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27625982 No.27625982 [Reply] [Original]

what's taking so long? shouldn't it be at $15?

>> No.27626231

Consider how many bagholders bought above 100, let alone 200 or 300.

The BUY AND HODL DIAMONDHANDS is peak copium for redditards who rushed into it and now face financial ruin

>> No.27626417

LOL they can only artificially suppress it for so long

>> No.27626514

Tons of brokerages loosened their restrictions, we're going to go back up and then have a massive sell off once people can get out with their dignity again

>> No.27626634

Not bagholding again. I'm selling at $150 unless we rush passed it. If the infinite squeeze actually happens, whoever holds on long enough deserves it.

>> No.27626698

Bro I got sucking into the hype and bought at 98

Just sold for 108 thank god
The ledditers on WSB are coping so fucking hard, its insane.

>> No.27626879

It's probably about the new baseline. They got literally free advertizing across the planet and everyone is going to see they hired that chewey exec and two amazon execs and that is gonna drag in a few regular 'fundamentalist' stock traders willing to hedge a little that gamestop could get their head out of their ass and do okay with some kind of online presence. It'll probably go down in a week or sooner due to redditors losing even more hope when it doesn't moon though.

>> No.27626935

I’m someone who sold at $400 and have a big brain. Fundamental value puts it somewhere between $60-90/share based on net income and cash in bank compared to other growth stocks (if you expect it will grow due to board and strategy changes). I think we will see a correction below $60 but anything under there is an ok buy. Although I will not be buying, because there are better stocks and of course crypto. Now fuck off back.

>> No.27627054
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>If I'd bought 100 shares last night at 78, I'd have made 3 grand over night

Will it go up again?

>> No.27627066

Residual hype will maintain prices for a while, and it's natural position if you are bullish is 20-50

>> No.27627129

why would u sell now are u retarded ?

>> No.27627170

I only have a couple shares that I got cheap so I really don’t care if it goes down

>> No.27627260

It is still at 105$, so it might take the entire week for it to crash.

>> No.27627311


>> No.27627369

no one is going to throw 8k at a dying stock

>> No.27627506

Its going to hover around 100 because the fucking kikes are using the government to control this. It's going to crash, the squeeze already happened

>> No.27627871

so of this is sort of the new baseline what happens when the jews need to pay their shorts?

>> No.27627936

Retards are still out there convincing each other to buy

>> No.27628037

It's probably people who bought at the top clutching their bag hoping that others will buy in and make it hurt less by driving it up

>> No.27628085

>the squeeze already happened
The squeeze was never going to happen. We rode to $320 on leddit hype and the shorts found ways other than buying from the market to cover their shorts. They probably just opened new shorts at $400 strike and used those lent shares to cover the ones at $5 knowing they could just wait out the spike.

>> No.27628169

have the short positions been covered yet?

>> No.27628218

sell wall of true diamond hands

>> No.27628267

They either buy from emergency markets closed to poors so as not to affect the market price or open new shorts to cover the old ones, effectively kicking their expiry down the road as long as it takes to avoid a squeeze.

>> No.27628269

Neat. So the redditors just gave us an opportunity to buy and sell for an infinite money glitch while they hold their heavy bags.

>> No.27628439

is this legal?

>> No.27628545

>shouldn't it be at $15?
Two more weeks

>> No.27628670

Is this the dead cat bounce?

>> No.27628720

Probably the average senator/represenative in congress is a fucking retard to serve as a puppet.

>> No.27628784

consider that they stopped ladder attacks

>> No.27628948

>no one is going to throw 8k at a dying stock
wsb and gme pump general would like to have a word with you

>> No.27628959

The laws on the books are made to be vague on purpose to allow as much wiggle room as possible. Is an off-market exchange of credit and a physical proof of share ownership legal? Sure, what about when two hedge funds do it? Kind of? Does it manipulate the market, sure but so does every legal exchange. So does every conversation about the market, big or small.

>> No.27629173

They tanked it too hard. Shaking it 20% makes people fall off. Shaking it 60% makes them hold on for dear life. No one who bought $200+ is going to sell now. Realizing that loss would be more painful than just holding it.

>> No.27629300

they just took the loss, 3b is nothing for citadel and thats exactly the bailout melvin got

its funny because all those retards still looking at the graph expecting something to happen when all the hedgies already moved on to something else

>> No.27629396

How long is two weeks?

>> No.27629405

It's an eternal debit rollover loop
but it will eventually pop. no amount of government cover-up can account for those massive amount of money that have been printed
the system will collapse unto itself
then is every man for himself

>> No.27629474
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>what's taking so long? shouldn't it be at $15?

>> No.27629525

>the shorts found ways other than buying from the market to cover their shorts.
what is this supposed to mean

>> No.27629814

>short squeeze hasn't happened
>muh bag holders

>> No.27629866

You're retarded. The entire QE strategy the government has put in place since 2008 is 100% precipitated on the understanding that the cash stays at the top level and only ever enters the hands of poors as debt to avoid hyperinflation because already have a real-dollar-to-debt-dollar ratio of basically 1 to infinity. If that goes, everything goes.

>> No.27629895

I'm holding you bitch. Not gonna sell before 10k.
There's absolutely nothing hedgies can do if no one sells. They set the time, we set the price.

>> No.27629931

The pump was fairly gradual all things considered, So shall the dump

>> No.27629982

Like all pnds it'll hold a higher floor than before for a few weeks until most of the bagholders give up.

>> No.27629983

Put expires 2/5 huh?

>> No.27630106
File: 283 KB, 705x566, 356709476332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a hedge fund. You have short positions that require you to essentially give away shares of a stock you currently don't own. Do you
A) Buy those shares from the market at an obviously inflated price and spike it, making your position 10000000% worse
B) Don't.

>> No.27630365

>Tons of brokerages loosened their restrictions, we're going to go back up and then have a massive sell off once people can get out with their dignity again
This. Once the price rises you're going to see more and more people jumping ship.

>> No.27630468

They got away with it by doing some dirty shit. One by counterfeiting stocks so they "owned" a lot of them already and two by trashing the stock so hard with rigorous in-trading at losses that it had to deflate and people would give up because the interest they had to pay on the deflated price is a joke.

>> No.27630758

Melvin is work roughly 8bil, citadel gave them 3bil. Gamestop has around 100million shares. Shorted at 140% that means Melvin needed to buy 140million. Since it's been over $100 for the entire last week, that means at bare minimum Melvin needed to spend 14 billion to cover them. Seeing as they haven't sold all their assets and declared bankruptcy yet, they probably haven't just closed their short. This is a game of chicken.

>> No.27630943

I agree. I'm holding 16 at average 290. If it was low 200s/high 100s I'd probably be out but I don't see the point right now. Not holding out hope for squeeze though.

>> No.27631054


>> No.27631180

Stop trying to beat them at their own game. Yes they took some losses but only some. Protest all you want but you'll be bag holding at the end of it however if you're still holding after friday then I don't know what to say

>> No.27631210
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Pic related or the all system collapse.

>> No.27631270

It's going to go up and down today and tomorrow then dump on Friday

>> No.27631362

I unironically just bought because it stopped going down and short interest is still a ridiculous percentage. There might actually be a VW moment.

>> No.27631490


>duh melvin

There's more than muh Melvin shorting this stock you window licking idiot. It's a massive market.

>> No.27631532
File: 645 KB, 1194x1085, 1612362794204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will go back to 15 when you shorts get called and I sell my stocks.

>> No.27631703


>> No.27631834
File: 222 KB, 497x749, robinhood musso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27631843

I wonder how much money they're losing on commission and fees trying to keep the price artificially down. And how much interest are they paying?

>> No.27631988

People are mostly holding and letting Melvin bleed.

>> No.27632080

Uptick rule, baby.

>> No.27632275

Institutional hands will sell off, idiot DIAMOND HANDers will buy and pump it up, institutional hands will sell again. This will repeat at 100 for a while until they get bored and tank it.

>> No.27632487

>Consider how many bagholders bought above 100, let alone 200 or 300.
This is actually so good for gamestop the company. There's so many retards who bought above 200 that will have to hold onto their stuck until the end of time

>> No.27632514

I thought you were squeezing the hedgies who shorted at 4$, but this pic suggests you want to squeeze hedgies who shorted at 400? 400 is going to be hard to squeeze anon considering how much profit they would be in rn

>> No.27632697

Also btw, holders are in a standoff between the shorters *and daytraders* thanks to that fucking rule. A good amount of people likely don't realize the arbitrage scenario like you have which can actually allow Melvin to close the shorts instead of bleeding out until they get caught... which could explain other Hedgies opening up new longs in that Bloomberg terminal screenshot.

>> No.27632708

>buy another couple shares just in case the squeeze is real
>immediately goes down

Ok I’m gonna kill myself

>> No.27633227

You might as well buy $100 of lottery tickets.

>> No.27633612

If I sold now I'd lose $1k.
I think I may as well just hold what I've got and see what happens. I've written off the entire "investment" as a meme at this point and it was money I could afford to lose.
Thanks to ETH my overall net worth is up despite this.