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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27642438 No.27642438 [Reply] [Original]

BOBROS what's our plan????

>> No.27642552


>> No.27642760
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we ride at dawn

>> No.27642873
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It's over.

>> No.27643014

we're in revenge of the bobo

>> No.27643159

not playing the game. invest in something else and just wait for the inevitable collapse of tether

>> No.27643264
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The Blade will strike when the time is right. Until then, we wait for the signal.

>> No.27643275

It's coming

>> No.27643810

You had TWELVE years.

>> No.27644095

says the guy that probably got into crypto in 2017. you're most likely a loser throwing your life savings into this to own 1 or 2 BTC. you're a mere pawn in this game and its retarded motherfuckers like you that will enable the big guys at the top of cash out billion of dollars while you will cash out a couple grand at most while everyone else holds the bag.

nothing more cringe that a dumbfucks that thinks hes part of the game just because he holds a couple grand in crypto. go neck yourself youre nothing but a useful idiot

>> No.27644201

its retards like you that enable chink subhumans like the litecoin fat cunt to cash out hundreds of millions of dollars while you get happy with your measly couple grand. absolute peak cuckoldry