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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 405 KB, 733x606, sergey september 2019 finalizing staking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27710101 No.27710101 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, was it laziness?

>> No.27710342

Why is he doing this to us?

>> No.27710404

The team has come across as grossly incompetent the last half year. Maybe even a bit longer given what a joke SmartCon was. I still think it's a good project but the quality of the team is no different to any other crypto project.

They just idly throw out deadlines that they miss with no word, feature creep spam and never realize etc.

>> No.27710451

>They just idly throw out deadlines that they miss with no word
I don't think they ever set out a deadline.

>> No.27710659

Specific deadlines no, but month ranges yes. We've passed their dates for tsigs and staking. I don't know if we ever got a mixicles date but i'm pretty sure that's been dropped entirely. Then you have related dates like oracle integration and arbitrum, of course those are dependent on other teams but still reflects on a general environment of failing targets.

Don't get me wrong, i'm confident in the project but the team is stumbling along as poorly as eth devs at this point.

>> No.27710758

>but month ranges yes. We've passed their dates for tsigs and staking
I don't think Chainlink ever even set a month range for anything either.

>> No.27711253

Tsigs we had a "expected in the next couple of weeks" statement and staking was estimated within the year last year.

>> No.27711402

Pretty sure neither of these came from Chainlink itself.

I keep seeing people talk about how Chainlink "missed deadlines" and it's never true.
There's enough cause for pain and misery with Chainlink already, no need to invent anything.

>> No.27711777
File: 371 KB, 2048x1536, sergeysdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who was behind the NXT SCAM?
>Who offered to buy and sell HOUSES in the early ages of BTC through smartcontracts.com? (domain registered just days before Nakamoto paper)
>Who founded teams in Russia and Eastern Europe through QED Capital?
>Who made false claims of alliance between Chainlink + SWIFT?
>Who set up all his business in the Cayman Islands (including Chainlink)?

>> No.27711820

Elon Musk is a mouth breathing talking head. Literally fails to meet 8 out of 10 deadlines he announces. But he is still seems to be the only chance to get space travel going again

>> No.27711885

This isn't 2018 anymore, bucko.

>> No.27711966

Digits wasted on shit fud

>> No.27712235

Yeah they both did, sergey himself even said one on an interview. Tsigs came from Hodges. But those are both just what i can remember, but there are other instances too.

>> No.27712297

Source on both?

>> No.27712405

Yes but he also tends to explain what's happening when targets are missed. Obviously these things happen but some basic respect for those invested or even just interested entails keeping them updated.

>> No.27712492

If we get nothing at Eth Denver I’m seriously selling a portion of my stack

>> No.27712511

As said they're from memory - the sergey interview was with some girl you can probably find it in archives. Hodges who knows, probably have to go through his twitter.

>> No.27712592

I've been following things religiously since the start, and I've never heard them even say a month range.

>> No.27712627

I wouldn't rely on that - there are almost never announcements at the events and the topics announced don't suggest we'll see anything. The announcements just come in blogposts out of the blue.

Annoying but if you're going to sell don't do it on account of a boring talk.

>> No.27712678


>> No.27712793

Sergey said staking would be ready by eoy 2020 lol

>> No.27712827

Serger did announce mainnet at a conference.

Is anyone from CL even speaking? All I found is some buidl workshop.

Source pls.

>> No.27712884

I mean they definitely have, i'm not trying to fud it or anything so i'm not going to go trawling to find the statements. I imagine the sergey interview is easy enough to find though.

I'm not selling my stack to less than 9k, i have a couple of hundred above i'm fine to dump if any need arises but as said my opinion of the team in general has dropped substantially this year more than any before it.

>> No.27712891

It's ready, but not released yet

>> No.27712925

>I mean they definitely have
I don't think so.

>> No.27712938

is Eth Denver big in the crypto sphere?

>> No.27712997

Yeah i knew he might say mainnet but that's really it. Everything else has just been on its own. You could maybe say some features were announced as in development but nothing else actually released at a speech.

>> No.27713228

I can't fucking believe Chainlink just dumped another 50c since I made this thread.

>> No.27713293

Given you genuinely just seem not to know i went and found the interview where sergey stated staking would be happening last year.


As for hodges that's on you to find.

>> No.27713369


>> No.27713502

>Given you genuinely just seem not to know
Well it's hard to "know" a negative.
You said it happened, so it's up to you.

>found the interview where sergey stated staking would be happening last year.
It literally says "the NEXT year" in that 2020 interview.

This is what I mean, people are always harping on about missed deadlines, and it's never true.

>> No.27713775

It's not knowing a negative - i meant you weren't aware of the interview.

The syntax of that summary is a bit off, the actual interview shows it's asking about 2020. I've even found that for you but from here on out the feeding is over.


>> No.27713844

wow, great boost I passed by
need advice dudes, some1 uses Bot Ocean system?
worth investing or better to check for other bots?
wanna test trading with algorithms and tools

>> No.27713935

>It's not knowing a negative - i meant you weren't aware of the interview.
What makes you say that?

>the actual interview shows it's asking about 2020
Anon, it literally says "the next year".
Even if you take the strictest interpretation of that phrase, that puts the deadline is in May 2021; exactly one year after the interview.

>> No.27714213

Sergey said staking before eoy I can confirm. He will release it when its ready its better that way

>> No.27714363

>Sergey said staking before eoy I can confirm.
Source please.

>> No.27714530

Because you didn't know about the interview jesus anon. It's not that complicated, i wasn't having a go.

In the actual interview she asks what's coming up for "the rest of the year". As said feeding over if you can't even be bothered to listen a link i fished out for you. This laziness really marks a sad turn for the community.

>> No.27714887

classic fud tactics, get us a transcript or fuck off, nobody's gonna listen to some gay ass podcast faggot

>> No.27714959

>Because you didn't know about the interview
What the fuck makes you say that?

>In the actual interview she asks what's coming up for "the rest of the year"

>> No.27715130


>> No.27715313
File: 1.07 MB, 2355x4096, 20210201_233852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is unbelievable at this point, not even memeing, 400+ integrations, wef White paper, most of defi relying on it etc etc - and it doesn't pump at all??? I can't understand how clearly the most important token is outperformed by almost everything else

>> No.27715445

OCR is basically already out though. I could see him saying it’s out and encouraging devs to try it at the hackathon.

>> No.27715481

Meanwhile Aave (which runs on Chainlink) is up 33% today.

>> No.27715719

My point exactly

>> No.27715839
File: 65 KB, 1824x695, 1612444099918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27716123

Chainlink holders are subsidizing the defi run. Sergey is giving link for free to nodes. The whole space is running on link investors being diluted.

>> No.27716197

I don't have a source handy but that guy is right. We were told to expect tsig, mixicles, staking, etc.

>> No.27716287

Thanks just bought 100k DAI fucking retard

>> No.27716363

This is unironically true.

Chainlink "holders" keep the price over 20 by holding like retards, in which Sergey dumps 1.5 million into the market on a weekly basis, so that Chainlink can "pay" "nodes" to use the services.

The team has dramatically under delivered.

>> No.27716425

If you are wondering why AAVE, SNX, and similar projects keep going up its because they are free riding on link paying the cost by sergey giving part of his 650m link away.

Yea its part of his plan to increase adoption. Its working. Itlll be good long term. But its causing short term suppression of link price + link holder dilution.

>> No.27716431
File: 154 KB, 1280x593, 1608575070334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27716443
File: 177 KB, 1486x1628, chainlink price feeds sponsored by.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy is right
No he isn't.
Even his own source contradicts him.

>Sergey is giving link for free to nodes.
No he isn't.
See pic.

>> No.27716703

Who do you think pays for those price feeds? The people using them?


>> No.27716704

On other days id laugh at fud, but I'm struggling to find a reason why this isn't inadvertently the case. May be we have to face the fact that them dumping 1.5mil tokens onto the market each week is what keeps it from pumping. But this could literally go on for the next 2 years - which would mean we will in fact miss the bull run wtf

>> No.27716716

who cares how long this shit takes if you're in the red on LINK you're a retarded latefag

>> No.27716808

>who cares how long this shit takes

Imagine being this much of a paypig.

>> No.27716950

It still costs $ to use the price feeds. But its being subsidized to some extent.

>> No.27716988
File: 806 KB, 2000x1500, 1604850870634~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Pic related

>> No.27716993

>but still reflects on a general environment of failing targets.
ill take software that works over hitting some faggot PMs targets

>> No.27717049

Literally yes, as I just showed you.

We don't know that. The users themselves say they're paying.

>> No.27717741

Yes they are paying, but the prices might be too high if sergey wasn't lowering them by giving nodes link. He is cornering the market by artificially lowering the cost. Thats fine. It increases adoption by alot. But its diluting current holders of link.

Maybe its for the best in the long run. Maybe arbitrum or some other mechanism will lower the cost soon.

>> No.27717786

>but the prices might be too high if sergey wasn't lowering them by giving nodes link
Again, we have no way of knowing this. It's headcanon.

>> No.27717887

ignore demoralization hold your LINK. it's about to happen.

>> No.27718152

So I just found the relevant part in the full podcast:

timestamp: 53:13
>"I definitely want to hear what's coming up with Chainlink for the rest of the year, OR IN THE NEXT YEAR."

Your own source directly contradicts what you kept repeating over and over.
I don't know if you're legit retarded or just fudding, but god almighty it's time for you to get a life.

>> No.27718300

This is the best advice in the thread.

>> No.27718448
File: 1.20 MB, 1101x815, sergey locks up features.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's about to happen
I've legit been thinking this for years, but Sergey is absolutely refusing to release anything.