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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2762932 No.2762932 [Reply] [Original]

This dip is not my first rodeo. I have been investing in bitcoin and alt coins for years. I have seen heartbreaking dips and incredible recoveries.

I have seen this happen before. It might not happen tonight, but in the next few days expect a massive bump as people either re buy into bitcoin or buy as it starts to rise.

Get ready /biz/

>> No.2762935

thank you, friendly bear, for the words of encouragement.

>> No.2762940
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Thanks dude, I needed this

>> No.2762944


>> No.2762963

honestly everyone on /biz/ is doing themselves a favor, pretending like now is a time to be scared but in reality its a time to be greedy

>> No.2762991

As an addendum:

Please only ever invest what you can afford to lose.

>> No.2763059

What if you can afford to lose everything?

>> No.2763066

that's me. all my moneys in crypto cuz I have rich parents, dawg.

>> No.2763084
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finally some sanity in this fucking echo chamber.

just cool your fucking jets /biz/raelis, as long as you are holding STRONG coins like btc/eth/ltc, you will be fine.

if you are holding shitcoins, F.

>> No.2763111

No recovery this month. Hodl until summer ends.

>> No.2763120

I trust the OP a lot more than you, faggot.

>> No.2763130

This bounce we just started is going to be way better than baby bounce from the pas 24 hours.

>> No.2763133

eat a dick, peasant. when iota takes me to the moon i'll piss on you in the gutter.

>> No.2763164

>literal who coin that only lives on finex
kek. sell before it's worth nothing family.

>> No.2763183

we'll see how smug you are next year in your begging thread, fruitcup.

>> No.2763193
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>> No.2763196
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you are too much anon. got any more "hot picks?"

>> No.2763209

i think you should switch to the 20 min crest whitening strips before the 30's burn your asshole beyond repair.

>> No.2763210


Stop arguing, this is a comfy thread.

>> No.2763215

being poor is comfy? not in my America.

>> No.2763221

Stop harshing the vibe. Moving on. Did anyone get a free Slurpee today?

>> No.2763227
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sorry anon. even the IOTA guy might make it. cryptos are still young.

>> No.2763228

you belong in an oven. what kind of hillbilly gets a free slurpee? you wonder why you're poor and you spend your days sucking sugar through a straw. shameful.

>> No.2763232

look brah, i'm diversified. if iota shits the bed it won't be the end of my world.

>> No.2763233

lol please go argue elsewhere.

>> No.2763242

>TFW when 100% invested in ANS.

Anybody need a spare kidney?

>> No.2763258

mmm. good luck paying for your diabeetus with crypto.

>> No.2763262
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>> No.2763274

What did he mean by this?

>> No.2763278

well, well, well—you people are some delusional faggots.

These prices are to lure you stupid fucks in so that you can be scraped off.

Every that can, will crash.

Stop being so fucking delusional. It's pathetic.

>> No.2763288

stop spamming threads with your nonsense, you no coiner faggot.

>> No.2763289

this. definitely a good time to buy more iota.

>> No.2763292

Nice try, I'm in tether. Go buy some more Ark delusional faggot.

>> No.2763909
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Not falling for your tricks, Bearstein!