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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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27665469 No.27665469 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck fuck fuck I put like 1.6 eth into $shib because I got rekt in other trades and was hoping for a moonshot. Now the Fukin website is down and the “news” they kept us waiting half the day for was that they tried to create a new site but couldn’t get it up. Some faggot dev in the telegram said he tried his best but is going to sleep. Did I just get rug pulled by a Fukin street shitter? Fuckk please tell me no I’m beyond rekt

>> No.27665543

you fell for the loo trap

>> No.27665580

website still works https://www.shibatoken.com/

>> No.27665584
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taken straight from the SHIB telegram

>> No.27665593

buy the dip and sell when the website actually goes live and it spikes to 3x what it is now

>> No.27665711


Buy the dip sir almond hands very fierce and hard moon son

>> No.27665753
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>> No.27665822

How fucking impatient are you.
This dev woke up to his coin getting attention last Thursday, he isn't going to pull a dex out of his ass in less than a week.

>> No.27665848

imagine trusting in pajeets

>> No.27665936

*Clears throat*
Good evening gentlemen...have you heard of a coin called TOSA. We come in, much like yourselves, at a rock bottom price of .000000004 and are quickly gaining attention. Best of luck in all your endeavors.

>> No.27665971

Not gonna lie I just chucked in 4 Eth lol, fucking yolo I bet this will bounce back , I swear it always happens with these meme coins

>> No.27666004

no doubts the coder of that shitty website is a pajeet

>> No.27666099

Kek this faggot said he sold all his SHIB for AKITA in the AKITA telegram

Someone go in there and get more screenshots. Akita is rekt.

>> No.27666334

Akita never really took off. I think that a few people made x3 on their investment but it never caught on like shib has

>> No.27666376

this is a diamond hands deluxe coin, one of the guys i went to high school with yolod like 300 into doge back in 2011/2012 and made out like a bandit, has a sweet house now

>> No.27666836

It took off overnight for a 9x but by the time I woke up it was 5x so I sold for rubic. Can’t believe people hold these memes for more than a day.

>> No.27667117


>> No.27667502
File: 24 KB, 695x695, 1597110633145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH reaches ATH
SHIB dips
are you surprised? just HODL retard

>> No.27667727
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How long are you willing to wait? Give it a week max and take some deep breaths my man. Set an alert on coingecko so you dont have to frantically check the price every 2 seconds. It will rise again, esp when shibaswap goes live.

>> No.27667860

good god

>> No.27667906


We're getting our own exchange soon. Things are far from over.