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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.27629007

The only one LARPing is you, jew.
You can't hide what you've done.
You can't stop what's coming for you.
You are already extinct.

This "LARP" is going to consume you, neanderkike nigger.
There isn't enough filthy fetid kike blood in existence on OUR Planet to cover the Balance due for what you've done to our World, and my People.
But we sure as Hell are going to try to find it, and empty it into the sewers.
Sleep well, jew.

We are coming...

>> No.27629036

>it was da joooos!!!
>less than half of billionaires are Jewish
why is /pol/ full of retards

>> No.27629821
File: 47 KB, 591x631, 1612191211496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikr, only like 40% of billionaires are jewish. /pol/tards are so fucking dumb it's pathetic hahahahahaha

>> No.27629977
