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27584889 No.27584889 [Reply] [Original]

>sold RBC at 8c
>sold TRDL at 69c
Why do I keep fucking myself over ? I'm stuck at 4 figures and these two plays alone could've gotten me to 5 or even 6 figures

I am in grave pain Biz

>> No.27584990

Get back in rbc for the next 10x

>> No.27585003

Ive build up to 5k, now im scared to lose it.
>t. All in USDC

>> No.27585121

It hurts frens

>> No.27585228

u shouldnt be scared to lose it anon because if you're not willing to risk it, you're not willing to make it. I'm just scared of the missed gains

>> No.27585546

chill, how much time did you invest in RBC TRDL? why didn't you have confidence? learn from your mistakes, and anyhow chill man, markets are moving every day, it all about your own self control, fortitude and hard work.

>> No.27585630

I had confidence the pumps felt too fast I didn't wanna get dumped on. I thought I could swing I guess

>> No.27585884

when was the last time you had such an experience in the markets ? do you keep a journal ? can you go back and see how you handled a similar situation in the past ? do you hedge when markets move fast ? do you move money by fud or your own self confidence ?

>> No.27586168

You're a good fren anon I appreciate you. It has happened a couple other times too and I do get over it, but it's nice to let it out on here for a bit.

I don't move my money with fud although it probably can be a decent indicator. I guess when the market moves too fast I feel like it's about to correct. However that does not make sense for micro caps and I end up falling for it each time

>> No.27586558

Bought 180k RBC back in November and sold two weeks later thinking it was a pajeet scam.

Bought 10Mil BAO first day sold for profit on first big dump. never looked back.

Lost most eth on shit coins. Gambling 0.05 eths now on meme coins. FML.

>> No.27586671

u and me fren one day we'll stop being retarded inshallah

>> No.27587015

you gotta improve your fundamental understanding and start moving from investing in meme and investing into tech and innovation. once you do the work , you'll fill comfort, not anxiety. understanding soothes the waves.
anyhow, i also fucked up and exited BOA with a loss, i dumb too

>> No.27587077

fuck off back to r-ddit

>> No.27587381

Just learn from your mistakes and move on man. At least you profited. There’s a new opportunity to make money in crypto nearly every day it seems anyways.

>> No.27587458
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>literally bought RBC in the first "has anyone looked at RBC" thread at 0.008
>sold the day later at 0.0125 or something
>priced out every since
i'll never forgive myself

>> No.27587477

Yea you're absolutely right. I got in to erc 20 tokens in November. I only bought the big 4 crypto back in July and held. I had no understanding of what i was buying in to with erc20s. Just things I saw on biz. Sadly this blind gambling has cost me a lot but I've been getting better at actually reading whitepapers and getting to know the projects and such. Just need to get some real capital so I can proceed with actual investments. Best of luck to you fren.

>> No.27587539


>> No.27587544

by not selling everything, ever. even at most i only cash out 80%

>> No.27587552

I can't blame you. The fud on RBC was relentless, despite it being as legit as it can get. This place is bad for you sometimes.

>> No.27587585
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we all make mistakes OP, I've cost myself thousands from shitty decisions so far this bullrun. it's easy to get caught up in what could have been.. but just think in five years time, we will be the ones posting our six figure portfolios. wagmi bros

>> No.27587603

wait a sec i never sold my rbc

>> No.27587664
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Same here, bought 37.5k for like $250 and sold for $1.2k because it felt too good to be true. Still made solid profit, but I could have gained $10k+ if i wasn‘t such a paper handed faggot

>> No.27587906

Use an exit strategy to ride PnDs safely!
Without an exit strategy, you're too emotional and risk averse. You're thinking in terms of a whole stack, but you should actually split it up to recover your investment early and ensure you're in profit.
My regular crypto strategy is:
Sell 25% at 1.5x
Sell 25% at 2.5x
<----- break even @ 50% ------>

Hodl as long as you want, from here you're in profit!

>> No.27587935


Buy back into RBC paperhand faggot

>> No.27588465
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>> No.27588835

math works out, nice plan
assuming 100 init, 25 * 1.5 = 37.5 , 25 * 2.5 = 62.5 , left with 50, got back 100 from init, nice

>> No.27588973

If you're gonna invest in shitcoins, it should be with fuckaround money. Consider it completely gone as soon as you invest it. That way, in a year you can maybe still be holding when it's 100x

>> No.27589133

Thank you for the advice frens I may never get those 60K in missed gains but I learned some valuable lessons.

Thank u frens

>> No.27589690

scared money don't make none

>> No.27590606
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You can still get back in RBC bought my stack today.

>> No.27591849

Get back in bro dip soon