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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2760172 No.2760172 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the darknet chinawhite heroin arrives at the perfect time

at least I can live in my warm bubble until this blows over

>> No.2760193

with alphabay gone, where can one source such fine powder?

in b4 FBI party van....

>> No.2760203

OP is a savage

>> No.2760212


>> No.2760320

the street

see you on the streets

>> No.2760395

fuck now im throwing up everywhere fuck my fucking life

>> No.2760415

sleep tight, pupper

>> No.2760428

Where can one find such fine resources now that alphabay is gone? Asking for a (((not me)))

If your answer is herder the street, kys for being a black person

>> No.2760465
File: 168 KB, 700x830, 195034_4SuDyXWrkQRcC110yluNuM4Cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, alphabay is gone?? is my ketamine never going to arrive now?

>> No.2760485

Don't you guys have a site localized for your country?

>> No.2760513

musta been some good shit. just be careful of FENT, and make sure you have Naloxone around just in case. remember, you can always do a little more, but you CAN'T do a little less. don't OD on us, anon....

>> No.2760537

A double dose if you are ODing on el diablito (fentanyl)

>> No.2760561

it is Fent, I can tell, but its ok because I dont inject, I smoke

>> No.2760568

this anon knows the truth....be CAREFUL with that stuff, especially with anything you are ordering from darknet markets

>> No.2760588
File: 410 KB, 2448x2448, 1498796227757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs are sinful, you'll be in my prayers.

>> No.2760592

Do you get diarrhea squirts too?

>> No.2760605

ahhaha dream and get your fucking money taken due to incompetence admins


>> No.2760613

>doesn't use test kits before dabbling
stick to your mountain dews, rebecca.

>> No.2760615

hansa market that is mulitsig is the best

>> No.2760840


wtf no
opiates make you constipated, you cant shit until you stop

>> No.2760874

Sorry- Im not lining myself up for an OD with fentanyl laced heroin. You know the manufacturers are doing that on purpose right? Sneaking low amount of fentanyl into the heroin in increasing amounts to move ytou over.

If you OD in the switch, they dont care.

Ill stick to my mountain dew.

>> No.2761048

Who gives a shit I don't use these sketchy sites anyways

>> No.2761101

injecting smoking or snorting?

>inb4 shoving up his ass

>> No.2761108

Ive been smoking for years, never inject because I dont want to die

>> No.2761229

nice! bought 200k fentanyl patches!

>> No.2761233
File: 53 KB, 710x710, 1493776036988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the DCK arrives just in time and you put yourself into a schizophrenic episode by railing 40mg up your nose, time slows to the point where you can talk to yourself, and you have to argue about who's going to control the body while bawling about the guilt of being an unwanted anchor baby who ruined my father's life

>> No.2762087

Sorry- Im not lining myself up for diabeetus with HFCS laced Mountain Dew. You know the manufacturers are doing that on purpose right? Sneaking low amount of HFCS into the Mountain Dew in increasing amounts to move ytou over.

If you get diabeetus in the switch, they dont care.

Ill stick to my Heroin.

>> No.2762121

Damn I could go some smack, 3 months clean, I was iv btw. Never forget.

>> No.2762135
File: 221 KB, 877x862, DGBdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in DGB

the good feeling will come back

>> No.2762136

see I got lucky, I tried to IV and I messed up and it freaked me out so bad I only smoke and snort

>> No.2762705

I hear you can buy medicine on these things real cheap. How much does a dose of Bupropion (wellbutrin) go for? Its an unscheduled antidepressant so im guessing its cheap.

>> No.2762723

if you have to ask you can't afford it.

>> No.2762746

>you can always do a little more, but you CAN'T do a little less


>> No.2762748

dont be a faggot desu

>> No.2762757

you can always do more dope, but if you do too much and od you're fucked

>> No.2762831

love of money is sinful too anon

>> No.2762872

>doing any drug other than caffeine

Not going to make it

>> No.2762874


>> No.2762890

still not getting it. Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.2762904

Has anyone checked the btc address flow from Alpha?

>> No.2762934

>not adderall, venvanse, cocaine or meth

never going to make it lad

>> No.2762945

Those are all trailer-tier

The only acceptable drugs for successful people are caffeine and modafinil

>> No.2762969

>he doesn't do REAL stims to crunch numbers all day long
>never witnessed a mooning while peaking

you think i'm doing drugs for recreation m8

>> No.2763636
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1482643154468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, making gains while on Addy is delightful