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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27670165 No.27670165 [Reply] [Original]

Mainnet confirmed online by end of the month. If you don’t have even a small bag by now you’ll literally never make it.

>> No.27671303

I got 1700 of them, am I gonna make it?

>> No.27671799

How does 2.5 million sound?

>> No.27672087

What's your rationale?

>> No.27672089

What price are we talking about here?

>> No.27672585

It’s going to kill ETH.
$1500 EOY and that might be FUD

>> No.27673234

This shit needs to go on Coinbase.

>> No.27673364

Coinbase and main net launch will get it to $1

>> No.27673511

Бoжe кaк этo мнoгo 2милиoнa , нe мaлeнькиe дeньги

>> No.27673681

whats a realistic price prediction for this coin?

>> No.27673960

3 dollar
Okay, but do you know what market caps are? If Ada would magically hit Eths market cap today of around 100 bil, that would be a 12.5x for Ada (1250%) which would be around 3 usd per coin...

>> No.27674315

0.43 x 12.5 = 5.37

>> No.27674431

Oh it went up cool

>> No.27674454

Coinbase launch will send it to $2 and it will correct to ~$1.30. Screencap this

>> No.27674523
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Well, back to the 0.30's tonight I guess

Can't hold a pump to save its life

>> No.27674922

Better dump your bags now

>> No.27675031

Cuckbase is for faggots

>> No.27675166
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>> No.27675276

I'm setting a stop at .425. If it breaks that its going lower and I can buy back in at .35 and grow my stack.

>> No.27675339
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>> No.27675560
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Literally never selling. I will still be filling my bags at $1+