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27593686 No.27593686 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't Europe do big tech?

>> No.27593824

because europe can't brand itself for shit
because there is no european dream, no german/french/whatever dream
because europeans know they have to leave this place to make real money

>> No.27593866



>> No.27593871

>because there is no european dream, no german/french/whatever dream
What the fuck's a "dream"? What "dream" was Snapchat built upon?

>> No.27594066

anon is referring to american dream. Europeans generally have no passion or big dreams of succeeding or becoming rich. People just want to chill and live unassuming, but comfortable, middle class lives.

>> No.27594138

Also the high taxation, high regulation and high inflation has destroyed many of the countries

>> No.27594184

>he doesnt understand why americans have been successful for decades
that's my point, you europeans don't know shit, always making fun of american movies for being brainwashing, but at the end of the day people still believe in the american dream and there are still thousands of success stories per year, meanwhile in europe if you have a single original idea people will look down on you, plus even european leaders are completely clueless about the internet or new forms of business. everything in europe is old as fuck, people might have smartphones but they still have 80/90s beliefs

>> No.27594324

high taxation and brainwashing mediocrity based socialist schools

>> No.27594337

You have no idea what youre talking about you retarded cunt. The american dream is brainwashing to keep the cattle wage slaving away forever.

>> No.27594403

High taxes, that's all. Smart people move to places where half their income doesn't get stolen too.

>> No.27594407
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Jesus Christ pol is 10 times smarter than you fart huffing fat fucks
All that was needed was just one post to hit the problem on the head

>> No.27594508

The dream of more. America is a better place to make a shitton of money but a worse place to merely subsist. Europe is the opposite outside of London. Hence, if you’re a computer scientist or whatever and you want to make it fuckin big baby! you move to silicon valley.

>> No.27594518
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Decades of high taxes, comfortable living, and a preference for Daddy Government to manage every aspect of its citizen’s lives has robbed them of their ambition and made them terrified of failure.

>> No.27594600


>> No.27594641

No culture of risk taking.

>> No.27594647

europe is not a country, europe can't agree on shit except suck globhomo's and ccp's cock. and because all relevant tech companies have been bought or are not relevant anymore.
fuck europe, fuck ue, fuck the 4th reich and fuck you op.

>> No.27594719


>> No.27594789

This is not about government, it's about private society. The US government doesn't prop up every retarded silicon valley startup, it's the hundreds of millions of $ coming from private investors.

No :)

>> No.27594854

We Europeans are iduots that mistake the glory of our ancestors from centuries ago from our own. We convince ourselves we are the oeak of human civilization and others are uncultured. Our basic way of thinking is about keeping the status quo, never to strive for something better.
We are the personification of conformism. I hate this, it's present all around us, everyone is irrationally afraid of changing even a particle of dust. In Europe there's no such thing as risk management, there's only convincing everyone that risk is to be avoided and nothing wrong will ever happen. Risk management is about taking chances and prepare for the possible catastrophic events. In Europe people just avoid risk altogether, so they never benefit from the possible gains. The fallacy hete is that they believe they are able to have everything under their control, they don't even contemplate the scenarios where unexpected things happed (i.e. covid). Whenever something goes out of the plan there's never any strategy to deal with it, it's only more beraucracy and blaming others. Europeans worship bureaucracy and bureaucrats, and the EU is basically the endgame of bureocracy. This continent has been dead for 100 years and we are just witnessing the body decay.

I'm not saying the US or China are great, but at least they try to stumble forward.

>> No.27594962

It gets bought way before it reaches America you retard.

My friends made lightbox in London, sold it for fat stacks to an American company who loved the filters BOOM

Instagram you're welcome.

Many such cases.

>> No.27595106

Tbf the tech industry in the UK is going from strength to strength.

I don't really consider the UK as part of Europe though if by 'Europe' you are referring to the geographic entities that fall under the direct control of that meddlesome and sclerotic Nomenklatura that is the EU.

>> No.27595149

Why can't the US run their own public transportation services ?

>> No.27595212

Guys, you should help me. I can’t understand why nft is so popular now??? How it works?

Checked Twitter today, everyone is talking about Poolz and their new protocol, I can’t even get what is it? Sorry, I am retard

>> No.27595244

Why can't Europe run their own public transportation services?

>> No.27595286

this is also correct

>> No.27595314

fuck off newfag

>> No.27595401

Because public transit gets the undesirables closer to you and as such is purposely ignored

>> No.27595414

All the visionaries and dreamers left Europe to go to America, hoping for a better life.
America is genetically filtered stock.

>> No.27595460

>100% non ironically believing in American exceptionalism and the American dream
holy shit I knew this board was retarded but this is next level

>> No.27595473

>immediately proves the other poster right by demonstrating typical euro mindset

>> No.27595560

Because Europeans learned to play by the rules most of the times. They lack the sheer ignorance and disregard for other human beings that Muricans are born and raised with.

>> No.27595573

he's right though, bleachbrain

>> No.27595750

this but now it seems degeneracy has hit america and they (democrats) want to turn the country in to another europe

>> No.27595823

That's a pretty big generalization. I'd say this really mostly applies to complicit societies like socialist nordicuck and med socialist states. Ex-commie eastern europeans tend to have a much bigger risk and entrepreneurship drives because of how poor they used to be just a few decades ago.

>The US government doesn't prop up every retarded silicon valley startup
But it has propped up all the big ones.

>> No.27595887

Because euros are stupid lazy faggots and not very business minded. Just look at your cars they are absolute shit. Your lack of motivation is probably due to your shitty liberal government. US will be joining you soon enough though and we will all be China's cucks it looks like.

>> No.27595913

>But it has propped up all the big ones.
Once they are big enough sure.
But otherwise why would the US govt have propped up Google in favour of Yahoo or Lycos in the early 2000s?

>> No.27595959

The dream of fuxking lil children and getting away with it. This is America. Dream mother fuxers

>> No.27596012

Germans had a dream. biggest innovators, big tech, industry, pionneers in everything. guess what happened, sadly it included cleansing the millions in the east for Lebensraum and attacking America
this wasnt even a century before. capacity is there, but mentally, spiritually they are destroyed.

needless to say, Germany = Europe. forget about others, its the only power around which things revolve, its crazy how rest of Europe declined after the wars too

>> No.27596103

based and europilled

>> No.27596253
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>Why can't Europe do big tech?

Because the occupying country (usa) can't allow it's vasalls to overtake it?

>> No.27596252
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Does this count as big tech? Not necessarily an internet company but it's probably more important than Facebook or some shit

>> No.27596410

This. Also constant wars, but it's paradoxical really - sometimes there were tons of innovation during the war (one thing that comes to mind is gas mask during WW1

In the end, you CANNOT compare America to Europe.

>> No.27596413

American cities aren't as concentrated and more decentralized, hence centralized tranportation isn't as practical

>> No.27596598

A continent of docile and statist cucks. They like mechanical stuffs, if the eurocuck can't see and touch it, it's probably fake news.

>> No.27597169

Kek, like father like son?

>> No.27597207
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But Switzerland and Sweden ranked above the US in the world innovation index in 2020.


>> No.27597844

>The US government doesn't prop up every retarded silicon valley startup

It props up the ones the survive (CIA contracts with Google, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Amazon) also, 4chan is being used to train AI to detect threats of domestic terrorism in text chats for the Department of Homeland Security.

>> No.27597972

Founder effects. For a multitude of reasons the US pioneered IT at a critical juncture in time and this head start alone gives a huge advantage. As the saying goes, you got to have money to make money, and just the same you better have a strong standing in tech to improve your standing in tech.

Doesn't hurt that a lot of the most important tech companies are borderline monopolies and the US government isn't interested in applying its anti-trust laws because US politicians are afraid they might be killing the goose that lays golden eggs if they did. So big tech is free to to do as it pleases and can easily continue to corner the market and stomp out competition.

The only exception is China, since they are the only ones who think that they have a shot at challenging US hegemony. European politicians might grind their teeth and accept that the US is in control of all the strategically important tech enterprises, because they see the US as their ally at least. They can accept the status quo because the major European countries are still wealthy and possess some influence despite being America's bitches. The CCP however needs to build up its own tech giants if it wants to pursue its dream of world domination in earnest.

>> No.27598510
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The must be talking about (((innovation))), because it sure as shit isn’t anything in tech. Really now, when was the last time you heard of tech or business innovations coming out of Sweden? Only thing that comes to my mind when I hear “Sweden” is innovation in cucking an entire country.

>> No.27598566

>can't see and touch it, it's probably fake news.
Good patriot believe the plan.
Semper phi

>> No.27598772


Sweden has an insane amount of tech startups given its size. The reason why you don't hear about them much is because they all get sold out to US investors once they hit it big. Sweden is a hypercapitalist nation and has been since the 90s at least.

>> No.27598937


you know that's just jewish history forgery, right?

hence why doubting the genocide of a certain tribal race is a crime in many many countries, while doubting the genocide of races who aren't g-d's chosen is ok and free speech.

>> No.27599270
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lower liquidity markets and also most 'big tech' is bullshit. IoT will change the game for Europe

>> No.27599289

Germans were chinese of their time. They copied British and American electrical technology shamelessly. The thing is that they had manufacturing and engineering quality, so everything was built to last.

>> No.27599484

America literally received the genetic dreck of europe

>> No.27599770

>make product in the US
>330M peoples market of english speakers
>40M of early adopters (California) ready to buy into any new shiny tech

>make product in Europe
>fragmented market, bunch of different languages, regulations, infrastructures
>hard to scale
>syndicates, government and luddites oppose your new tech because "muh employment"

>> No.27600011

There are tech companies in Europe, point is they are not Europe-wide because Europe is not as unified as the US, China, or CIS (ex USSR)

>> No.27600279

part of the lack of risk-taking in European culture may have to do literally with the inherent natural disaster risk. You yuros don't really have anywhere close to the same risk of shit like hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, massive storms, river flooding, etc. that we have in parts of the US

>> No.27601310

This might come as a surprise to Americans but Europe is not a country.

>> No.27601456

>Two world wars

>> No.27601823

lmao, cringe UKIPfags, I´ll give em a pass tho, it was 2014.

>> No.27602374
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There is a French Dream

>> No.27603108

Little does OP know that his precious "big tech" is running on infrastructure invented and sold by europeans.

Since huawei is out of the picture, any US phone is connected to 4G/5G/LTE hardware the US buys from Nokia/Alcatel.

And that's just one example. I love how burgers are so brainwashed. Most of the things they claim as achievements are based on European successes.

>> No.27603468


>> No.27603581
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-self righteousness
-crony capitalism
-division of bureaucrats over any topic

>> No.27603944

Busy caring for mudslims

>> No.27604111
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They can

>> No.27604897

Too bad none of it lasted, not against the Soviets and certainly not against the Burgers & Teabaggers

>> No.27604943
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power structures are very conservative leading to not so many people created that'd possibly pull it off... the effects inplace have been already listed

also: tech sabotage by Americans. Very successful at that. They usually frame Ruskies/Chinese as the perpetrator.

t. sb who started in cryptography

your picrel is a glowie OP, like SAP is (front of BND to get hold on company data). The world is not as it seems.

>> No.27604993

bureaucracy. Honestly i dont care about the tax rate, but if you ask people why they go to the USA, even leftist academics, its because they say they're free to do what they're actually good at and they like the up and at them culture of the US. I honestly like the idea of eitehr a UBI or a job guarentee so i'm not some liberterian asswhole who thinks he built the house he was born in, but the bureaucracy here for just about anything is really a shitty aspect. That and entrepreuneurs are seen as cunts because there's always been a class of people in Europe that have had favour with the banks and they're usually the "son of" types who went to a business school where they learn to act like total cunts who fetishise american Silicon Valley culture. They are fucking LARPers who deserve to die on a spike for trying to imitate America.

That being said, EU and Europe in general could be able to attract 10 times more people based on quality of life in the future. I can only think of 2 American cities I actually want to live in, New York and Boston, and they are both becoming unaffordable to any start up. We're also attracting the Sons of Abraham back from their holy outpost in Jerusalem after they fell for the "start up nation" meme. The amount of jews leaving Israel by getting Spanish or Portuguese passports to come to the EU and set up shop here is crazy. The Americans will follow. In the end we have the best cities to live in, and people live well here (outside Covid). so we may not get the top of the top but we'll get the middle section. I'm OK with that. Most of you American "silicon valley" douches are cunts.

>> No.27605344

Europe is the Future. The US and China will tear each other apart.

>> No.27607117

Economic friction is much higher in Europe.
In the US every dummy tech startup can immediately tap into a homogeneous market with hundreds of millions of people while in in Europe each country has it's own rules and regulations. Like you start in a 20 million country and just to on board all the all the others each time you have to add a localisation which itself brings lots of headaches and management aspects with it.

>> No.27607206

Based ASML poster gets it. No tech without hardware and semi-conductors.

>> No.27607501

The GPU manufacturers are the real driver of innovation in the industry and have become indispensable for AI research.

Game companies in and of themselves are pretty much redundant and CDPR is already showing signs of decline.

>> No.27607944

Too much SOVL