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2768943 No.2768943 [Reply] [Original]

waht happen if July 31st DGB is announced many partnerships with citibank, microsoft, etc, then Aug 1st BTC fall apart?

DGB become the new BTC and suddenly i am rich?

>> No.2768951

yeah and then 3/4 of this board will kill themselves

especially the FUDers

>> No.2768979
File: 86 KB, 1024x536, wimhoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw holding mediocre bags

>> No.2769041
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DGB was my first shit coin purchase. I bought 4.7k @1800. Sharpie in pooper, coordinated fud....my bags grew heavy. Instead of selling, I bought 10k more to dilute my avg trade cost. Dgb will be .10c by may of 2018. Cap this.

>> No.2769219

I have wondering this myself the last couple of days. What if DGB comes out of this with a major player as a partner? They said changes are coming to DGB on their Twitter feed. Could they be alluding to something? Could it be they are finalizing something before Citi announces prize winners? Lots of speculation. Imagine if they rebranded to something like "Citi Digital". The possibilities are endless. A long shot, but an early adopter can dream, right?

>> No.2769240
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Still holding my DGB bags

Haters gonna hate

>> No.2769272

"Digibank". They literally don't even need to change their little red arc over the two i's on the logo.

>> No.2769283

Bought dbg at 103 sats, sold close to ath. Never looking back.

>> No.2769288
File: 8 KB, 326x140, 6261525+_b124868358f2219bc5277fd1657a85a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGB will never be the new BTC... thats not the target or the purpose of this coin.

Based on its true fundamentals and not the crazy/retarded shit pumpers will tell you, this coin does have a future and isnt some shitcoin that will just die off.

Will it make you money? yes.
Will it make you rich? depends on how much you have (and how patient you are) when the price starts a steady climb towards 1$ and not some madman dive to 2000sats at lightspeed.

Based on backroom chatter there is no way DGB came out of Citi comp empty handed even if they didnt win.

>pic related to all the FUDers and pumpers fucking with a legit investment that actually has a future.

>> No.2769305

>DGB become the new BTC and suddenly i am rich
If DGB hit even $1,000, I'd be a fucking millionaire. If any of you have magic lamps, see a shooting star, or are on good terms with God, please wish and pray for DGB to hit $1,000.

>> No.2769339

bro if it even hits $5 ill fucking rich

im balls deep in this

>> No.2769359

i see it too

>> No.2769374

I've only got 1000 coins of DGB right now, but still at $5 per coin I just made enough to pay off my last 2 credit cards and be debt free.

>> No.2769429

pack a lunch

>> No.2769481

still holding 600k wew lad

>> No.2769497

i hope it hits a dollar soon =(
realistically 5 dollar could happen, but my gut instinct says, it will take year or even more to hit a dollar, but after it hits a dollar, it should climb to 5 if it ever goes that high alot faster than it hit a dollar. give it 2-3 years, which is a long fucking wait if your living in a tent like myself, but it actully might be those coin that can turn your life around by being an long term hodler

>> No.2769508

anyhow, it feels good since i got 55k at 25 sat, or about 30 cad dollar, during the ATH, that was a sweet 3k i had from a fucking 30 dollar. what on earth can yield such return?

>> No.2769537

Don't overhype it.
DGB is longterm.
Wait at least a year for gains like that.
DGB will survive the crash (easily) and people will not see its value untill it actually gets used.
Get on board now and be rich in a year or two.

>> No.2769549

i remember when i tried getting into ETH during 6 dollaroos, got cucked because didnt buy with CC and ended up going to 10, i sold at 16 bucks after holding after a year and not really moving throughout the year and thought the 16 was the ATH... i feel like a retard, but i learnt my lesson. never sell for such shit return...

>> No.2769588

Should I longterm this and Ark?

>> No.2769888

I have to say it does seem to have been ominously quiet except for the Twitter post about changes and the Bitcointalk post about the price. I have to think there is at least 1 company from the pool that at least wants to explore the the and what it can do for them. But there were a few companies that had some humanitarian-type ideas that could be a boon to Citi to pick to help their image.

>> No.2770172

Guys. Look at the market cap, hitting 1 dollar is in fucking sane in the next couple years.

>> No.2770228
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the citi awards are this month
FUD bitches lied about DGB losing citi when the awards had not been announced
weak hads will be BTFO and hodlers will WIN as per usual

>> No.2770235

It would just need 8 billion. Just a few months ago crypto in general getting to 100 billion seemed ridiculous outside of a few year timeframe, but here we are.

We still have no idea what's going on with Citi or any possible connection projects.

>> No.2770605

Bitcoin is at $39B. What's so magical about $8B? ETH is at $21B. Hell, Ripple is at $8B with 38B coins out there and you can't even mine it.