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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2759754 No.2759754 [Reply] [Original]

I am going to personally track down every one of you fuckers you shilled this garbage to me. That was my fucking life savings that I lost. You think you're going to get off easy? I'm going to fucking kill all of you fucks

>> No.2759792

You going to fucking kill me? Think again youngster.
I will fucking slice your throat open before you know what happened.
I will feed your entrails to my cat.
I will hunt you down first like the predator.
Watch your back motherfucker, it's on.

>> No.2759798

Look behind yourself right now bitch

Too late

>> No.2759838


Hey OP, take it easy. I still believe in it. If you still want to get rid of it, I'll exchange it for you at 25k back to BTC.

Send them here: AcDq3eL4D8SbDB5kPtYexsx73zzAishF6q

And don't forget to include your BTC address

>> No.2759852

Sent ;)

>> No.2759878


Dude, you forgot the wallet

Where should I send the BTC?

>> No.2759987

nice copypasta

>> No.2760023

so youre saying you lost 25$ ?

>> No.2760034

Heh nothing personal kid

>> No.2760039

*teleports into the blockchain*

>> No.2760052

*Unsheathes cyber katana and severs bridge between blockchains*

>> No.2760055

Im quite fond of my ark bags

>> No.2760095

lel. you're a shit gibbon that threw life savings into a market that everyone knew was overbought.
you couldn't even track that you fucking spastic.

>> No.2760102

This great OC. I'm sorry you lost money but this is just great

>> No.2760121

I unironically think that my 2K ARK bags will turn into my down payment on my first house in 2 years

>> No.2760136
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woah there killer

not sure you gunna be able to afford any weapons with those loses

>> No.2760149

How feasible is the Ark project? Like regardless of timeframe, is their idea possible? I read somewhere that Ark tokens will be able to be exchanged for btc/lisk and other coins in the future. Is that true?

>> No.2760152
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Just joined to biz delegate :)

>> No.2760173


>> No.2760533

Nice anon I have the same amount as you but I'm prob gonna double it if it drops to 10k. It's gonna be a comfy ride

>> No.2760599

My Ark bags are heavy, but I don't even mind I'm in this for the long term. It's just an opportunity to keep buying more for cheap over the next few months before the smartbridge tech is released.

Use your common sense, there are so many things on the roadmap still yet to be implemented. There is a highly skilled team working on it and a great community surrounding the coin. Do you honestly believe that despite all of that, the price of Ark is going to continue to fall forever?

Personally I'll keep stocking up as much as possible whilst it's still under $1.

>> No.2760787



>> No.2760811

I just hope you're right, you seem so confident in the devs and tech but they really haven't proved anything yet outside of the wallet.

Ark is still a gamble right now but I don't deny it could be a very profitable gamble

>> No.2760831

I'm down 1k. If this doesn't pump to 32k in the next 2 weeks I'm gonna blow someone's head off

>> No.2760851

It's so manipulated at this point that it could honestly happen

>> No.2760863

It was just a prank bro

>> No.2760878

Why would it though? At the very best it's gonna be a stagnant market at that point and unless some major update is released it won't approach its last peak value.

>> No.2760909

I'm not a whale so idk their plans
But without any announcements for a few months it'll probably hang between 10-20k (at least I hope) until Q4
If their smartbridge release is anywhere near as slick as the Ark wallet the price is going UP

>> No.2760925

I hope they do anon.

>> No.2761253

But the wallet is pretty sleek tho you gotta give them that. But they need to release something new soon

>> No.2761286

That something new is coming Q4 and it'll be their biggest release to date aka the Smartbridge
Does anybody even research what they buy anymore?

>> No.2761343
File: 23 KB, 485x491, 1497509199205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding only 2.2k ARK
>no money left to buy the dip
>bought majority at 20k sats

>> No.2761367

OP will never get m

>> No.2761917
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heh, looks like it's time for a shave kid

>> No.2761987
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>> No.2762024

I only hold ARK as a collector's item desu. Sort of a cool logo.

>> No.2762255

>Some of you guys are alright, don't go to Bittrex tommorow

>> No.2762310

Holding 600 ARK right now, will buy another 400 soon. Will I make it bros?

>> No.2762355


Literally everyone who has been "shilling" Ark for the past 3 months has been saying this is a year+ hold.

And it should be obvious to anyone that the current price is not the fault of Ark itself but rather what's happening with BTC right now. If anything Ark was trying to moon right before the launch was fucked up by the BTC crash.

>> No.2762384

You can't reason with most of biz. A coin that doesn't moon immediately is shit.

>> No.2762543

Can someone hook me up with a discord link? Need to get my payout fixed

>> No.2762601
File: 77 KB, 658x632, 1499728804456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched the ARK intro video. Holy jesus its the ponzi-scheme of blockchains. Its a blockchain that makes blockchains.

>These blockchains then can also make MORE blockchains! Smart bridges! Main chain! Interplanetary file system! Voting! Delegates! ARK makes MORE ARK! We can all get rich QUICK! You just have to get a few guys to make a few blockchains, who then each make a few more, and pretty soon we will be billionares!

Why in gods name would you invest in this?

>> No.2762623

A fool and his money are soon parted

Don't laugh at Arkies, pity them

>> No.2762738

It's a fucking recipe for free money.
As long as you get in before SMARTBRIDGES you're at the fucking top of the scheme.
What's not to love about it?

>> No.2762747

Its multi-level marketing in crypto-format. This is a giant pyramid scheme pile of shit that probably wont go anywhere.

Just go invest in a non-shitcoin. There are plenty to choose from.

>> No.2762764

I already invested in ark and lost all my money :(

>> No.2762771

How the fuck did you do that? It moved rather predictably the last several weeks

>> No.2762780


>> No.2763105


go buy your niggercoins you faggot.

>> No.2763484

As far as I understand the smart bridge is literally a bridge between crypto m8. If someone only accepts Lisk for example, and all you have is Ark, you can still transfer Ark to that person and he would convert to Lisk. That's pretty fucking useful

>> No.2764124

>epts Lisk for example, and all you have is Ark, you can still transfer Ark to that person and he would convert to Lisk. That's pretty fucking useful
It's good in theory but WTF have they done to actually accomplish this? Whole bunch of hype for 0 results

>> No.2764126


Jesus Christ. The whole premise of a coin like ARK, is that it links existing coins and it scales better than BTC/ETH, because you can have multiple chains. Nobody is saying to come and recruit your buddy to make their own chain and shill it. The thought process is much bigger than that. Block chain tech needs enterprise solutions, and push deployment fills that need. Everyone here seems to love STRAT, but the simple fact is that ARK does it better.

DPoS will overtake PoW as well too, given all this shit with BTC.

>> No.2764128

Ark is only like 4 months old

>> No.2764136


Devs were talking the other day on Slack, looks like the ETH node should be up in 2-3 Weeks.