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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27629831 No.27629831 [Reply] [Original]

if you don't take a few minutes to read this post and do a bit of research, you will really regret this.

LINK is hosting YFII tomorrow. YFII merged with SakeSwap (7m market cap) to go after SushiSwap.

SakeSwap (at 7m market cap) merged with YFII. WHY?

- SakeSwap Launches Synthetic Asset Trading and Derivatives. Introduces off-chain assets like stocks, commodities and other equities into the Vault and other DFI Money DeFi services.
-SakeSwap with the help of YFII launches ILO (Liquidity Crowdfunding Platform).

I will post a screenshot of this when Sake is at 50cents (5X) in a few days.

>> No.27629987
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YFII is on Coinbase Custody.
SakeSwap is where BAO was a few weeks ago. This is the easiest and comfiest 10X you can find right now.

1-ILO (initial liquidity offerings). Similar to current launchpads where project can have their token sale on Sake.
All initial liquidity offerings are exclusive for Sake holders.
2-Expanding to Polkadot ecosystem instead of staying on Ethereum only.
3- Creation of a development fund to sustain the progress of the project.
4- Updated tokenomics and reward models.
There is a 0.3% fee on each SakeSwap transaction. 0.25% is rewarded to market makers,
0.045% is used to buyback and burn SAKE, and the remaining 0.005% will be distributed to the LockBar.

All details can be found here:

>> No.27630309
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staked and comfy

>> No.27630457

But what about MILK and SHAKE?

>> No.27630515
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ChainLink AMA with YFII will alone bring SakeSwap a 2-3X. /Biz is sleeping on this gem.

>> No.27630531

Chinks are going to push this cute little shit into orbit for sure. I'm unironically thinking about staking now.

>> No.27630771
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MILK/SHAKE: hyped because of shadow staking which is essentially screenshotting wallets. ANY project can integrate that if they want to but there is a huge security risk.

SakeSwap partnership with YFII (and ChainLink now hosting them tomorrow) with ILO and Synthetic asset trading and derivatives will make it go parabolic.

>> No.27631315

I don't know what 50% of those words mean but I just bought some.

>> No.27631565
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Welcome to the party.

>> No.27631803

Where can I buy this where I dont need to wait 6 fuxking days to convert

>> No.27631865

? uniswap is where I bought it lmao or sakeswap itself

>> No.27631918

This is bleeding to 1c

>> No.27631958


dont be dumb and use 1inch!

>> No.27632051

I would have used 1inch but I was swapping from eth so I couldnt. Also one time I used 1inch and clicked the low gas fee option, my shit showed up $300 short of what I was supposed to get. Kind of discouraged me from using it. Should I have used maximum return?

>> No.27632317

>I would have used 1inch but I was swapping from eth so I couldnt.
You can use any trade pair you like on 1inch.

>Should I have used maximum return?
Yes, but make sure to tweak the slippage and gas fees settings. The default gas fee can fuck you up in the current market (which is REALLY good for the price of their own gas by the way https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/chi-gastoken/).).

>> No.27632584

When I type eth in 1inch it wouldnt let me use it, weird. and okay! I knew you could use chi token or whatever I just didnt know how. Didnt wanna edit variables wrong and fuck myself.