance, consider that a 100 year old mentally retarded man can be the richest person in the world technically speaking

most humans don't think in terms of capital accumulation, they think in terms of life (kids, prestigious college, hedonisim, social status and friends) but money at the end of the day has nothing to do with any of these things and they may even undermine it

one other thing that poor people have a hard time dealing with is that money is forever, while human life is finite. Zerohedges motto reflects on this (on a long enough timeline your success rate is 0% because youre dead) this causes people to live in the moment rather than care about acquiring assets. but even if you die those assets live forever (or at least much, much longer than a human life)

ultimately i think rich people make a commitment to be financially powerful and wealthy and acquire eternal assets even if they die in the end. it's almost like stoicism or asceticism

>> No.2774026

People here ask how to get rich.
I tell them I have a method for doing so.
I get called a scamming retard instead of listened to.


Does everyone here simply like being poor and just LARPs that they want to make money? What the fuck am I missing here?

>> No.2774027

Arbitrage is fundamentally shammy. You're taking something from someone at a price lower than what you know its worth. Disgusting.

>> No.2774030

can i buy 100k of ur method ?
>kids, prestigious college, hedonisim, social status and friends
don't give a fuck about these things
i just want a fuckton of cash

>> No.2774032


>> No.2774034

Aribtrage makes markets more efficient and is healthy for them. Arbitrageur is a career.

Ffs you're grasping at straws now.

You asked me to briefly explain the method and then you go and make fun of me.

>> No.2774040

Because it's not about the destination. it's about the ride. : )

>> No.2774041

i want in on it, post your bitcoin wallet i'll give you 1000 BTC if you tell me, deal?

>> No.2774045


I'd be interested

>> No.2774049
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go kys scammer

>> No.2774050

this word salad says nothing about the rich people who still prioritize family and friends. you just need something that motivates you and persistence. there's nothing challenging about providing valuable work and investing your money into growing industries.

>> No.2774055

>I get called a scamming retard instead of listened to

you forgot to mention that we need to PAY before getting the information from a complete stranger kek

>> No.2774060

What the fuck did I do to offend you people?

Seriously. Tell me.

Are you seriously interested or are you going to post memes like "kek I'll buy 100k of your method XD" like a 12 year old? I'm sick of being called a scam just because I was smart enough to figure something out.

>> No.2774081


genuine interest actually

>> No.2774091

Alright well then you can email me. I'm using an email thesmartinvestor@outlook.com for this. Like I said above, I want some kind of compensation. We can work out how much though, I'm not too concerned with it.

>> No.2774099

Here's the retard from yesterday with his productless pyramid scheme. You are a goddamn moron buddy

>> No.2774102

>arbitrage is smart
the scam is in expecting money for get-rich-quick "information" that obviously doesn't work. how about you give out your email, give out the advice, and if someone really becomes rich they'll pay it forward to the scamming retard who helped them out?

>> No.2774108


Holy mother of god someone is gonna get SCAMMED the FUCK out.

>> No.2774109

Because today, all the wealth is concentrated in so few hands and they do everything in their power to crush potential competitors. Some will succeed. 95% won't.

>> No.2774138

Maybe I should get a different email for this lol. I thought it sounded cool and was surprised nobody had taken that name..
How do I know someone using my method would pay me back? I have no way of knowing that...

And it's not "get-rich-quick information". Like I said, it's essentially just income at some mid-sized percentage per month depending on how much work you put into it and what your situation is.

The fact is that I've found a method which exploits a market inefficiency and it works. If it were so easy, it wouldn't exist. I think it is smart.

>> No.2774175

>pay me back
why would you care about this if you are already getting rich off the method you're trying to sell?

i don't understand if you're just under 14 years of age or from india, but i could google "get rich using this method" and see a thousand hits for free advice and a million more "pay me first lol" scams. like if you're not even somebody who understands why your approach appears illegitimate, then you're definitely not somebody who understands arbitrage or finance

>> No.2774186
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> I think it is smart.

>> No.2774195

I didn't call you a scammer. But I also think the system of selling systems is a legitimate path to wealth. Some people are too dense to think of that themselves, but after paying to learn it, will be impressed to have learned such a clever trick that was right under their nose the whole time.

>> No.2774205

Like that "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" guy I guess.

I mean it's interesting

>> No.2774212

How much compensation do you want? I think some of us would otherwise have faith in you but I'm broke and others may have been scammed on this board.

>> No.2774220

How do i contact you then, very interested in this method...

>> No.2774260
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Poor people think having more money would make them happier. The earlier you are exposed to wealth the better you know

"If I only get that thing I would be happy, if I only had 1m more i would be happy etc..." you would never be satisfied, ask a billionaire which sum would make him finally happy, the cant anwer.

Very basic flaw and even primitive thinking to a degree, yet prolly 95% of people live this way.

>> No.2774276

At this point, you guys could just email me at
thesmartinvestor@outlook.com and I'll try to get back to you later today.

Compensation could be worked out between us while I'm just getting started sharing this method. Just drop me an email and we can work it out from there, and if you don't like it you can walk away.

>> No.2774280
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do u know how it feels to be poor around wealthy people
you wouldn't say that if u knew

>> No.2774297

kek this is going to make you hate me and not believe me but I honestly went to Wharton as my undergrad, felt like I was surrounded by wealthy people and yet still relatively poor. It's a bad feeling

>> No.2774305

I'll be so happy when the warby parker meme ends. Im so sick of every girl i see literally looking the exact same.

>> No.2774332 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 500x367, tumblr_m9v4nv645H1qbnieao1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor people think having more money would make them happier. The earlier you are exposed to wealth the better you know

"If I only get that thing I would be happy, if I only had 1m more i would be happy etc..." you would never be satisfied, ask a billionaire which sum would make him finally happy, the cant anwer.

Very basic flaw and even primitive thinking to a degree, yet prolly 95% of people live this way.

>> No.2774333

because you're mom gay

>> No.2774340

>if I say it twice, maybe I'll get more (You)s

>> No.2774343

he was just trying to get trips but I stole it unfortunately

>> No.2774346

i have uploading problems damn it

>> No.2774350

Is it scamming people in 4chan?

>> No.2774362


>> No.2774369
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>> No.2774397

So you would like to become very rich just that you would not feel bad around wealthy people? That is some serious issues you got there going. What do you think would happen if you were rich as the people around you would you feel awesome or something else

>> No.2774416

Yes, and it opens your mind to consider other clever and unconventional ways to make money.

>> No.2774419

sent ;)

>> No.2774445 [DELETED] 

let's see if I can get quads

>> No.2774956

found the poorfag