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27705314 No.27705314 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe some rich people can fill me in. Why do they attempt to do this type of shady shit when they already have everything they could want? Is it about acquiring new property and toys, or is it more of a personal challenge to make numbers go higher at that point?

>> No.27705372

to win

>> No.27705432

That’s what I’m thinking...like it isn’t about having a better life at that point. It’s more about competing with other people of means and winning

>> No.27705537

will to power, sublimated psychosexual neuroses, etc...

>> No.27705571

Easy, retail is dumb they're going to lose anyways. Why not let their liquidations go into my pocket

>> No.27705600

because people who are inclined to do shady shit end up rich
you got it backwards

>> No.27705715

Money is a way of keeping score to them

>> No.27705778

quick story: i used to work for an investment bank (out of uni, my father was in the industry and got me connected, etc). Anyway, during my interview with the president, he just talked with me about random stuff until I said: 'I want this job.' I was hired immediately because he said he was waiting to see if I would make the ask. Anyway, I told him I was excited to start after a lot of finance bookwork, and then said something about money not being my primary motivator. He said "Money is a way of keeping score." I'll always remember that...left after about a year because I felt like I'd sold my soul.

>> No.27705895

they are stuck in 7 figure hell

>> No.27705996

I don’t have anything against successful people. If a person is rich, it’s something to aspire to in many cases, but godammit that type of shit is honestly creepy and strange.

>> No.27706001


>> No.27706046

> Why do they attempt to do this type of shady shit when they already have everything they could want?
You grossly underestimate the human desire for more. Why have three houses when you could have ten? Why own one company when you could have five? etc, etc.

>> No.27706321
File: 55 KB, 750x1000, got to have money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27706460

It’s it’s hard to think like that for me. I’m upper midddle class. I made a decent chunk in crypto, and I haven’t spent any because there’s really nothing I want...it’s just there for emergencies. Like...I’m content. It’s just really strange to me

>> No.27706869

This. It's also partly why people are making a killing in crypto now - no regulation means no consequences for blatant scamming.

>> No.27706962

> be me
> poorfag multi-millionaire

You have it all wrong OP. Multimillionaires can’t afford to manipulate markets. You are referring to individuals and institutions that are multi billion dollar.

>> No.27706981

Free as in Freedom market

>> No.27708321

Which makes it even more confusing. Not even worth the effort with all that cash/investments

>> No.27708660

yeah, he was a nice guy...very put together. we were all young and hungry, but i'd have to escape during lunch break and i'd go to a church and just sit for a while to get away. recently, had a friend who works for the same firm who lost just about everything speculating on oil futures. he'd left his wife and three kids for some russian bartender 10 years his junior. i hope it humbled him, in a good way, but idk.

>> No.27708801

Damn. It’s really interesting actually. I could read these types of stories in books

>> No.27709342

If you want anything more than basic food shelter (protection) and clothing you are a neurotic mess. This planet is so jew’d especially the west. We have all become neurotic Jews with a chip on our shoulders... more more more more more. I own nothing except investments and a few electronics and I’m content with this. As soon as my stack gets into the mid 6 figure range I will buy a 50,000 property in east bum fuck Russia or South America and have a few kids and livestock. desire is a tricky thing, but realize it’s all wrong and neurotic to want more than enough.