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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27664903 No.27664903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who /financially ruined/ here?

>> No.27664977

What did you do specifically?

>> No.27665022

My net worth has 3xd this year... don't tell me u bought GME bro....

>> No.27665086
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Ill give you one guess

>> No.27665104

not me lol

>> No.27665261

Why are so many people here saying this? Do you guys really go into financial ruin

>> No.27665317

Me, I spent 4 fucking years trading crypto to turn 300 dollars into 10k by the end of 2020. I was thinking, I finally have a stack which I can put into some gem and make it, alt season is upon us, I'm all set and ready.

What ended up happening was, dogecoin pumped hard, I got depressed because I sold all my dogecoin a few weeks ago, I got angry that normies were outperforming me. I started gambling in random PnDs. I bought the worst shitcoins with no usecases. Then the meme coin season came around and I just wasted my time.

I'm at like 5k or something now. The only thing I have going for me is a small bao farm that gives me over 200k bao a day. ah... this is not the life, I want to go back in time and retry.

>> No.27665331

>he invested in a reddit PnD
I will not chastise you even though it is quite tempting, you have several paths to redemption staring you in the face. Its not over bro just be smarter moving forward

>> No.27665449

I have $10k emergency fund that I really really want to put into crypto right now

I’ve already put $5k of disposable income in January...

I shouldn’t touch my emergency fund right?

>> No.27665576

Quite the contrary. I'm fucking rich beyond belief and it keeps going up pretty much every day. I don't even need this much, but it's fun to trade and see the numbers go up.

>> No.27665640

anon, i aped my checking account and tt hen took 10% of my savings and made 100k

do it for any project you believe in but hedge it for an early project

>> No.27665781

I'm up 20x since March but feel absolutely JUSTed because I could have easily been up 100x.

>> No.27665794

How much did you lose? If you wanna get out of this situation you should invest in AMC. Everyone on reddit is saying it's the next GameStop. DIAMOND HANDS!

>> No.27665820

imagine not owning some sentinel

>> No.27665896
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You followed Reddit and lost everything at the foot of the bull market.
Did you think we were joking when we say Reddit is cancer? Hope this serves as a lesson.

>> No.27665996

just hold your humble farm ygmi

>> No.27666000

A shit load. Remortgaged my house and got a loan with my car as collateral.

>> No.27666031
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I'm a rubichad so no

>> No.27666153

I only earn 557 a month, I wouldn't ever dream of throwing my life funds into a single stock like many of you did.

Get better with your money.

>> No.27666213

>diamond hands hold
>sheeze has not been sqizzerinod
>mr muskerino is gonna save us

>> No.27666323

I sold GME for a $1700 loss Monday morning and have made it back and then some through RBC t be

>> No.27666539

I'm not financially ruined but I did blow a whole year's worth of my expendable cash in one week. I'll get over it but I've had that soul crushing feeling in my chest since I sold off yesterday. Probably for the rest of my life I'll think from time to time "Wow I could really use that $50k right about now." Guess I won't make that mistake again.

>> No.27666595

I got financially ruined when I first started investing.
>buy house at peak of real estate bubble
>market craters, 50% drop in value
>switch to stock market
>buy promising tech stocks
>stocks go up
>discover margin trading
>buy more on margin
>earning report sucks
>stocks crash
>completely wiped out
>start again from scratch
>avoid pump and dump schemes
>avoid wall street bets
>doing ok now


>> No.27666704

102k medical debt :~

>> No.27666771

Dude... why... what were you thinking? Why fall for Reddit memes?

>> No.27666826
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>> No.27666880
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my blockfolio hit a new ath today

>> No.27666883
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Me bro. Down $500

>> No.27666890

I bought Rubic so I'm doing just fine

>> No.27666959

So I bought in pretty cheap ($20s) originally by getting the loan on my car. Made a killing once it hit $300s and bought into the "muh infinite ceiling" hype, which is when i remortgaged my house.

>> No.27666995

I made $800 off of some old dogecoin I forgot about, so that was nice. Kek.

>> No.27667158

Ayyyye double trips. Look on the bright side, at least that number's lookin pretty good

>> No.27667253

Everyone here should be up significantly. We’ve lived through the early stages of the crypto boom.

>> No.27667275

So you've got absolutely nothing in crypto you can trade with right now?

>> No.27667345

Exactly. I only have $10 in my metamask in ETH, which isn't even enough to get back on an exchange for gas fees

>> No.27667353

And I thought my 2k loss was bad.

>> No.27667476

If you have an account on an exchange that takes Nano, give me your address. I'll send you $200 worth of it so you can at least get started.

>> No.27667487

>4 years to turn $300 into 10k
Damn dude, in the span of three weeks I just turned $250 into 1k from RBC. Sounds like you just blow at choosing your targets.

>> No.27667650
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>> No.27667662

its called an emergency fund for a reason. Don't touch that cash, you'll regret it. If you really turned 300$ into 10k in 4 years you should be able to take 5k and be right back were you started in a few months if you just play it right. Take this as a lesson, I know I did. slow and steady my friend, its your only hope to escape the rope.

>> No.27667840

I just started dollar cost averaging into GME

The game never stops bros

>> No.27667983

lmao based anon

>> No.27668065

Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a kid in high school. He wasn't so fond of his life so he spent all day on the internet. Eventually he heard about this radical new technology known as the blockchain, and became 100% sold on the idea that crypto was the future. However, he did not have much money to invest, so he decided to trade altcoins for better ratios.
He went on /biz/ and spent hours upon hours reading upon projects, talking to people and asking questions. Eventually, he stumbled upon LINK, and was captivated by the usecase, memes, community etc. He bought LINK, and it crabbed.
And then the 2018 bullrun/bubble came. And LINK crabbed. And then LINK dumped. Everyone made it except for this kid, who was too stubborn to sell his 1k LINK. Enraged, he stopped looking at crypto until LINK was 3-4 dollars in a few years, then just decided to sell because it was the first time he had seen profits in so long, that his hands were so weak.

So yeah now link is the #7 coin in the entire crypto marketplace and now I'm poor because I'm not good at choosing the right coin. RBC was enticing to me, but it was shilled so hard that I thought it was a pajeet scam so I stayed away. Now it's too late, I guess. Kill me?

>> No.27668099
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If you're not baiting anon I'll be right back then, logging into Kucoin
However I want you to think twice before giving me money.
It's likely I won't be able to give you something worthwhile in exchange other than simple thanking words

>> No.27668108

buy some market shorting etfs as a backup. They are cheap and will rise exponentially in the event of a crash. Given the dollar inflating and corona, a crash is likely.

>> No.27668114

Sold GME for 40k and now my networth went over 100,000 for the first time. it's at 120k now

>> No.27668162

It's not even Reddit who pumped and dumped
Only Reddit would be stupid enough tp think it was themselves who added 5B to the GME marketcap

>> No.27668167

jesus dude you shouldve just cashed out

>> No.27668177

Not baiting, and don't worry, I don't expect anything in return.

>> No.27668189

But it closed at $92 dollars today and it's trading at $89 after hours. If you bought in when it was in the $20s then how did you lose money? You've quadrupled you investment

>> No.27668475

Turned $500 in $15,000 in the last 2 weeks. Feels good man. This was after losing $1000s listening to biz for the last year. My switch up? I lurk all the big crypto telegrams who get the scoop on new coins before this hellhole, you're able to 50x from brand new projects from the influx of people pumping it initially. You get in and out. Literally 99% of the shill threads you find on here come from telegram groups of the coin people are trying to dump their bags on you lmao. I would know, I coordinate pmd biz shill threads on telegram groups all the time. If you're finding out about a coin on biz, its too late. Youre just buying my bag.

>> No.27668580
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Nice sob story, now here's your chance to turn it into a self-made man fighting the odds story. Go fucking buy some RBC. You'll see great gains.

>> No.27668756

Turn 700 into 5k with RBC kek never selling

>> No.27668835
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Good. You deserve financial ruin for willingly staying in that cult after Monday.

>> No.27668861

Bought LINK for under a dollar and I don’t fall for stupid shit schemes promoted by plebbit.

Sitting comfy.

>> No.27668924

Bought GME and Bitcoin

>> No.27668950
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Here is a newly created NANO address. I looked at what I assume to be the etherscan of NANO and while the address is valid, it's still brand new. I don't know if it's something to be worried about

You have my gratitude and I don't say this lightly.

>> No.27669004

Oof'd and checked.

>> No.27669095

Nigga what? I never bought GME

>> No.27669182

Same. I turned $10k into $90k, currently all in ETH, but if I wasn't such a paper handed bitch and stuck to some trades I'd be at like $300k. I will never understand how one can still be angry even with good gains, the greed is illogical

>> No.27669292
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Sent you $500 because fuck it. Enjoy!

>> No.27669302

Up is up. Did you do this in crypto?

>> No.27669322

Sorry, automatic response to seeing "never selling".

>> No.27669347

You're a fucking idiot. I doubt you lost more than 5k. Just man the fuck up and call it a lesson learned. Next time don't trade in a bubble, don't trade stocks. Just buy indexes or long term call options on safe companies if you're feeling risky.

>> No.27669536

I'm pretty much all in on BAO at this point. I don't see why I would FOMO after such a ridiculous pump. Sure, I love RBC, but the L2 won't arrive for over a month, people will take profits, there will be a dip. If it doesn't, maybe RBC goes to a dollar, That's fine too. I am already emotionally scarred by crypto, what does missing another 2-3x matter to me? I already had to sit there while normies became millionaires on a meme coin and I was bagholding RLC.

>> No.27669601

One thing you got out of this is that you can hold it over people when they say they made poor life choices.

>> No.27669617
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>> No.27669681

yeah i feel this too, sometimes I wish crypto never existed. I'd rather we just had a civil war instead of speculating on internet money to btfo the banks. Either I want to go back in time to retry or I want to die.

>> No.27669770
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>it's real
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa anon
I'm really moved almost to tears
Thank you. I wish NANO was easy to understand like ETH so that I could keep your address on my paper with all my IDs and credentials
I will not forget this day anon. You once again have my heartfelt thanks

>> No.27669772

woah based charity anon

>> No.27669782

>if you want to solve your gambling problem I suggest gambling

>> No.27669801

Did he deliver anon

>> No.27669838

Where are you finding these groups?

>> No.27669876

this is a felony even i wouldnt touch. feds are no joke

>> No.27670008

Whatcha gonna do? call the cyber police?

>> No.27670011

Any good groups? Most are full of desperate pajeets...

>> No.27670012

I don't have money but good job anon.

Sending GBP and tendies to your wallet.

>> No.27670101

Better do that quick or else it'll barely cover gas

>> No.27670106

this was all a larp. one person sent his own wallet some nano before sending to kraken to dump that shitty coin. this was all one long reddit nano larp. i guarantee it. they did this shit in 2017. fake charities/ fake donations to desperate anons etc.

>> No.27670202

nigger its crypto believe they do not care about

>> No.27670283

>had 3k in September
>just hit 25k today

So did you just not buy any crypto and just go all in on gamestop or...?

>> No.27670305

Poor Sickfag here, not ruined per say, just sick and no vehicle so making money is tough.

but I did manage to get my debt paid in 2020.

>BTC: 3GrXN6dJMPK44QduFaMD69d7GkJ3aUbHDz
>ETH: 0x5e331Ef624a84E3f8F6DE0ffFCEd31a7Ff14C5c0

if any madlads lurking feel generous, God bless to all you struggling we will make it.

>> No.27670331
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I know the feeling man, I got completely destroyed by a dump while I was sleeping and I want to fucking end myself.

>> No.27670342
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I think I found your address, I was retarded. I jotted it down so one day I could return the favor, no matter how small it may seem. Thank you again anon I hope your life will be good
Yes. You can't believe how happy this makes me feel, I don't deserve this
I'm not him. I swear to everything that's precious that I'm not him

>> No.27670348

not me
but i am planning on spending $60 on chaturbate later tonight

i should be you see

>> No.27670383

Hard to be ruined when you were broke to begin with.

>> No.27670442

You were going to fail eventually anyways, now you're way ahead of the curve

>> No.27670502

go back to fucking reddit

>> No.27670581

I would not touch it. I needed my emergency fund before
>t. became unemployed for 3 months during coof and the unemployment office took 10 weeks to send me my first check

>> No.27670592

Poorfag here. Live in Argentina. My net worth is 9k and I am working as a Full stack developer with a computer science degree. I want to get out of this shit hole.

I need to learn about new projects and invest at least 1k USD. What would you recommend? Thank you in advance. I just want to get out this place...

>> No.27670625

Not buy SHIB

>> No.27670643

so you dumped the nano to kraken within 51 seconds of receiving it?

>> No.27670690
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I lost 2k because of GME and AMC and my only way to recoup was ETH which now has a 300 dollar gain but nowhere near the number I'm looking for, and the worst part is that if it crashes I'm down even lower

>> No.27670867

No the wallet is the one kraken gave me, I still have the NANO stored on the exchange

>> No.27670871

Not me. I made $3,000 on crypto this month. +$24,000 if you count staking rewards but they're locked for six months so who knows what they'll be worth when I can access them.

>> No.27670910
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At the beginning of January, my crypto portfolio finally broke the 100k benchmark. Less than a week later, it reached a peak of 120k. Then within 24 hours, BTC took a shit and started hemorrhaging and taking the whole market with it. My portfolio dumped all the way to 80k and I was starting to feel pink. Luckily the bleeding stopped, and after holding through all that bullshit, now I'm at 150k

This is on an initial investment back last april of about 20k. So yeah, I'm feeling pretty good

>> No.27670914
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Don't despair anon. Do what you want with your finances but at the end of the day you will survive. Life is not about the shiny things. It never was.

>> No.27670973

nope, bought rubic and on my way to riches once we're $20+. feels good man

>> No.27671126
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Not the case, but honestly, it's a reasonable conclusion. The leddit Nano community is pretty over the top and cringy, and I could definitely see them doing that.

You're welcome. As for why, it's just that I've made a quite a bit from info I've picked up on /biz/ (after filtering through all the pajeet scamcoins, of course) and figured I might as well give some back to people who seem genuine, that's all.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Good night.

>> No.27671194
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Wow. If this is true anon, your life starts anew right now. You are going to be fighting to keep your head above water. It will be difficult, but this is your life now. Better to shoulder this burden now.

>> No.27671233

I watched Uniswap go from 50k volume last summer to where it is now and lost all 20 of my ETH in November and gave up

>> No.27671271

My portfolio is worth shit it wont let me even trade

>> No.27671322

Good night anon. I will not forget this day

>> No.27671386

you deserve it

>> No.27671392
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>> No.27671450
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>> No.27671483

There are generous people here, don't let the Jannies and haters fool you.

>> No.27672512
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>Inertia''s cave surrounds my heart
/biz/ is a place where you spend all your time, it has made you numb.
>Why "inertia"? Because /biz/raelis rely on inertia to make it: they put money in coins and let them ride, carried by the energy provided in a single event
>Stalactites crashing down
Old coin concretions, relics of past bullruns, end up on the floor
>In stinking shades delusion cascades
The pee pee poo poo reference is obvious. High on their own fumes and maybe first-grade Jenkem, /biz/raelis are delirious and hope to make it, fueled by apathy, inertia, and the smell of their farts
Might also be a reference to stinky, delusional linkies
>Of torment, yes I crave
The average /biz/raeli revels in the endless torture of red and green
>Here with the snakes
>My venom dehydrates
4chan is a highly venomous place, and /biz/ is even more venomous than most boards
Only the thickest-scaled of anons thrive here, and end up feeling comraderie with each other, their venom dehydrates
>Into my stream I hear your scream
>Sucking at my veins
Bobos are vocal, and seek to extort anguish from /biz/raelis

>My final plea, enveloped
>In rapture seething
>Inertia's cave dementia echoes
>From the ceiling
The endless sea of green and red is both a torture and a rapture, /biz/raelis have come to enjoy dumps, and relish the dark energy of pink wojackposting
In the cave of inertia which /biz/ is, the madness reverberates from the all-time highs
>Staring down, heavens eyes are bleeding from black stars
>In crimson rain, seasons blend in cold arms dying
The black stars may symbolize failed coins, that mooned, shone like suns, and then collapsed upon themselves, becoming dead stellar bodies
The /biz/raelis who went on those missions and thought they would join the heavens, are crying blood tears
BTC season blends into alt season then both coalescece into bear season, in which cold arms, weak hands, die

>> No.27672593

>Where flowers die, my spirit thrives
>I glisten in your pain
We can't have nice things, /biz/raelis know it all too well and rejoice at others' financial misfortunes
>The burning eyes of truth devise
>The torture master plan
/biz/raelis know what coins are shitcoins and which aren't, yet they often choose to ignore which are which
Their vision is deep and penetrating, but they choose to be irrational: they torture themselves in a highly sadistic way, deliberately losing money
>Poisoned reality
$1k EOY and other mantras come to mind. /biz/raelis live in a distorted world

>Rattling bones
>Crawling flesh
>Festering insane
Obviously the XRP bagholders video
>My final plea, enveloped
>In rapture seething
>Inertia's cave dementia echoes
>From the ceiling
>Staring down, heavens eyes are bleeding from black stars
>In crimson rain, seasons blend in cold arms dying

>Light my way
>Through the weeping veil
>Violet seas
>Autumn bride we sail
>Kiss the wind
>Rejoice on wave of grave
>Desolate face
>Torment now erased
In the spirit of the sailors of olde who went on unknown seas and were ready to lose it all, /biz/raelis try to conquer new financial territories, while fully embracing the possible tragedies lying ahead

>Copper sunsets
>Metal shore of hope alive
Precious metals are an excellent store of value for those who made it, who reached solid ground

>Under clouds of thorns
>Frozen moon
/biz/raelis are stuck between earth and heaven, in a very uncomfortable position, when coins stop pumping, when their moon freezes

>Tranquil through the mist of pain
>To you we sail...
The /biz/raeli ambivalence of expecting anguish and revelling in it is once again symbolized here