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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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27616394 No.27616394 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how much more I have to shill this until you listen to me.

>If GRT is the Google of Blockchain then aleph is the AWS of blockchain
>will be how people make their apps fully decentralized
>already has working products and a GitHub
>clear roadmap with goals being met
>active and transparent developer team
>already starting to moon as people take notice of it

If you aren't an Alf bro, you are not going to make it.

>> No.27617822

>$946,200,385 market cap
>$29,452,407 market cap

Yeah.. I think I know which one i'm all in on.

>> No.27618051

It keeps going up and retards would rather buy stagnating shitcoins or PnDs
I only have 1000 though so I'm not making it but hey at least I'm in.

>> No.27619634

What do you think GRT's market cap once was?

I have both.

>> No.27619682

I'm surprised how long this project went unnoticed. The fundamentals are enough to push it to top 100.

>> No.27619779

some anon here made a post about it a few weeks ago that died, but it's when I started looking at it.

you niggers helped me with GRT so I am trying to pay it back here

>> No.27619882

when will gas fees not be so rapey? I want to buy in but 20 dollar gas is insane to me

>> No.27619981

>just wait for v2

That being said you can delegate without gas fees.

>> No.27620633

Explain why this is better than RLC.

>> No.27621114

How's this different than filecoin?

>> No.27621553

well those are two pajeet coins with no movement or clear roadmap targets and transparent team

aleph.im keeps getting partnerships (recently with Avalanche) and isn't run by a bunch of street shitters

>> No.27622195

>two pajeet coins
You fucked up. You had a chance to tell us what was special about your investment; you chose to attack the competition, in absurd fashion, and give no information.

That's gonna be a pass. Make a new thread in 1 hour looking for new suckers.

>> No.27622467
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Today I will remind them.

>> No.27622509

He loterally gave you two reasons. One team sets and meets goals the other doesnt apparently.
He also distinguishes one having partnerships and the other not. You saw pajeet and stopped reading.

>> No.27622635

>Filecoin doesn't have partnerships and meet goals
Ok bye.

>> No.27622695

Where can burgers buy?

>> No.27622764

I did that because if you fucking clicked on the link and read for 5 fucking minutes the answer is right there in front of you.

Holy shit anon.

I went through uniswap

>> No.27622883

Gonna be uniswap, of course. Spend $300 in gas buying a bag of needful, because partnerships and goals.

>> No.27622889
File: 61 KB, 450x532, kiddo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You fucked up

>> No.27623127

You literally DID NOT post a link. I did however all skim their about on their website. That's why I was back in a flash asking how it's better than an existing working product... Your answer, "PARTNERSHIPS".
No thanks. Work on your hustle.

>> No.27623229

Wow you seem like a little bitch, jesus. Don't buy it then

>> No.27623307
File: 17 KB, 343x308, aleph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good bros

>> No.27623330

Definitely won't. See ya never, brown homo.

>> No.27623378

Bye faggot

>> No.27623407

Use mxc or kucoin to grab the bag. If you grab 10k+ you can stake for 20% apy. There are no fees for staking. You can unstake at any time.

>> No.27623681
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>> No.27623957
File: 1.52 MB, 1188x1252, 1607152431050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you stupid?

Click on aleph.im

Check their twitter as well, there is an interview with the team tomorrow