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File: 472 KB, 1192x1046, Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 9.59.21 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27587100 No.27587100 [Reply] [Original]

The entire GME situation leading up to "the mask falling off" traditional markets, with (((them))) finally showing their hand, (that retail is literally not allowed to win), was such a perfect setup for smart contracts that you could almost think it was planned.

>> No.27587590

1k EOY is fud?

>> No.27587643

$81k is fud.

>> No.27587682

But when will it be?

>> No.27587988
File: 269 KB, 657x527, 1keoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sergey has been dumping fat loads on us for years to pay for an elaborate 777D chess game to destroy trad-fi
>Sergey got access to the quantum computer called Q through ari juels and has been running the whole show behind the scenes
>Chainlink labs is literally four dudes in a room with a quantum computer figuring out the most efficient way to transfer value to chainlink
>the chainlink software has been completed for a while now but they're doing a drip drip slow release because of the potentially destabilizing impact it could have
you just win

>> No.27588133


With smart contracts, there is no Bulgarian Turkjew to shut down trades at the behest of the big hedgies.

>> No.27588662

>was such a perfect setup for smart contracts that you could almost think it was planned
who would plan such a thing anon, and for what reason?

>> No.27589043

Chainlink shill extraordinaire: the Schwabster.

>> No.27590287

i trust sir gays logo

>> No.27590699

> "As more contructual breaches like Robinhood appear..."

Sergey get a PR person if you do not want to come off as a sensationalist midwit retard.

1) There was no breach with the terms you accept before using RobinHood. The explicitly state that they can stop trading at any moment whatsoever. MUH Math based contractual guarantee, it LITERALLY already worked how it supposed to be (customers agreed to the terms there was no misconduct WHATSOEVER) without your useless $10billion premined JSON Parser

2) The clearing house DCCC increased their cash requirements and RobinHood and its CEO Vlad just seems incompetent in managing his company. He acted hesitant and does not communicate well. But framing this as an intentional scheme of the CEO to rip off his customers is just populist insinuation.

>> No.27590954

>There was no breach with the terms you accept before using RobinHood.
>The explicitly state that they can stop trading at any moment whatsoever.
Yeah, that makes it totally fine lmao.

Fuck off shill.

>> No.27590979

y^2=x^3+7 Why did he choose this equation in particular? Mathbros where you at? When I plot it I get a weird looking graph that almost looks like there is a pole from x=-2 and extending from y = ~-2.5, y= ~2.5 . Any explanations for someone with rudimentary calc / lin algebra knowledge?

>> No.27591425

you mouthbreathing idiot
Contracts and Agreements of sorts are precisely laid out, and at the end of the day they matter and nothing else.
We are not an paki bazar
Sergey should delete his FALSE tweet to not loose his credibility, but I figure he is a opportunistic marketer of his venture stopping at nothing

>> No.27591500

RobinHood outed itself as a scummy operation by not allowing retail investors to buy GME, only sell.
Their promise was "let the people trade", and they broke it.

Go cope in the corner.

>> No.27591748

find bridge, jump

>> No.27592305

ok i revert
i forget there is a gigantic industry in burgerland in which it is actually possible to successfully sue companies for not keeping up with marketing promises apart from written formalized agreements

>> No.27592396

Former Coinbase CTO redpilling wsb about how smart contracts and decentralized oracles could have helped the short squeeze/solved the prisoner dilemma.


>> No.27592562

>Defending hedgies

Post nose

>> No.27592643

kek Chainlink is literally 100% centralized. any US authority can just tell Sergey to stop operations, and he has to or go to jail. He's no threat to traditional markets, though he likes larping about it.

>> No.27592794


>> No.27592846


>> No.27593018

>kek Chainlink is literally 100% centralized
lol no it's not.

The price feed smart contracts are, but the contracts themselves are meant to be centralized.
The oracle system itself is entirely decentralized.

>> No.27593455

>implying he didn't betray

>> No.27593800
File: 1.07 MB, 479x469, She_is_Thirsty_for_Cream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may be telling the truth, but appearances are the truth that matter.

>> No.27593978

You also can't have terms of service that supercede the law. Your TOS might say you can manipulate buying, but the law says you can't. So yes I think I am going to opt in to that class action, you bootlicking worm.

>> No.27594453

Pretty sure that's a hyperbola equation. Just a comic section. Take that as you will.

>> No.27594753

Based and saturnpilled. Are we creating a prison planet here or what's happening?

>> No.27594882

Redditors will not be defeating the jews, it needs much more than that.

>> No.27595002

It really came together so well, and right as the bull market is really taking off. Damn.

About a week after the GME craze a bunch of guys from my work who didn't give a fuck about crypto are now trying to get in. Strap yourselves in boyos.

>> No.27595133
File: 196 KB, 1232x1000, pulling the plug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If long shareholders begin to sell their positions, expect short sellers to jump in and help GME’s stock slide continue. But if long shareholders see the tumbling stock as a new buying opportunity, we may be at the start of part deux of the GME short squeeze.


>> No.27595344

What if I told you it was planned?

>> No.27595884
File: 27 KB, 695x269, el.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is the form of an equation for an elliptic curve. Elliptic curves are used for cryptography (crypto like bitcoin and ethereum) because they have a really cool group composition law that makes finding the discrete logarithm of a random elliptic curve infeasible computationally.. making it impossible to hack

t. math major

>> No.27596567

You're really taking the time to white knight robbinghood on a siamese duckpin bowling forum? Unironically kill yourself