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27726362 No.27726362 [Reply] [Original]

Someone says Vechain, your first thought is supply chain.
WRONG. Vechain is the ultimate defi coin, you get paid just for holding the token. You get paid more for staking. I'll tell you how.

Vechain is a fork of eth, it can do everything ETH can do with consistent fees at 0.01$ even at 10 000tps.

Now here is the redpill.
When you pay ETH fees All of that goes to the miners. ALL OF IT. YOU. DO. NOT. SEE. A. PENNY. Miners are the crypto jews. They are parasite and take and take slowly leeching and when they've gathered all of that eth, they it dump on us.
You can cope say muh security muh decentralisation but the truth is eth is controlled by less then 15 mining pools. It is already decentralized and we are being jewed.

Now all of the fees paid when using VET, they are all equally distrubuted towards all of the token holders equally. Stakers get more obviously, but there is no middle man. No filthy jewish miners taking our hard earned crypto. We token holders get our fees back. Do you understand the enormity of this?
We get fees back and we distribute it back into the Vet ecosystem pumping up the marketcap,, Vet gets used more,, more fees earned, pump back into the eco-... you get the idea right.

You can create tokens on Vet. It has its on Uniswap called Vexchange. Its own metamask called Comet. Its own blockchain games called, Berserk, Vulcanverse. An official mobile wallet. It has special features that help normie adoption that I'll tell you about if you ask me.

And best of all the circular economy means everyone is rewarded in fees just for holding the coin. The rich don't get richer, the holders do. No parasite miners draining our wallets, eth would have overthrown BTCs marketcap if it wasn't for the scaling. That's the truth. Vet is heading to the top 5

>> No.27727502

chink shit coin. Sry but you are a bag holder for eternity. Jump of the boat as soon as it pumps a little...

>> No.27727721

Fuck. Is it chinese?? Then i dont fucking want it.

Lets be clear for everyone to fucking hear. The same reason why USD is the most trusted and denominated currency is because its backed by freedom. Period.

Same reason no one fucking wants fascist neo

>> No.27728010

Vechain will blow in the next few days. Have a look at the chart. Take it before the next break out or stay poor

>> No.27728126

Don't mind defi dex or whatshit not, Just making money here

>> No.27728138

>chink coin
No thanks

>> No.27728554


>> No.27728659

Its not chinese, its made by a Singaporean company

>> No.27729158

I sold 108K worth of VET to buy ADA just now. VET hasn't moved much this past month and ADA is going to moon by March. ADA might be at $1.00 by June.

>> No.27729291

chinese, japanese, dirty knees i don't care I'm in

>> No.27729734

Vet moves when you least expect it too and it moves hard. It crabs and out of nowhere does a 2x.
Fundementally speaking who benefits from the ADA fees? In vet its the holders who get a percentage i.e the people who actually use the ecosystem. Vet is literally a self feeding pump coin when it gets to a million txs a day (currently on 300k)

>> No.27729888

You might want to put your money in coins that haven't mooned yet faggot. You should have put that money into ADA one month ago and now continue with non-mooned coin eg VET. Stay gay

>> No.27729992

>Miners are the crypto jews.
I'd say providing a service for a fee is just normal business

>> No.27730141

There's providing a fee and there's mafia style extortion. The chinese miner Jews are done. All vet holders get a percentage of the fee, no middle man.

>> No.27730267

reddit spacing and a namefag. yeah im glad i hold an enormous amount of vechain. it is one of the best techs out there. just a matter of time before it goes passed 1USD

>> No.27730340

Can you please explain that last part again? I didn't read it in the OP or in your post either.

And I won't read it when you post it again.

>> No.27730399

post nose

>> No.27730437
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Based. Spread the word brother

>> No.27730737

You will join us sooner or later even if its kicking and screaming. If eth is btc 2.0. Vet is btc 3.0

>> No.27730826
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>> No.27730843

what is veechain

>> No.27730949
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Unironically the ETH killer