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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27694138 No.27694138 [Reply] [Original]

im looking for a schizo post that i've seen 2 days ago about rubic. It was a small paragraph saying crazy stuff like "my rubic will stay cubic, my rubic will stay pubic" and the schizo post also mentioned the op's father fucking him in the ass

ive never seen a post as schizo as this, i was laughing my ass off. I know someone screencapped it or copypasted it somewhere, i want to read it again. thanks fags

>> No.27694244

Wubic iws the uwtimate midwit twap. Iwt pwesents a usecase thawt onwy seems appeawing tuwu those thawt have sowme knowwedge of cwypto, but duwu nowt undewstand whawt twuwy dwives the defi ecosystem awnd the pwobwems thawt cuwwentwy need tuwu be sowved. Sowving "cwoss chain swaps" seems wike a compwete no-bwainew tuwu the avewage uninfowmed investow, but he nevew stops tuwu awsk himsewf: if iwt was so obvious awnd necessawy, why haven't the industwy's titans awweady done iwt? duwu uwu weawwy think thawt the teams of muwti-biwwion dowwaw entewpwises wike binance awnd uniswap need tuwu wewy own sowme two-bit wussian devewopew, whose wast "good idea" was tuwu cweate a pwatfowm fow smawt contwacts fow the dying ewdewwy? fowwow thawt cwue, dyow, awnd see whewe iwt takes uwu. Wubic iws fed by the pawtiawwy infowmed awnd financiawwy uneducated, using weftovew memes cweated by fiveww shiwws duwing the fiwst pump-and-dump tuwu imitate wink. Thiws coin iws nothing, wiww amount tuwu nothing, awnd the pwice soon match the dying vowume, fawwing tuwu <10c awnd staying thewe pewmanentwy.

>> No.27694302

Absolutely based. That's not what I'm looking for though, but thanks, made me chuckle.