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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2770332 No.2770332 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2770340

Look at a 6 month graph it's fucking obvious. This shit is scheduled

>> No.2770349


just sold 100k

>> No.2770352


>> No.2770357


>> No.2770360

It's too early to get hyped, once it breaks 1000 sats we're talking

>> No.2770407

To the moon!!!

>> No.2770427

It's only at 605.

It was 2400 just 2 weeks ago.

>> No.2770429


>> No.2770432

>600 sats

600 sats was considered the floor like 2 weeks ago

>> No.2770439

There's no way your going to get me to buy this shitcoin, i've seen far too many lives ruined already.

>> No.2770462

Prepare yourself for the bag unloading of the ages. I ain't buying this shit.

>> No.2770554

And where was it a week before that?

DGB is going to rebound hard. Strap in.

>> No.2770563


>> No.2770574

>wasn't this that coin that went from like 2600 sats to 400 sats?

Who buys a coin that drops in value that much lol?

>> No.2770577

Yeah, look at that BTC garbage, what kind of fucking idiot would buy it at $200 years after Mt Gox

>> No.2770579

>people who don't type like this

>> No.2770591

If bagholders unload at 600 sats at a loss, that's a good thing for DGB. It means less of them waiting for 1000+ sats to try and break even, and a quicker moon to 2000 again.

>> No.2770595

>wasn't this that coin that went from like 100 sats to 2600 sats?

It goes both ways faggot. The growth it had before the second dump was too good for this world, nobody should have been surprised that it went that low.

>> No.2770624
File: 10 KB, 1813x54, dgb JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go boys

who still holding here?

>> No.2770627
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>> No.2770666


how have you not fucking killed yourself yet?

>> No.2770670

lol you bag holders have a long way to go

>> No.2770684

buy low sell high

its so simple, how can anyone be this retarded that they dont remeber the mantra

>> No.2770697


Hey I posted this a few weeks ago! That's my screenshot!!! lol.

>> No.2770727

Bought $437 worth of DGB yesterday at 457 sats. FeelsGoodMan! Should I sell it now and buy at the next dip? or will it keep on mooning?

>> No.2770850

This is probably just a general reaction to BTC recovering from its recent low, all coins are up, if I were you I'd sell and buy the next dip.

>> No.2771872
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>> No.2771903


Bought at 749, been up, been down. Still happy to hold, my man.

>> No.2772326
File: 98 KB, 640x360, 121121034453-witch-computer-restoration-uk-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are cryptos already victims of HFT's?
Is there a rebate infraestructure for cryptos that HFT's can take advantage of?


>> No.2772496

Go Myriadcoin

>> No.2772500

>been up
