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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2771756 No.2771756 [Reply] [Original]

>looking at job listings in my field that earn $100,000 per year
>think about my savings rate and how quickly I can become a millionaire with crypto returns
>get excited
>remember that I am a kissless virgin with no family and no need for any more money
>remember that I will never fulfill my dream of having a big family with lots of kids
>remember I will always be a shut in hermit with below average living expenses
>remember that I have no friends and nobody will be impressed by my worthless wealth
>remember I will never be able to enjoy a flashy car, an expensive lonely vacation or a big empty mansion if I am alone
>remember that none of my family living across the continent care at all about me or will be impressed with money

What is the actual fucking point of financial success when you're completely and utterly alone?

>> No.2771762

go to reddit dead bedrooms,

then go to TER review and get some hookers,

then enjoy your money

>> No.2771764

It means you're a weak human being who relies on others to give your life meaning.

>> No.2771770

It's lonely at the top. 20 year olds looking to marry up will always exist.

If you build it they will come. Twice.

>> No.2771794

whores. If you can afford to buy food and you can afford a housekeeper then what's the point of a relationship anyway?

>> No.2771859

I have a lot of my friends have found good wives in latinas... if you want a family that is... go to a to south america, find a nice girl, treat her decently.. you'll have your small kingdom my friend.

>> No.2771863


who wants to live in that shit hole, in fairness the hookers are cheap

>> No.2771869
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>mfw I wasnt born ugly

also fuck some hookers dude, if you really are that rich I am sure you can convince them to let you fuck them raw if you wanna

>> No.2771895


Could you please shut the fuck up about hookers? Literally completely irrelevant to the point of the thread.

>> No.2771898

time to fuck hookers senpai

>> No.2771901

I'm committed to life long virginity and don't have many materialistic desires, but I want money so I'm not 'in debt' by default to others. I don't want to have to slave away to feed into this debt-based system, I want the freedom to do what I want.

Isn't that reason enough to become financially successful? The freedom from slavery to others? There are also a bunch of things you could pursue, interests and hobbies - you could invest your time and money in helping to free the oppressed and alleviate suffering.

That's basically what I want to do. If you don't need your money, though, OP - feel free to throw it this way.

>> No.2771926

Financial freedom allows you to live the life you want where you want.

I got 50K in savings, took a year off work, lived in Japan, Philippines. S. Korea and still ongoing.

Philippines and Japan are great.

>> No.2771934
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>Isn't that reason enough to become financially successful?

My one reason to become financially successful is revenge. Wealth is power, and some day I will have enough power to take revenge on the people who turned society into what it has become.

>> No.2771945


Who do you consider responsible? What type of revenge are you talking about here?

>> No.2771947

This is pathetic

>> No.2771956
File: 123 KB, 720x838, pepe black sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who do you consider responsible?

I'll give you one guess.

>What type of revenge are you talking about here?


>> No.2771960
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This is why I never care when my shit loses money. Probably why I'm so good at saving it too.

>> No.2771977

Quit being a little bitch. You sicken me.

-go walk for an hour every day.
-go take a TESOL course.
-go teach english in asia somewhere.
-keep walking everyday
-drop 4 chan.

I swear to you, a little exercise, a little less 4chan and an inexpensive trip somewhere are exactly what you need.

>> No.2771982

It is not a bad philosophy to have desu. Loneliness & lust are a spook.

"Masculinity" is to support others, whether they're feeble-minded or just weak/vulnerable persons. I don't think it's wrong to want to avoid family as long as you can support yourself and help others~

Just don't get trapped in hedonism. Be the great mind you want to, and you'll find that satisfaction you want.

>> No.2772006
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Yeah, I'm pretty much 'MGTOW' and anti-spook in general.

The only thing I ever really wanted was to spend time alone reading the classics, watching movies, learning about the world. Parents didn't have money so I had to start working early, and just got completely demoralised by it. Didn't help that I had chronic social anxiety for many years. Ended up on benefits and then got pushed onto 'work for the dole', after that I pretty much committed to getting enough for myself rather than being pushed around by people who are genuinely dishonest and greedy.


>> No.2772042



>> No.2772081

Seriously, this dude... I never even visit /biz/ but damn this is sad. Stop thinking that way. That's your main problem. You think yourself into despair and you begin to live it out.

Teaching abroad (even for just a year) in a place like Thailand or India will open you up so fast. Chicks love a dude that is cultured. Plus, there are many companies that will pay you as an English teacher. You already speak the worlds most sought after language.

If none of your family is close, that is even more of a reason. People quit jobs on whims and move all the time. It's all about your mentality. How do you think bummy dudes score the hottest chick...they think they're the shit, and therefore are...more or less.

Check out oxford seminars (TESOL) or auxiliaries Espanol (if you're fresh out of college).

>> No.2772095
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>tfw had a real gf one time
Money is more comfy, but I'd be pretty pissed if I was still a khhv

>> No.2772124

>When you equate money with sex

>> No.2772143


you get hookers

>> No.2772150

>and even more unhappiness

>> No.2772177

Start talking to girls on interpals m8. I found my qt gf there.

And yeah, it really does give you a reason to live

>> No.2772188

I'd rather be alone in a beach-side villa than in a basement surrounded by crumbs and Mountain Dew roulette.

Besides, money enables you to get /fit/ and confident if you have any willpower.

>> No.2772203
File: 81 KB, 242x257, 1499658542371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize social skills are just skills like any other, and there are resources everywhere online to help you learn them

Nigga you could learn to play basketball decently if you just follow the directions

People stuff is no different

t. man who's developed the skills to appear charming and sociable despite being a massive sperg

>> No.2773575

Hahahha what a fag

Dude the second you stack up that money your family sill be there instantly
Bitches will flock your car like bitches who flock around expensive cars

Fuggin loser kys