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27709684 No.27709684 [Reply] [Original]

If $7.25 is too low and $15 is too high, why don't we set the minimum wage in the middle, like $12? $11-12 would make way more sense because $15 minimum means that a minimum wage worker would make the same as the average American, which makes no sense.

>> No.27710068

Minimum wage isn't the problem, stupid high housing prices is. Why do democrats think giving people money fixes all problems, it makes things worse every fucking time.

>> No.27710154

Imagine being so fucking stupid you believe a federal minimum wage is a good idea

like actually think about and imagine how stupid you'd have to be to be this kind of person

>> No.27710617

Can you tell me why it's stupid?

>t. business owner with 3 employees

>> No.27710644

It's mostly a question of what a society sees as basic human needs. These should be met by minimum wage.
Some people will say, that those needs are only housing, food and clothes but what about hobbies and a social life?
I guess you could make the argument that people living off minimum wage don't deserve a nice life, they just deserve surviving.
Do you know how to calculate averages?
> sum of the numbers divided by the total number of values in the set
wich means the wage of the AVERAGE american will also rise when more people earn more an hour than before.
So no worries little idiot, there will always be a difference between the nOrMal aMeRiCaNs and the minimum wage workers.
nonetheless yngmi
no matter the wage, waging is still waging

>> No.27710811

>the cost of living is the same in alabama as it is in California and New York

It's a farce on it's face, without even getting into how increasing the minimum wage just increases the cost of living to match, devaluing the amount of money everyone above minimum wage makes

It's really really stupid. I own a business too, lol. Plumbers own businesses. Left wing artists own businesses. Minimum wage, ESPECIALLY on the federal level, is plainly and obviously stupid.

>> No.27710852

Are you ready to woof?

>> No.27710895

the problem isnt the house prices, its immigration.
more people means more people looking for a job, so the boss can pick and choose the cheapest worker.
meanwhile all these people have to live somewhere which drives up the price of houses.
at the moment, wages are set by market forces so it is the true price/cost of a worker.
if you stopped immigration a lot of these economic problems would go away

>> No.27710936

If you actually believe in a minimum wage, shouldn't you increase it incrementally, so that it meets inflation and rising costs of living, instead of letting it stagnate and then picking some insanely high number? Or is the purpose to hurt businesses and accelerate?

>> No.27711043

It makes no sense because different areas have drastically different CoL. This shouldn't be made at a federal level. It should be a state/city thing, which it is, the min wage is $15/hr. in many expensive cities.

>> No.27711167

>what a society sees as basic human needs

I think minimum wage should be able to pay for food, housing, transportation and still allow some kind of surplus that could be put towards saving for ONE ADULT. Niggers think a single Mcdonalds Income should feed 4 people.

I actually think the minimum wage should be set by state/county. I didn't read your post, you're right federal minimum wage is retarded, minimum wage itself isn't though.

>> No.27711223

Why set a minimum wage? Why not set a UBI so you can refuse to work at wage you are not happy with?

>> No.27711260

minimum wage should be abolished

>> No.27711379

dude im already seeing some people say we need a $20 dollar minimum wage due to rising prices since the $15 minimum started getting pushed.
its not even about if they're wrong about whether thats the minimum needed to live, or if they're right its now at $20. its about the issue that if its constantly rising like that its never going to be enough and we have a very obvious different issue we should be trying to get under control that would fix that problem too.

>> No.27711403

You're actually wrong lol. Most of us who aren't losers making min wage will be negatively effected. Prices will go up and everyone will suffer more in the long run, especially individuals whom don't benefit directly from the wage increase.

>> No.27711436

Or you could just allow price discovery in a free market and the people can decide what their labor is worth

>> No.27711646

If you want the free market to decide on something that can either benefit businesses or their workers, the workers will lose out every single time.

>> No.27711686

>federal minimum wage is retarded, minimum wage itself isn't though.
I will grant you that maybe some sort of minimum should exist, maybe (I could probabl be convinced we'd be better off with none) but I refute entirely that you can just increase the minimum wage and then everyone just makes more money for the same work, which is what people seem to think
it doesn't work that way. It's child like thinking.

>> No.27711795

min wage means NOTHING with fiat backed by thin air. demand a gold standard if you want your standard of living to rise. what is so hard to understand about fiat being a scam

>> No.27711990

Businesses are people too you know

>> No.27712273

the ultimate redpill is realizing our standard of living is eroding because of globalization. our standard of living of yesteryear was only enabled the rest of the world being in comparative ruins (immediately post-WW2) or through wage/labor arbitrage (outsourcing to shithole countries.) the rest of the world is catching up in terms of wages and in terms of technology. now the new meme is being a part of the managerial class or high end output oriented wagie work. software development and professional services in general are an example of the latter, where you're still a wagie that makes or delivers a product, but you're a well-compensated wagie because it's technical work with high margins. if you aren't smart enough to be a part of that new meme class of professionals or skilled wagies, you aren't going to make it. there's not enough money to go around to pay box stacking wagies a living.

>> No.27712580


>> No.27713350

I was making a point about averages and mathematics. We are staring at charts all day so a basic understanding of statistics and data should be expected on this board. A rise in wages will AFFECT the average wage, since it is calculated with those higher wages.
The concept of the average human is just a tool to visualise some point or idea that you want to push in clickbait infographics.

On a social level, I understand that it can be scary to think that you will only be able to just afford the same as "losers making min wage" so no one will see how much effort you put in your education and job. It will feel as if all the effort was for nothing and you could just have slacked off and gotten a low tier job instead.

>> No.27713443

if you think minimum wage is a good idea stop posting here

>> No.27713571
File: 428 KB, 500x500, 1611901584075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is central banking, for the millionth time. Why wont you retards listen to the truth for once?

>> No.27713615

this is also correct

>> No.27713623

Federal, no.

State, maybe.

County, yes.

>> No.27713700

I think you make a lot of sense because based on math and averages you're right but it means nothing really. As for education and career, the ceiling is much higher for people who don't settle for low tier jobs and get going in a real career. All that being said we will all end up suffering in the end.

>> No.27713724

Delete this Anti Semitic post.

>> No.27713851

min wage needs to be 1k a hour
if you advocate for anything less you're fucking scum and enjoy licking porky's boots.

>> No.27713932

That might be the intention of the $15. Always highball it and compromise

>> No.27714014

>pricing out low-skilled workers is a great idea

>> No.27714063

Any minimum wage is stupid because it doesn't help anybody. Higher minimum wage just increases inflation and makes everything more expensive for everybody. Money doesn't purchase goods, your time and ability does, and by increasing the minimum wage you are not increasing anybody's time or ability

>> No.27714140

This. The real solution is to make it illegal to own more than 1 or 2 residences and control the amount of rental properties. But dems are in on it so what can you do.

>> No.27714212


>> No.27714419

It also leads to fewer jobs.

>> No.27714607

this thread is officially a lefty reddit raid lmao

>> No.27714724

because as you said, they are retarded

>> No.27714807

you have to go back

>> No.27715095

He's not wrong but it's a bad way to fix it. The degradation of QOL is mostly because of rising housing prices and housing price increases are because of too many people buying houses as investments instead of living in them. Also, access to so much debt is just pushing it up and up.

>> No.27715375

Nah, just have tighter controls on how much a house can increase in value. People shouldn't be able to buy up random houses and then turn them around for a $100k profit within a month.

I'm all for turning a profit but basic shit that people need, such as shelter, should be protected from crazy price hikes.

>> No.27715609

Change it to only include foreign citizens and I think it will do more to help Americans. The Chinese oligarchs get rich off the slave labor of their citizens and the spending power of Americans and then come here with billions to buy properties at ridiculous values.
You can't limit how many properties everyone owns because what do you do when there are too many renters and not enough owners? You are limiting supply in a different way, what will that do to rent prices?

>> No.27715617

You must actually be fucking retarded

>> No.27715783

I disagree. What it does is make lower cost of living areas more lucrative. Which is what that sucking sound from California and New York is all about. Unfortunately, they didn't get the memo because prices aren't coming down yet. They eventually should.

>> No.27715908

Why do companies abuse the H1B program to bypass Americans? Altruism?

>> No.27716043

Inflation on everything is going to happen regardless if wages go up, and there is a certian limit products and food chains can raise their price before someone decided to go for a cheaper alternative. So the inflation and prices thatll make "life more expensive" is irrelevant considering a large portion of the population will finally have enough money for their rent and work on future investments or expenses. At the end the money is gonna go back into the circling economy

>> No.27716383

wrong again

>> No.27716457


Yeah, Wildcat Banking was much better.

>> No.27716462
File: 41 KB, 640x731, cucklife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right we will all suffer in the end.
Society as it is, has existed for far too long. the only sane people are those commenting on anonymous boards from the sidelines.
Social media is the symptom of a pestering cancer bound to explode into our lymph nodes. everything is red, swollen and sensitive.
We are made to believe that discussions about higher wages and more vacation days will help but what society needs is chemo, radiation , someting cleansing from the constant virtue signaling and misinformation

>> No.27716471

Minimum wage is a mistake in general; how do you think we ended up with a Mexican slave caste

>> No.27716585


Careful with that edge

>> No.27716602

Raising the minimum wage literally will do nothing but force low skilled morons out of the workforce
Lower hours
Fewer positions
Businesses aren't going to magically double wages and not simultaneously drop their dead weight employees
UBI is the only solution that makes legitimate sense

>> No.27716668
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>to much investment
>investment built on debt
>debt from bank money
>bank money printed from nothing


>> No.27716818


Takes away opportunities for young people to enter work force before their labor is valuable enough to actual warrant a check that high

Makes the gap between the middle and lower class smaller and the gap between the middle and upper class astronomically higher due to the “bar” for the bare minimum wage inching closer to middle class wages.

All it does is eradicate middle class while keeping upper class handlers insulated

>> No.27716932

>keeping upper class handlers insulated

Yea, that's the whole point.

>> No.27717214

Depopulation is the only one that makes ACTUAL sense and that's what they're doing.

>> No.27717531

Except they're pushing it on the productive and encouraging the locusts to spread.

>> No.27717681

idk why you guys dont just do what we do here in Canada and raise it like $0.25/year. Its small enough that most dont notice, and you dont get yourself in a position where most of the population isn't making enough to support themselves, and you have to make ridiculously heavy handed proposals like doubling min wage. Why does everything have to be so poorly thought out and extreme with you guys?

>> No.27717726

Has less to do with raw intelligence and more to do with arrogance and shortsightedness

>> No.27717890
File: 64 KB, 618x597, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post on policy is fascinating. you know i wish we had a board that was exclusively reserved for discussing matters of policy. maybe someday we'll get that

>> No.27718085
File: 65 KB, 932x226, snipper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Discussions of government policy must be strictly limited to economic policies (fiscal and monetary).

Read the sticky.

>> No.27718171

If you are in crypto, you want high inflation.
Higher minimum wage IS inflation, the basket of goods which they use to estimate inflation - is affected by the minimum wage.
Higher minimum wage = higher inflation = flight from the dollar into Bitcoin & precious metals.

>> No.27718177

Monetary policies directly affect income, purchasing power, and more. This is directly business related no matter how you slice it

>> No.27718351

What if you already earn $15, do you ask for a raise to $25? What happens when the manager laughs you out of the workplace? Do you move back in with your parents and jerk off in socks?

>> No.27718394

Federal minimum wage ensured for decades prior that people who worked 40 hours could also go to college and afford an apartment.

Only a moron truly believes that removing the minimum wage would help anyone but corporations and CEOs making billions already.

>> No.27718407

What needs to happen
>Tax big business like they're supposed to be taxed
>Tax break for smaller businesses so they can pay workers

What happens
>Rebpulicans give huge tax breaks to big business
>Democrats raise minimum wage because it's obviously not enough
>Big businesses are still making more money than ever
>Smaller businesses are put under pressure trying to pay workers

>> No.27719122

That's fucking retarded. Let each state set it's own wage. Cal is not Kn, SD is not NY. One size fits all is yurocuckery, see how that turned out for club Med.

>> No.27719373

t. literal who living in some irrelevant and forgotten fly over state like indiana or montana

>> No.27719429

That’s so ridiculous that beggars still pray for mining options and old protocols with incredible gas fees. How dare are u???!
If you want to make profit with crypto always try to find new platforms that can solve cashflow problems. Join poolz finance and their NFT options with low-level fees and pools features. You will easily win with it, I guarantee u

>> No.27719571
File: 54 KB, 850x400, quote-i-am-convinced-that-the-minimum-wage-law-is-the-most-anti-negro-law-on-our-statute-books-milton-friedman-109-92-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minimum wage should be at $25. pic related is why

>> No.27719589

Wrong, south yurofag buttfucked by these exact same cucked faggotry , "it's-all-the-same , kek ", trying to tell you retards why it doesn't work.

>> No.27719888

are you disagreeing with yourself, schizo?

>> No.27720053
File: 261 KB, 1039x559, dne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your brain living in a corn fed state

>> No.27720074

BOOM. Exactly. The Right and Left are both in tandem in fucking over the average Goy.

>> No.27720175

the average american shouldn't make 15$ retard lol but i love it

>> No.27720255

why not?

>> No.27720354
File: 898 KB, 1650x2199, 22330E53-7CC2-4F06-B81D-AD6815A0D513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Let the market decide
2. Remove the kikes

>> No.27721545

>The problem is central banking, for the millionth time.
Yes and no, central banking is creating too much meme money backed by nothing, but it is also required to stimulate growth.

The entire economic system needs to be revamped, and I'm not talking some commie or lolbert bullshit, we need something that is fit for the modern day, and not 100-200+ year old economic systems.

>> No.27721785

Price floors make it impossible for the market to reach equilibrium and lead to unemployment. This is proven time and time again, I don't know why you think trying it again is a good idea?

>> No.27721881

lmao back to bunker, tranny.

>> No.27722057

The average American already makes $15 (30k a year)

>> No.27722147

well what do you random economic genius on the internet think we should switch to then? No fiat because thats already the issue. No pms, no crypto since no libertarian approach. What is the most efficient way to exchange time and skill under a medium that is not under a centralized authority, but also isnt dictated by the markets valuation